wild dog /dingo attacks


AH legend
May 21, 2012
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Hunting reports
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ssaa, aba ,bairnsdale field archers SFP
australia south africa (limpopo, north west,eastcape) canada (b.c)zambia
i used to make jokes about hunters /hikers /horseriders that said that they had near misses when wild dog/dingoes had tried to attack them .usually it was said that there were 3 or 4 dogs in a group and they had tried to bail some one up or came into theyre camp to scavange
until sunday morning ive only seen maybe 10 or 11 sightings of these dogs resulting the shooting of 3 of em ,they were always hauling ass out of there and they didnt look back .
on sunday morning we were camping up pretty high and woke to a crappy morning at 5.30 rolled out of the swag and put the billy on for the ritulistic cuppa coffee and a bit of toast
me young bloke said stuff it and went back to bed for a while with the plan of sneaking around after daylight to try and take some photos of any deer he could put up
at abot 6.00 i left camp with the idea of stalking away to the east side of the ridge we were camped on to hopefully catch big daddy trying to catch the first rays of sunlight to warm himself up for the day ,i had gone maybe 600 metre in the growing daylight when i dropped down onto the track we drove in on and thought i would just snek along it glassing as i went heading toward the snow gates which are all locked this time of year .
here i am glassing away down into the gully system thinking how much all the manuka and dogwood has overgrown everythinbg in the 12 months or so since ive been here last
leaning on a fallen tree with the binos up to my face and the 300 rum resting in the fork of a branch ,i thought i heard a running sound but just thought id spooked a wombat out of hiding and as i turn to have a look im hearing this bloody awful growl and out the corner of left eye i see this big old yellow wild dog/dingo and he is comming for me ears back against his neck lips curled back showing his broken and worn canines at this piont he was mabe 20 metres from me and comming straight in for the kill .
i dropped the binos and picked up the 300 and knowing i wsnt gunna swing it around intime i just closed the bolt and squeezed of the round hoping to pull him up ,which thank god it did he turned on himself and hit the bolt aways from me which gave the time i needed to jack the spent one out and another in which i tried to kill him with but sailed over the top of him as he left the track down into the thick regrowth .
i dont mind telling ya i near shit meself .
i dont think he could of taken me down ,but if he didnt give that khamkazi growl as i was turning to see what the sound was he wouldve got the jump on me ,he was a descent size maybe 45kgs or little better but he was old i could see heaps of grey and white through his coat and his teeth were well worn he also had that thick skin look that old dogs get , i sat there and gathered my wits when the uhf came to life and young kody was wanting to know what i had shot .
after i told him what had happened he just laughed and came back with something along the lines of how many times i had laughed at other peoples stories of that same thing
so ate a couple of slice of humble pie in aknowledgment and just sat for a litle while and then kept on glassin g my way up to the gates not even thinking of leacing the track this day
right at the gates i put up a samba but only saw her ass go into the banyalla and bracken fern ,as with most samba deer hunters in eastern victoria we have a freezer full of meatand this was a weekend away for a head hunt ,when i left home didnt think of my self as the hunted but .
always the predator not the prey
about 10 oclock the worms started biting so i headed back dow towards camp catching up with kody about 1 km from camp here that clown was in shorts and tshirt walking around with his flash camera gear around his neck snapping away at everything and he hadnt even bothered to put his 7mm on his other shoulder .
he just laughed when i gave him serve about bloody big dogs and showed me three cool photos of a samba hind standing behind some dogwood barking her head off at him they were the only photos of deer he had taken that day .
but said hed seen a little stag on the other face just in from us and said we should take a look as it would be a great shot to take with 300 rum
so we went in to have a look see ,once we were sitting on a rocky scree along way up above the snowy river he was trying to show me were the young stag had been sunning him self a short time ago.but had moved off and we are just sitting there glassing when he says righto old boy lets see what that canon can do and pointed out a family of goats walking single file up the steep face a real long way off so i dig my old leupold rx3 rang finder out of my pack and try to get a range off the other face theses have given me good ranges out to 1100 metre before but i couldnt get a reading so start trying further down the steep face and end up getting one of a rok a long wat off the goats so head a dig at each other until we agreed that they a little more than 1300 metre away
so i leaned back on my left side twisted my hips raised my left knee and straightened my right leg and lifted the gun and rested it against a box tree and i dut the lowest cross on the ballictic reticle on the middle goat knowing tthat with this load is good at 700 metre and taken note wherethe main crosshair is and the allowing ten foot up and puting the 700 cross on that spot then giving aproox 12 feet to thr ight for the wind then took two deep breaths and only exhaled half the second breath and steadied then squezed .
boom the shot echoed down the river and bugger me dead the middle goat dropped stone cold dead and rolled down the face with all his family scampering off in every direction .
boof hesad was sitting there blinking at a loss for once ,wish i had of had his camera in my hand to take a photo of his face and mine for that matter coz it only lasted about two seconds then he said give me a look at that bloody gun i waan see if i can get one
two shots latter he asked were i was aiming ,in the head of course mate i dont want to wreck the meat but he new i was bullshitting so we left the gun and his camera way up there and started to work our way all the way down to cross the swollen river and then and then try and climb up to where the young billy was laying ,when we got there kody goes ya stuffed that up you hit him in the shoulder ya slipping old boy ,im thinking hang on a minute kiddo that about a 1300 metre shot and your moaning about hitting him in the shoulder
so we finnished gutting and took what was left to give to me old wog mate roy boy .
i wish i had of got him to film it but thats life hey ?
walking our way back down to the river i realise how cold it is and hes walking around in shorts and tshirt .
we work our way back up to gather our stuff and then think its getting late and check the time its 3.30 in the arvo and weve wasted half the day on a stinking half grown feral goat .
but i know ive had a different day than i ever imagined it was gunna unfold
so we head onb back to camp for that breaky i was heading to at 10 this morning as we were packing up to head home kody asks wonder how mums hunt is going in new zealand .
i hope to post that one in the near future but she doesnt get home until29/8 hey thats tomorrow
she won that hunt at the wild deer and hunting adventures magazine expo in feburary .it wil definately getting posted in next few week with some kick ass pictures.
that was my week end what did you blokes get upto

