In the US I’d fully agree with you. In Europe though many trophy hunts are done with drives. Especially Spain because some properties are difficult to hunt by stalking for deer, so a driven hunt is used as a once per year management tool. The Monteria I participated in was 24 hunters each with a quota of 4 stags, 4 females, and unlimited boars if seen. My first day stand location had shots to about 250 yards looking at a hillside but I could wait for an animal to pause. The second day I was set up on a corner where 50 yards would be the longest shot all running fast. With the dogs available for follow up, I thought it was fine to hunt deer this way. I shot well thankfully, one boar and one female required a short follow up. I took 4 stags, 4 females, 2 boars. I chose a lower priced Monteria without big trophies but others get deer as nice as you will take by stalking. Big Boars are highly valued in Europe as a game animal as well, not like feral hogs in US. Here was second day Monteria results.
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