Which caliber to keep?

You definitely need new friends. If your current friends are not interested in being gifted these fine rifles in excess of your minimalist desires, there are those of us here willing to step into the breach for you!
OK. I was wondering when creating the post if this was something of a bit futile exercise.
Looks like you've come to the right place
The way I see it, you have presented only three rifles of different utility at most, not a bad thing of course.

The 8mm and 30 calibers and the 338s are useful for all the same things.

The 9.3x62 and 375 are nearly the same, although the 375 carries a legal advantage in many places.

The 404j is arguably a large bore.

If it were me, I’d select the most reliable, fastest pointing, best fitting smallbore and put my soul into mastering that gun. Same with 9.3 or 375, pick.

404j is in a unique class until you have a 416 to agonize over which is better.

What you don’t have is a long range smallbore in the list. A 6mm, .257, or a 6.5 would be a missing category....better fix that while you’re at it!
OK. I was wondering when creating the post if this was something of a bit futile exercise.
You can always get another safe! I’m one away from needing another safe, then you have to buy more to fill it...it’s a vicious cycle!
Yes, you may have just asked the fox to give up the keys to the hen house.
There is a reason there is a thread called "Big Bore Addiction Group".

My name is BeeMaa and I have addiction that has cost me two Fort Knox 6637's.
Here's My take
- Keep its different
30-06 -Keep and make a light weight mountain stalking gun.
.300 WM - Make all weather for North American big game
9.3x62-keep for Scrubby/dense hunting short barrel
.375 H&H - African Safari- Plains Game
.404 Jeffry - African Safari- Buff, lion back up to 375H&H

then a .22 and something to send a projectile in the 60-120g and fast range
Are you going to hunt something that a .375 cannot put down?
If you are worried about ammo availability, keep the 30-06, too.
First off, there is no such thing as too many guns! Gentlemen, encourage the women in your life to buy shoes! More shoes! Even more! NEVER complain about it. And then keep that in your pocket!! (y)
(And remember.... Guns are like family. You can't just get rid of them!)
As far as your actual question, I may differ from most in that I don't believe that a large caliber is nearly as important as a lot of people do. In my honest opinion, a lot of people shoot bigger than necessary. I've shot whitetail, mule deer, elk, and moose (some BIG moose) with my 6mm Rem.
I feel that if you have one with recoil you're comfortable with, and you shoot it often and get really accurately with it, it'll be much more effective than a large caliber that kicks like a mule. Never underestimate the importance of accurate shot placement! I have several firearms, but hardly ever even use my 300WM. In my mind, my .270 is all I'll ever really need around here, and the recoil isn't an issue. So what's wrong with keeping your 30-06 as your primary? Shoots 130gr for deer etc, and larger 180+gr if you want something bigger for moose etc.
But all that's hypothetical, as I can't possibly picture a gun nut of any kind downsizing that much! LOL
You can always get another safe! I’m one away from needing another safe, then you have to buy more to fill it...it’s a vicious cycle!
Already have a safe and a cabinet and other storage.
Like many of you, I have too many guns and too many calibers. Let's just say I'm a true gun nut who likes to hunt rather than hunter who likes guns (though that is also true). As such I have many rifles and calibers that can fulfill my hunting needs. I would like to weed out some to minimize the agony of having to think which one to take out on the next hunt. The fewer choices I have the easier it will be for me (will it really?).

I should warn you, that even if you are willing to provide suggestions, I may or may not take them to heart and I may still end up owning way too many rifle-caliber combinations. It is an obsession after all.

As I age, I now feel or have rediscovered passion for the smaller, lighter kicking calibers (mainly because they do not make lighter, handier rifles unwieldy). So, if I want to (not need to but want to) use 7x57 as my main hunting caliber, which of the other following ones would you complement it with to account for critters you might feel the 7 is not enough for? I would ideally just have (LOL as I'm typing this :D ) 2 hunting calibers. I'm in Canada, do not plan on hunting bears, but they are on my mind when in the woods. I hunt mostly whitetail, elk and moose in the bush, and whitetail, mule deer and elk in the prairies. I also do not plan on hunting elephants or any of the dangerous game, except maybe buffalo. Really just maybe, most likely not. If I manage to hunt in Africa again, it will be plains game. I will also add comments/reasons next each so you can hopefully see how these came about to be in my possession.

I have:
8x57 - cool old caliber, does everything the 7 can but can hit harder. Always liked it, always had one, even when I was hunting with 30-06.
8x60 - this one I do not need but have a cool rifle in, so maybe it could be used more than just sit pretty in the safe, waiting for me to reload some ammo. Plus if 8x57 is good, 8x60 must be better. :D
8mm-06 - don't have one, never shot one but have few 8x57 barrels that beg to be re-chambered. Could this be the one to replace 8x57, 8x60 and 30-06? Plus if 8x60 is better than 8x57, 8-06 is better still. Right? ;)
30-06 - another old classic that seems to work on most things, always seem to have one. Easy to find ammo for still.
.338 WM - barrel and dies only from the past, but actions it can be screwed into. May not build the rifle after all as lighter, less recoil is what I'm going for but used to hunt with one and that cartridge kills extremely well.
.300 WM - got this for longer shots on Elk last year and used it. Did I "need" it? Not so sure. I think a 30-06 would have worked just as well. One of the cooler magnum, IMHO.
9.3x62 - love this thing, even with short barrel not much muzzle flash, quiet and downright pleasant to shoot, used it in Africa too. Was meant to replace my passion for 375 H&H.
.375 H&H - what does that tell you? I guess 375 cannot be replaced. Or can it? Is it really much better at killing than 9.3x62?...I never shot anything with the 375 but find the 9.3 penetrates like a laser. And if I had to live with larger than 30-06/9.3x62 recoil, I'd rather have the .375H&H than the .338WM I think.
.404 Jeffry - again just barrel at this point...thinking of building one and it seems at least as cool as .375 H&H but for the hunting I do?

