Wow, it seems most of the tests are designed to eliminate people from hunting and firearms ownership rather than to encourage it.
My personal experience was to go to Carter's country in Houston get the OTC deer tags. Purchasing firearms was picking one and walking out with it after filling a yellow Federal form.
That was decades ago. Now, my previous licenses at any State exempt me from CA requirements for a hunting course.
In regards to Americans hunting in Europe. My CCW seems to be sufficient for Scotland for the permitting process. In most other countries the invite from the outfitter seems to be sufficient also for places that require a firearms permit, the 4457 seems to be looked as one, which is good as most States do not have a permitting process for firearms ownership.
My personal experience was to go to Carter's country in Houston get the OTC deer tags. Purchasing firearms was picking one and walking out with it after filling a yellow Federal form.
That was decades ago. Now, my previous licenses at any State exempt me from CA requirements for a hunting course.
In regards to Americans hunting in Europe. My CCW seems to be sufficient for Scotland for the permitting process. In most other countries the invite from the outfitter seems to be sufficient also for places that require a firearms permit, the 4457 seems to be looked as one, which is good as most States do not have a permitting process for firearms ownership.