THANKS Caustin it was one of the best shots I made (heart lungs ) dropped right in the middle of the road at 40 yards, after taking out a water tank ......boy was my PH impressed ? NORWEGIANWOODS why would you not want to take an animal that fought it's way to the top . As I said my PH was sorry he had not noticed the horn . I was not sorry at all I had taken the lead Bull of the herd it "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder "
First of all, I don't feel anything special about shooting the alpha male/lead bull/top dog.
Animals with broken antlers/horns/tusks don't appeal to me the same way as a mature animal with everything intact.
I don't mind hunting and shooting animals with broken parts and I still enjoy hunting them, but I would not pay a full trophy fee for it.
Specially because I would most likely not keep the trophy.
I am not a real trophy hunter by far.
So far I have kept the trophies from the animals I have shot in South Africa as great memories on the wall, but most likely I will do more and more cull hunting on my next hunting trips to Africa.
When I hunt here in Norway and Sweden, I normally only keep the antlers of the Roe bucks I shoot.
I keep all Roe buck antlers. Small and big. Not really sure why
I have only kept one from a bull Moose.
All the others from Moose, Red Stag, Fallow Stag and Reindeer have been left in the forest or in the mountains.
I keep and eat or give away all the meat, but that isn't the reason for why I hunt either.
I hunt because every cell in my body screams that I need to hunt and I wish I was able to hunt every day of my life.