Not nearly as interesting as your week end, took a mate flyfishing in the "real southern Drakensburg"
nice trout did you fillet and release
Yes, and it made for a most wonderful dinner on Saturday night. I dont keep river trout, but one out of the dam is fair game for the kitchen table. What are the dingo/wild dog populations like?
escalating at an alarming rate.
the department of sustainability and enviorment are considering aerial baiting in the spring .
thats about the last thing any hunter wants.
they have a bounty on there tails ,they are trapping them and of course theres the real conservationists (us hunters)that take a few out of the game plus the farmers with theyre 1080 pioson but they are really becoming a threat.
theres talk in hunting clubs of week end hunts targeting cats dogs and foxes .
from here on out i will always have a predator call in my pocket and at midday when the deer are bedded up i will be trying to sort some of these mongrels out
You topped most weekend outings with that adventure. Seriously, glad you are alright.

You sure show the problem with taking those long shots...
You have to walk up there and get the da*n thing.
Bullets can go so many places we can't. :)

Glad you are switching from baiting to calling. Sounds safer.
escalating at an alarming rate.
the department of sustainability and enviorment are considering aerial baiting in the spring .
thats about the last thing any hunter wants.
they have a bounty on there tails ,they are trapping them and of course theres the real conservationists (us hunters)that take a few out of the game plus the farmers with theyre 1080 pioson but they are really becoming a threat.
theres talk in hunting clubs of week end hunts targeting cats dogs and foxes .
from here on out i will always have a predator call in my pocket and at midday when the deer are bedded up i will be trying to sort some of these mongrels out

Are you allowed to use dog packs to hunt them down (or is that a conflict of interest?) as they do for the jackal and lynx?
Interesting weekend :whoo:
ive not heard of using hounds to hunt them but its not a bad idea.
the area we were in gets hunted quite regulary by hound teams using beagles and bloodhounds but most teams dont give out much info as its nearly always used against them by the antis
i quite often take my old dog videl away with me when hunting but it was going to be a bit cold and steep for her that trip as she is getting to old (16 years) and im glad she wasnt there because i know she would have tried to fend that mongrel off
mind you shes just a little jack russel fox terrier
Good write up mate.

Good way to spend a few days.

I find dingos tend not to be to interested in people but they are getting crossed with domestic dogs and losing there fear of humans.

I spent a year or so working outside of Halls Creek WA and the dingos over there are huge compared to the ones at home in NT they had been crossed with pig dogs or something they were big solid and not at all scared of people.

Theses are dingos from over home, I never took any pics of the dogs over west kind of wish I took more pics of things I have done now.

Growing up on cattle stations in NT was a lot of fun but people don't believe me when I tell them what we used to get up to, and cameras were not around like they are now.


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yeah the dingo that weekend was way different to the other wild dog/dingos ive encountered before .the ones in your photos are alot smaller than he was and even smaller than the few others ive come across before that .nice bullet placement but (hard to keep doing that on the run)
Found another pic.


These are the typical Dingo you will find running around NT they are not a big animal and a quite timid, I was always told if I was not sure I could make a good first round hit on a Dingo not to take the shot because you will never see it again if you miss.

The Dingos over in the Kimberly where easily twice the size of these ones here and had no fear of humans and seemed to run in packs more than the Dingos we had at home.
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id like to thin some of them pack dogs out . whats the hunting/firearm regulations like in w.a?
id like to thin some of them pack dogs out . whats the hunting/firearm regulations like in w.a?

The hunting is good over where I was north of Halls Creek and around the kununurra area.

There wasn't a lot of pigs down towards Halls Creek but there where lots of dogs and donkeys as you headed north there is more creeks and ground water so there are pigs and donkeys feral cattle and a few buff as well.

At the time I was in WA (around ten years ago now) you needed a permit to have firearms even if you are just passing thru you need a permit.

I had a handgun licence in NT for my work on stations and WA would not issue me with a hand gun permit
I also only qualified for a low power licence, I cant quite remember but I think thats was for things like 223 and the like.

They didn't think I needed my 308 but thought they would let me have a 223 ?

WA is good there are some nice people over there but the laws a pretty weird.
Glad to hear you was able to get off the boat for the weekend and glad that dingo didn't get you I need my guide when I get down there. hech we'll make it a dingo day.
i look forward to that bob

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