Would you shoot a Cape Buffalo with a 300-grain Accubond from a .375 H&H?


AH enthusiast
Nov 5, 2014
Reaction score
Oregon, Montana
If so, would it be backed up by a couple solids? I realize it's not the ideal Buff bullet, but for those who've used them, are they tough enough for the job, in your opinion? Seems a good option for a one-rifle PG/Buff hunt, IF it's up to the challenge that the Buff presents. Just spitballin' here.

I know Craig Boddington talks about having shot several Buff with the 300-grain Sierra BT .375 bullet, and I assume the AB is much stouter than that one?

Thanks guys
The 375 is certainly adequate for Buffalo (legal minimum in most places that have such a thing) and 300 grains is pretty much a standard load. Soft point for a first shot is also reasonably standard on Buffalo. So you're ok so far.

Accubond wouldn't be my first choice of bullet, but it would be ok for a first shot. Follow ups with solids is also a "solid" strategy.

So while I'd prefer a Barnes triple shock or a trophy bonded bear claw, and while everyone on this site has their own preferred bullet, I don't think anyone could say you were making a mistake.
My first Buffalo I shoot with rifle in 375H&H. I use cartridges from RWS with bullet UNI CLASSIC 19,5g/301gr . I also use cartridges from Norma with bullet Soft Nose 22,7g/350gr.
The 375 is certainly adequate for Buffalo (legal minimum in most places that have such a thing) and 300 grains is pretty much a standard load. Soft point for a first shot is also reasonably standard on Buffalo. So you're ok so far.

Accubond wouldn't be my first choice of bullet, but it would be ok for a first shot. Follow ups with solids is also a "solid" strategy.

So while I'd prefer a Barnes triple shock or a trophy bonded bear claw, and while everyone on this site has their own preferred bullet, I don't think anyone could say you were making a mistake.

Spot on IMO
I shot my buffalo in Tanzania with a 375 ruger and a 300 grain nosler partition. One shot at 25 yards John
The 375 is certainly adequate for Buffalo (legal minimum in most places that have such a thing) and 300 grains is pretty much a standard load. Soft point for a first shot is also reasonably standard on Buffalo. So you're ok so far.

Accubond wouldn't be my first choice of bullet, but it would be ok for a first shot. Follow ups with solids is also a "solid" strategy.

So while I'd prefer a Barnes triple shock or a trophy bonded bear claw, and while everyone on this site has their own preferred bullet, I don't think anyone could say you were making a mistake.
Federal 300 grain tbbc in my 375 dropped my Zimbabwe buff with one shot. PH had me load the magazine with solids for follow up.
My PH suggested Barnes 300 grain TSX for buffalo. Seemed to work well. Had a quartering shot facing me and took out one lung on first shot then dropped him with a quartering away second shot.
My PH suggested Barnes 300 grain TSX for buffalo. Seemed to work well. Had a quartering shot facing me and took out one lung on first shot then dropped him with a quartering away second shot.

I am a great believer in the 300 gr TSX in the .375. Drives deep and yet works decisively on PG. I think it is a far better "one round" choice for a PG/Buff safari than would be the accubond. You also won't need a pocket full of solids for back up.
375 as mentioned should work fine. Jaco S says it's ok and he should know. You just have to watch those solids for the follow up if needed and make sure that no other buffs are behind your target. I used a little bigger but could not get a quick follow up for fear that I would wound another buff in the process. Practice with the intended rifle is a must to assure you put the round where the PH says to put it.
This may sound crazy... I used realistic plastic animals such as Zebra, Warthog, Cape Buffalo and Kudu only about 3" high to train for my safari. I set them up at different angles and used shooting sticks and off hand to practice where to aim on 3D animals. I "shot" at least a thousand times with snap caps at my little animals. It really helped me train myself to hold steady on them from across the room they actually simulated sighting and aiming at a distance pretty well. I also shot life size targets at various distances with live ammo. The mini trophy practice allowed me to shoot every day.

See, I told you it was crazy....
This may sound crazy... I used realistic plastic animals such as Zebra, Warthog, Cape Buffalo and Kudu only about 3" high to train for my safari. I set them up at different angles and used shooting sticks and off hand to practice where to aim on 3D animals. I "shot" at least a thousand times with snap caps at my little animals. It really helped me train myself to hold steady on them from across the room they actually simulated sighting and aiming at a distance pretty well. I also shot life size targets at various distances with live ammo. The mini trophy practice allowed me to shoot every day.

See, I told you it was crazy....

Crazy like a fox!

Great idea and training is always good with the more the better!!!

