First of all, this whole issue was not brought up by me solely because of a "person", but because of an "industry" and the repercussions to this industry because of a "person".
Me and my tracker's tips were paid today - at last - and that issue is therefore resolved. (Apparently, as well as a lot of other guys who were owed money). The outstanding amount for fuel was also paid.
The other issues being monies payable for hunts cancelled at the last minute, as well as some other ethical and illegal activities will still need to be sorted out - that will be left for another discussion.
Sandy, just a couple of comments on your previous reply:
1. Being a rookie is not an excuse - how can you expect to learn the tricks of the trade and your clients must pay the "cost"? There are a lot of other experienced outfitters and PH's in the industry that's been with us for many years - the majority will only be glad to help a rookie if he needs some advise. He must just ask.
2. Being a hunter, and if you're not a hunter yourself, you've got a husband in the hunting industry, therefor the following will be understood by you: tracking an animal, you can learn a lot from the signs he is leaving behind. The same with people - they tend to leave tracks and signs along their path going through life. Reading the signs you can normally be quite accurate in predicting what you will find up front. Human beings are a lot like animals, for both of us are creatures of habit. It's easy to say one can admit one's mistakes and will never make them again, but then again, if you backtrack on the signs that were left, you will see that the pattern keeps recurring everytime. It is in very few and rare occasions that the pattern is broken.
What happened to straightforward, honest, good business ethics? Irrespective whether agreements are verbal or in writing?