Krys Wessels
There is always three versions of a story ... yours, mine and the truth ...
Do I make mistakes, yes I do because I am human....
It is amazing in life that we always look at all the mistakes that other people make instead of trying to fix the mistakes that we made ...
"Anger is a defense mechanism where you take whatever is bothering you and is wrong within you, then you project it on another person and blame him or her for it. Frequently the other person accepts the blame, which satisfies you temporarily but doesn't solve the problem,"
Nobody say a word about the fact that PHASA had to reinstate my membership in 2006 because they suspended me without reason ...
I don't want to comment on the current outstanding suspension today ...
i just want to attach the sworn affidavit that was used by Wes :
Johannes Hendrik Schoeman
Identity Number 8802225093088
Residing at :
Exit 6
Maun Disaneng
Working as a Professional Hunter
State under oath as follow :
I am a mature white man
I have visited Krys Wessels on the 7th June 2011 regarding some outstanding business.
During the conversation Krys asked my about a statement that I made regarding the hunt in Zimbabwe with Wes MacArthur
He handed me the statement that was part of the complaint documents that was send in to SCI
I read the statement that was made under my name and discovered with shock that it was filled with false facts.
Krys asked me if I was willing to make a sworn statement that the statement was false.
I agreed to do so and this is the reason for this statement.
I will deal with the false facts in detail in a later document.
I have also looked at other Statements and some facts in the other statements were also false.
Johannes Hendrik Schoeman
Sometimes we must just try to be fair ...
I am more than willing to give the details of what really happen to any person who want to see this allegations from a different angle ...
I want to leave you with this humor that will give you some perspective in life
Dlamini is found with apparatus to brew Umqomboti in his homestead after a tip-off by neighbors, and the following day he appears in court to answer to the charges.
Judge: Dlamini, do you swear to tell this court the truth to the best ofyour knowledge?
Dlamini: Yebo my Lord!
Judge : You are being charged on possession of apparatus to brew an illicit brand of Alcohol / Umqomboti, do you agree?
Dlamini :Yes my Lord, I agree with you!
Judge : Thank you for not wasting our time Dlamini, and as such the court is going to charge you on that instantly.
Dlamini : (surprised) But sir, it was the apparatus alone and there was no Umqomboti in it, how can you charge me?
Judge :No ways!, possession of the apparatus alone is a crime hence you are going to be charged!
Dlamini :Well my Lord, before you pass the sentence, can you also charge me on rape?
perplexed) Did you also rape someone?
Dlamini: No my Lord, but I have the equipment right here. Didn't you say that "possession alone is a crime"!!!!
Have a great day
Krys Wessels