when we see it over and over again, it gets quite tiresome on the eyes. once had a ceo at a big corp i worked for...he had so much BS written below his name in every e-mail...long story short-the employees fired him and took over the company. my $0.02. many of us have spent well in excess of $100,000.00 on wildlife conservation, but we need not attach that to everything we put out there. Perhaps different if i were a for-profit author, but 99.99% of us are not. IF i want a book or video, etc. I'll just find and purchase it on my own, without any force-feeding...Not to mention this administration and economy absolutely sucks. Luxury expenses mean nothing to most these days. Taking 500 level statistics, i don't get involved in drawings or lotteries. To best experience Africa, GO THERE! Good thing Peter Capstick isn't still around...he'd sear me! LOL It was fun to see PHs rip on him (in-person) on safaris. "...he'd have no $ if it weren't for things that go wrong on safaris!" et. al.