Why not a Single Shot?

Sorry, this should have said Tom. Not Tim
Altitude sickness.
Tim, It would be a crime to not that those rifles on a DG hunt.

I killed a Buffalo with a bow. 25 yds. Stalking, no water hole sitting. No bullets needed for backup.

As you pointed out. It’s the hunt and the weapon. Not just killing an animal.

You have to be proficient, practiced and confident. Get close. Pass all but 100% killing shots.

Sure you could kill animals more often with a semi auto, magazine or double rifle.

But it’s fun to restrict yourself even more.

If I owned one of those beauties. I would definitely take one.
I admire you, that is a significant hunting accomplishment and I appreciate your comments.

Please tell me how much camo do use when you stalk that close? You stalk within 25 yds, that is impressive! Do the PH and tracker stalk along with you when you are that close? I am very interested in how it works whit a bow hunt.

My son stalks PG with a bow but has not hunted cape buffalo.

With my rifle hunting I want to sneak within 50 yds for my first shot so I use some camo clothing. My next buffalo hunt is in April and I am going the experiment with wearing more camo, even a face covering.

From what I read on these forums, the rifle buffalo hunters are not so keen on wearing camo and many say that it does not make any difference. The bow hunters sure seem to use camo for getting real close on game. Stalking DG is fascinating to me. I tend to agree with the bow hunters about camo You bunch are the pros when it comes to stalking real close. Thanks for your information, Brian
I had one PH belly crawling with me. Then we separated slightly. Him to my left 10 yards.

Me crawling to get a shot. Another PH and helper behind approximately 100 yards both armed as well.

There were 5 bulls bedded together. I crawled towards the target bull. Inching along very slowly. To get to a small piece of brush I hoped would be in range and give me cover to draw my bow.

When I rose up on my knees behind the small brush to draw the bow. The most mature bull and another bull next to him stood immediately. The mature bull had me pegged from 20 yards through the grass and he then turned towards me. The angle wasn’t optimal.

So I changed focus to his cohort. Not as old but in range and better angle.

I drew, released. And hit where I aimed and he was bellowing shortly afterwards.

We had agreed that the PH’s were all cleared hot if I made a bad shot.

They have killed a lot of Buffalo in pretty much every country in Africa. So I was confident in my back up team.
Wow, What a story! Thanks, I have to ask what broad head did you used? I will tell by son. Thanks again, brian

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