I didnt build my mausers to save money... I could have honestly bought a nice Winchester 70 new for significantly less than I invested in any one of my builds..
I also didnt build my mausers to improve performance or make a "better" or "prettier" gun.. that same M70 I could have bought cheaper would likely perform just as well and would have looked just as nice..
I built my mausers because I wanted to learn how to do it (its a whole lot easier than you would think), and enjoy the process...
And, while its a bit quirky of me.. I also get a lot of satisfaction out of knowing when I hunt that I personally made just about everything I have with me other than my clothes, boots, and optics.. I loaded the ammo.. I built the rifle.. I made the knife.. I made my own ammo pouches.. my own sheaths.. my own sling.. etc.. (its really quirky now that I think about it..
Figuring out leather work, steel working and wood working skills, etc.. and then applying those skills to my hunting habit is an "outlet" for me.. it lets me step away from the real world for a few hours each week and do something productive rather than just sit and vegetate on the couch, that isnt stressful and doesnt involve me burning additional brain cells over work related stuff..
RE: lengthing the action.. Im pretty sure 300 H&H is a bit too long (I dont know the COAL of 300 H&H off the top of my head.. but I know its a good bit longer than 30-06 COAL of 3.34.. and 30-06 is about as long a cartridge as I have ever seen anyone run through a standard M98 action without having to open it and the magazine up a bit..
Like other M98 conversion work, thats really not that difficult of a task though as long as you have the right tools, go slow, and have a clue about what youre doing.. you'd be amazed what youtube can teach you (youtube and
@Shawn.54 got me through my first mauser build with little to no problem at all)..
The bigger challenge is opening up the rails and the bolt face to work with the H&H properly IMO... but again, with the right tools, going slow, and paying attention, thats not really all that difficult a task either..
The other build option if you want to go 300 H&H (or 375 H&H for that matter) is to start with a P14 or M1917 enfield.. the action and magzine on those rifles are long enough and strong enough to handle H&H with no problem... The 300 H&H in my safe was built on an M1917 (I didnt build that one..)..