Good points, one and all.
At 71 I do the best I can to stay in some kind of shape year around.
Last summer I quit drinking alcohol completely for several months and began eating “right” again.
Now, I will have a beer or a cocktail once in awhile but I keep it to low volume.
Although I do not box any more, last year I began getting back into a boxer’s workout.
It includes getting beat up by my lightening bag, aka: bungee bag, doing dumbbell repetitions and treadmill or weather permitting, road work.
For the road work and treadmill,
I no longer run, as my knees can’t seem to take the pounding any more.
So, I just walk briskly for that portion of my workout.
With any hunt approaching, I like to “turn up the flame a bit” by walking even more.
Recently I broke a blood vessel in my left leg, jut above my knee.
It has kept me from getting enough walking in.
However it is healing properly.
And although my leg is still black and blue, because I was in reasonable shape when I spazzed-out and bashed my leg against a piece of metal, I expect to be good enough for my soon to begin next hunt.
Stay fit boys and girls, it has its rewards.
Velo Dog.