Buff in my pic went down to the 300 gr TSX first through both lungs and then the quick follow up shot spine him and he dropped like a rock. I am definitely a TSx fan, and shoot them in my main hunting rifles. They are very accurate in my rifles.
Having only shot one buffalo so far, my opinion is pretty light weight and non-consequential but, I would not select the Accubond bullet (or any .375 caliber rifle for buffalo) for my use personally.
However, if I did decide to shoot a buffalo with the .375 caliber for some reason, I would prefer the .300 gr Swift A-Frame for my first shot and flat tipped ("meplat") solids in the magazine for all backing shots, if needed.
Sorry for my seemingly jaded attitude on this and my intent is not to offend but, buffalo permits are expensive, not to mention all the other costs associated with a safari.
Therefore, my personal "minimum" for buffaloes will always be .40 caliber / 400 grain and I would have no problem choosing .458 or .500 for them either.
Grumpy Old Man out.
The Accubond would not be my first choice either but I am sure a good placement would do serious damage to a buffalo. But there are better bullets for the job, even the Partition I think. The .375 is perfectly capable for buff, no worries there but as always shot placement is paramount. I used Accubonds on pg a few years back in the 9.3x62 and while everything properly hit died quickly, I didnt feel the bullets were quite living up to the "bonded" ideal. Were I hunting buff today with a .375 I would find a good shooting load for the Barnes Triple Shock and feel more than adequately armed. With that bullet, I don't even think solids in the mag would be necessary. Have taken a whopping 2 buffalo both with the .375 with Hornady solids. The second was a true one shot kill, DRT. But that was before the Triple Shock was even around.
Have shot two Buff, one with 300 gr TSX and the other in Swift A frame, both in 375 HH, backed up with solids. They both did the job well. the TSX was a pass through and the Swift landed just on the outer back skin.
Interestingly, when I hunted Buff in Moz last year, the outfitter re commended using solids for all shots. They would only hunt dagga boys and refused to hunt herds so I guess they were not worried about pass throughs and hitting another Buff. They definitely wanted an exit hole.
One word: BARNES....

TTSX in the spout w/ BARNES solids behind it!
Have shot two Buff, one with 300 gr TSX and the other in Swift A frame, both in 375 HH, backed up with solids. They both did the job well. the TSX was a pass through and the Swift landed just on the outer back skin.
Interestingly, when I hunted Buff in Moz last year, the outfitter re commended using solids for all shots. They would only hunt dagga boys and refused to hunt herds so I guess they were not worried about pass throughs and hitting another Buff. They definitely wanted an exit hole.

Interesting. I get not being worried about pass through on lone buff, but as you noted, your TSX also passed through. I've had the same thing happen with TSX - I think unless you hit a big bone, a premium bullet today will likely go right through a buffalo. And the exit wound with a TSX tends to bleed much more profusely than an exit wound from a solid - which may bleed very little, if at all, depending on how the skin moves over the hole.

A bigger exit wound makes tracking a lot easier too.

So still get back to a good premium soft as the first shot.
Thanks for all the replies guys! I see the 300 grain TSX mentioned a lot, and for good reason. Have any of you shot smaller PG with that bullet, and did it expand well at any significant distance?
My PH on my first buff hunt recommended a full mag of A Frames... But we were hunbting in bush where all were seeing was the South end of North bound buffalo, after a few seconds of stare down... So with the PH's consent, loaded an A frame backed by solids.... But then Murphy showed up and I got a double lung shot on a buff out in open but he was in a herd and I had to wait for him to clear to send the second shot which was a hydro solid I knew would pass through on the side presentation he was giving me. So as it turned out I wished I had all A Frames.

The other thing I have started practicing is loading 4 instead of just 3 when safe to do so and time allows. This is in my M70's. Would have had time to load 4 if I had thought of it.... Going in on lion I hope to have 4 loaded as well.

For my next buff coming up in April, I'm planning to go the grumpy old man way and take my 505 Gibbs with either 600 grain Woodleigh's or 525 grain TSX and a handful of solids. I'm told we may be shooting at black spots in thick bush so the more the better when throwing lead in there. This providing it functions better when I get it back from Triple River/CZ..... If it is not, I'll take the 416 and probably shoot 400 grain TSX at the buff.

The PH loved the idea of bringing Trophy bonded bear claws for the 375 on lion and PG and as a backup gun on buff.....

I do think a full load of TSX would be hard to beat on buff.
Thanks for all the replies guys! I see the 300 grain TSX mentioned a lot, and for good reason. Have any of you shot smaller PG with that bullet, and did it expand well at any significant distance?

I shot my Grysbok with a 300 grain TSX and it expanded fine. :) In all seriousness, I hit him center mass so that I didn't mess him up too bad and the hole coming out was about the size of a 50 cent piece. It also did well on Zebra and Impala. Definitely limited results (hippo and Klippie were taken with solids), but I'm happy enough that I plan on using the same set up for Kudu and Wildebeest next May, unless I develop a good handload in 270 grain TSX before then. All about shot placement....

Side note: since I have a CZ I had the luxury of five cartridges. due to this my PH had me load two softs, with three solids underneath when we were buff hunting.
With the TSX I have killed eland and reed buck at forty yards, buffalo at sixty to eighty, and water buck, gemsbuck, kudu, etc all the way out to 250. It is decisive on everything. And to my mind, in this age of modern bullets, the real use for a solid in a .375 (besides an elephant) is for duiker and the other little fellows where it makes nice neat .375 inch holes coming and going.

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Redfishga1 wrote on gearguywb's profile.
I would be interested in the ruger if the other guy is not.
Bartbux wrote on franzfmdavis's profile.
Btw…this was Kuche….had a great time.
Sorry to see your troubles on pricing.

Happy to call you and talk about experience…I’m also a Minnesota guy.
Ready for the next hunt