Ok, so im hearing that some people are not fans on Woodleigh projectiles. Some noted points ive noted
- Dont drive them to fast
- they are soft
- they are an old Kynoch design, (Old technology) newer might be better
- There are better
Being an Aussie i like the idea of supporting an Aussie company and maybe one day hunting DG with Aussie bullets overseas.
i also read a bit about them previously and it seems they have done plenty of field testing.
i bought some Hydro statically stabilized after research.
people here keep referring to north Fork and CEB? Cutting Edge Bullets. i did not make the connection until i asked. They are a monometal too. i had heard of meplat services but did not connect with CEB
so Barnes, CEB and Woodleigh Hydros are all monometal.
Has anyone given Woodleigh Hydros a fair go?
As a PH explained to me if it comes to stopping a buff then the PH is taking a shot from a less than desirable angle so they want all the advantage they can get.
but is a CEB to soft for hitting shoulder bone etc. Do Woodleigh
Hydro compare against CEB, Northfork, Barnes??
Ive read why CEB say they are the latest leading edge technology but how far are they in front of other monolithic type bullets?
Another thing i read is that you dont want a bullet to pass through a Buff into another as your hunt may take a turn you did not see coming. And then there is the cost,