Which Trophy do you dream about taking on your African Hunting Safari

Which Trophy do you dream about taking on your African Hunting Safari

  • Buffalo

  • Blue Wildebeest

  • Kudu

  • Impala

  • Gemsbok

  • Zebra

  • Warthog

  • Nyala

  • Tiny 10 animals.... duiker, steenbuck, suni, klipspringer,blue diker.....

  • Springbuck

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And now in Spain there is a legend being whispered about. Somewhere deep in the Mozambique bush there exists a man called the Unicorn Whisperer :D
That is awesome Simon! That must have been one happy client (y) It sounds like he had something of a history with Serval. How long had your client been trying to bag one?
We'll see how my first go at them turns out this September :) Along with Lioness and Caracal. Something of a "feline safari" you might say.
Maybe an ID thing, but I totally agree, cats do it for me. Lion, leopard, caracal, serval, genet, etc. Have had my hands on cheetah, serval and caracal before on hunts I was on that my PH shot or the landowner trapped, but passed on taking them home. Running caracal with dogs in July, already have a genet, leopard in Mozambique next year (if I'm lucky). Good luck with the "feline safari", sounds cool.
I enjoy hunting them all. But rhinoceros is the only one which I’ve never been able to hunt till now.
I voted Kudu, Zebra, Wildebeest, and Gemsbok because they’re all iconic African animals in my mind.

Cape Buffalo is what I most dream of overall but not without taking some plains game first. My first trip is May of 2023 and I hope to take all of the above plains game.
Had to go with Buffalo and zebra. Have taken two Hartmann's, two Burchell's, and going after a Crawshay's next. Hope to get the Crawshay's on the same trip as the buffalo in August.
On my upcoming trip next week? Kudu (it will always make the list), gemsbok, and a really big warthog. Also, probably another chance at a cow buffalo.

I want a nice bull, someday, but that's not likely for this trip.

I find as the years pass I find myself imagining hunting hippo and croc. Those two seem to be growing on me.

Maybe this will make sense, maybe not.... I don't have a super deep desire for elephant, but I do like the idea of experiencing an elephant hunt? Maybe that will grow on me too.
I have 2 animals on my list…and they are the top 2. Sable, which I hope to take in SA in a couple of weeks, and leopard on a trip in the future. There are many I want to hunt again. Kudu, Bushbuck, Gemsbok. Of course an outstanding specimen of any species might get my attention even if they aren’t on my list.

I think that the next adventure captures my attention more than the next critter.
The wife wants a mountain nyala.
I'd take a dwarf foreset buffalo.
I have taken all the species of interest to me. But if I ever go again it would be for the area and the hunt- not necessarily a specific animal. I would go to the Central Kalahari of Botswana as early as possible in the “season” - April/May. Making sure the trackers were San Bushmen. Hunt for tracks with potential not much matter the species, then get behind the trackers and “roll” walk that sand for as long as it takes for the right animal. An old common eland or wildebeest bull would be high on that list as would any old PG bull hunted that way. I wouldn’t shoot a kudu though because I have killed enough of them.
Having been 3x…… my list is in no order….
Mtn Reedbuck
……..leopard $$$
I have 2 animals on my list…and they are the top 2. Sable, which I hope to take in SA in a couple of weeks, and leopard on a trip in the future. There are many I want to hunt again. Kudu, Bushbuck, Gemsbok. Of course an outstanding specimen of any species might get my attention even if they aren’t on my list.

I think that the next adventure captures my attention more than the next critter.
Hopefully you will take a Sable on our upcoming trip this week. Wild eland is certainly a well earned trophy and I would help you eat it.
Buffalo for me. Only been on one Safari and was able to shoot some nice plains game. Saving up for the Buffalo as we speak.

My first Safari was for buffalo and there have been many since. I’ve never been fired up about plains game, other than tracking eland, so it made sense for me to go after buffalo on my first trip across.

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African Scenic Safaris is a Sustainable Tour Operator based in Moshi, Tanzania. Established in 2009 as a family business, the company is owned and operated entirely by locals who share the same passion for showing people the amazing country of Tanzania and providing a fantastic personalized service.
FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?
Trogon wrote on Mac Baren's profile.
@Mac Baren, I live central to city of Cincinnati. I have work travel early this week but could hopefully meet later this week (with no schedule changes). What area of town are you working/staying in?
Kind regards
Read more at the link about our 40000 acre free range kudu area we will also be posting a deal on the deals page soon!
Our predator control is going very well