Who is going where this year? Lets hear about all the fun trips planned so far

I remember your photos from your previous buff hunt in Mozambique! Still a glutton for punishment!!!! Looking forward to the next report and photos!
Would be nice to find one of the big black bastards on dry land rather than in that bleeding swamp.
I'm leaving in 2 days for Truk Lagoon to dive the sunken WW2 Japanese fleet, a bucket list trip that I've wanted to do for 35 years.
In October I'm hunting with Ron Fleming of Love Bros. & Lee for Canadian Moose, Mtn Caribou and or Goat
As described on another thread, going to Benin with Christophe Morio in March, for western savannah buffalo, western roan, hippo, bohor reedbuck, kob, and a bunch of smaller things.

Trying to get some friends to pull the trigger on a cull hunt in the Eastern Cape in RSA over the summer.
I'm leaving at the end of April for sable and a few other is South Africa. I'm also looking for a late season trip back to Africa....nothing firm yet, but I'm leaning towards Namibia for eland and mountain zebra.
We've got a deposit down for red stag in NZ this summer- hoping to make it work with work conflicts trying to get in the way.

Africa will have to wait until 2018 sadly- we'll have to make it count!
Back to RSA with Limcroma Safaris late April/early May for a spot & stalk cape buffalo with my bow as the main focus. I'm sure the wife will stack up a pile of culls, management animals, and varmints while I hunt for the buffalo..... 12 days at Limcroma then up to the Caprivi strip of Namibia for 5 days of tiger fishing with Offtrail Safaris. By then, we should be tired and broke, but still likely already planning the next trip back over.... (y)
Wow there is a some many great trips being planned already for the year. I love seeing how many different hunts are being talked about and some of the none hunting adventures seem just as good.

If all goes well after my Africa hunts I will be chasing elk in new mexico if I can draw a tag. Maybe mule deer and pronghorn to but wont know for a few month on how the draw goes.
I'm leaving at the end of April for sable and a few other is South Africa. I'm also looking for a late season trip back to Africa....nothing firm yet, but I'm leaning towards Namibia for eland and mountain zebra.
If you hunt both of those animals free range in Namibia, you are in for one of the great hunting experiences of your life
I'm leaving in 2 days for Truk Lagoon to dive the sunken WW2 Japanese fleet, a bucket list trip that I've wanted to do for 35 years.
In October I'm hunting with Ron Fleming of Love Bros. & Lee for Canadian Moose, Mtn Caribou and or Goat
My father's greatest friend, Glenn, and a gentleman who was like an uncle to me, flew Helldivers from the "new" Hornet - the Essex class ship which replaced the Hornet lost earlier in the war. (Dad was in B-25's over Burma.) Glenn participated in the large raid of 16/17 Feb 1944 which contributed so much to what you will be seeing during your dive. He has a great story from the attack where he describes coming out of a dive to find himself accidently on the tail of a Zero. The Helldiver had a single forward firing 20mm, and so he cut loose a burst. As he put it , "the little Jap bastard flipped that plane around so fast I don't think the whole burst had left my gun before he was sawing away at the rear half of my plane. Had it not been for some armor plate and a nearby bit of cloud we would have never made it. My rear gunner assured me he would kill me himself if I ever tried that again!" Heard him tell it a dozen times. Have fun and be safe.
The wife and I are going for plains game for 9 days in July with Ruan at Hartzview.
First time to Africa after a lifetime of dreaming. We were booked for last year but had to postphone :( until this year. Can't wait.(y)
If you hunt both of those animals free range in Namibia, you are in for one of the great hunting experiences of your life
You're the second person that has told me that! It's definitely on the short list!
Glad to see so many hunts booked for some awesome adventures! Hope to get some plans of my own soon!
I'm going to the Eastern Cape with African Cape Trophy Safaris near Grahamstown in mid-April. I have tags for Fallow Deer, Blesbok, Red Hartebeest, Black Wildebeest, Zebra and Warthog. In September, I will be in Newfoundland for Eastern Canadian Bull Moose. Then, I need to relax a bit and work on saving money for a Cape Buffalo hunt for my 50th birthday in early 2019.
Good luck to everyone hunting this year or chasing their dreams in the future.
I'm leaving in 2 days for Truk Lagoon to dive the sunken WW2 Japanese fleet, a bucket list trip that I've wanted to do for 35 years.
In October I'm hunting with Ron Fleming of Love Bros. & Lee for Canadian Moose, Mtn Caribou and or Goat


Yours truly has dove at Truk, aka Chuuk, pronounced "Chook" - the actual name of this tropical paradise, in their language ("Chuukese ?), back around 1990 or '91, approximately.

The Japanese crews fought like tigers and no matter what one's political beliefs are, you cannot help but know that they were extremely formidable in battle (see: "Operation Hailstone" and/or the old film: "The Fighting Lady").

Although they fought against my country nonetheless, and the things that I hold dear, I cannot help but respect their Warrior Spirit, they definitely were tough and brave, and I salute that.

Beats the hell out of those cowards who, like to crash civilian airliners into office buildings these days and/or set off bombs in coffee shops, shoot-up unarmed women and children, etc., etc., ...... goat humping cowards.

It is a sobering thing to sink 60 ships plus, a couple hundred or more war planes, in only 3 days time, and you will no doubt be awe-struck by the solemn experience of seeing up close the carnage in this massive, watery graveyard (although the human remains are since removed, and given proper burial in their home lands, as much as could be located in recent years anyway).

I'm ripping-off this "hat thread" so, I will stop here.

PM me if you want any more information that I can remember about diving in Micronesia.

Looking forward to your photo from same, while sporting an AH cap,
Velo Dog.

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FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?
Trogon wrote on Mac Baren's profile.
@Mac Baren, I live central to city of Cincinnati. I have work travel early this week but could hopefully meet later this week (with no schedule changes). What area of town are you working/staying in?
Kind regards
Read more at the link about our 40000 acre free range kudu area we will also be posting a deal on the deals page soon!
Our predator control is going very well
Looking for brass or reloads for 475noz2 Jefferies ammo. Any suggestions greatly appreciated. Charles