Ammo availability (including factory options) should be perhaps considered for all-around hunting cartridges, so I do consider this as factor, but it would not stop me from owning one that is less available. The 8x60 may be a bit of a stretch but so would be 8mm-06 which one of my 8mms may become.

Thank you for indulging me and please keep your answers genuine even if you may feel my questions/reasons are ridiculous.

From your line-up, it's a hard choice, and for various reasons have discarded such great calibres as your 9.3x62 because of limited bullet selection etc. But, if I had to be brutally honest, and could only keep 2 from your line-up, this would be my choice:

1) .30/06: It's got the widest bullet selection: from 110gr plinking to 240gr PP and FMJ solids for heavy game. This calibre has the best mean value by having a bullet/load combination that would cover all the game that could be taken by your other calibres. As you said yourself, you can find ammo for it anywhere, and for this reason I'd keep it over the others: besides the .30/06 for over 100yrs has proven it can do the job.

2) 404J: It's a proven DG calibre with a bit more wallop than the 375HH. Personally, I'd feel more comfortable having that authority the 404J has over a 375HH in any situation where your life may be at stake.

@Timbo Kinda what I was thinking, and for the same reasons.
Thanks for all the input so far. If you guys feel like it, keep it coming still, it is a great read and it does help me confirm or rethink my reasoning. So let me expand a little on some of my other thoughts leading up to the original post.

As to 30-06 for example...I love that round, but even with the great selection of bullets available. I find:
1) with factory choices so vast, I pretty much stopped reloading as it used to be great when specific bullets were not available in factory ammo in the years gone by and I found the ammo I loaded was not much more accurate than the premium ammo at the time. Not saying I would not reload anymore, I will...but probably just to find some "pet load".
2) reloading or not, I seem to settle on 2 bullets max in any given caliber. 1 lighter and one heavier. Usually never the lightest or heaviest.

In any caliber, just like having only 1 rifle, let's say, I like to learn the ballistics of that one bullet that I want to use. Again fewer choices here being seen as minimalist, simpler approach. For example, in 9.3x62 I only use 285/286gr. Seems to work fine.

The only reason to keep more than one rifle (as that too crossed my mind...do not freak out...I mean one main hunting rifle...I would still have my .22s and target and plinking rifles), was to have one say flatter shooting and one more of a true bush gun. Though I have to admit, none of calibers I like are particularly flat shooting (except maybe the 300WM), so I live in the more rainbow ballistic world to begin with. Another option I considered was 7mm for most times and 300WM for the longer shots. Then again, I could have just one 7mm and use say 2500-2600 162gr bullets for most hunting and 139 flying say at 2800-2900 for the longer shots. Or do the same with 30-06. Or if truly 1 most practical gun, then perhaps the 300WM is hard not to pick. But 1) I'm not really a big magnum guy (though somehow I always own one or more) and 2) I really do like almost all of the choices you guys put up. Just for example something like 7+9.3/375/404, or 30-06+375/404 or 8+404, etc. all classics I would say.

Hey, am I confused or what? I will probably end up maybe dwindling stuff down to just fewer calibers rather than just 2. But ultimate goal would be 3-6 rifles total. One or two .22, one or two target rifles (6.5x55 and .308), one or two hunting rifles (plus I may keep one military mauser as plinking, open sights only). And it is the hunting rifles I have most trouble with.

Thanks for letting me vent... :D :D
Thanks for all the input so far. If you guys feel like it, keep it coming still, it is a great read and it does help me confirm or rethink my reasoning. So let me expand a little on some of my other thoughts leading up to the original post.

As to 30-06 for example...I love that round, but even with the great selection of bullets available. I find:
1) with factory choices so vast, I pretty much stopped reloading as it used to be great when specific bullets were not available in factory ammo in the years gone by and I found the ammo I loaded was not much more accurate than the premium ammo at the time. Not saying I would not reload anymore, I will...but probably just to find some "pet load".
2) reloading or not, I seem to settle on 2 bullets max in any given caliber. 1 lighter and one heavier. Usually never the lightest or heaviest.

In any caliber, just like having only 1 rifle, let's say, I like to learn the ballistics of that one bullet that I want to use. Again fewer choices here being seen as minimalist, simpler approach. For example, in 9.3x62 I only use 285/286gr. Seems to work fine.

The only reason to keep more than one rifle (as that too crossed my mind...do not freak out...I mean one main hunting rifle...I would still have my .22s and target and plinking rifles), was to have one say flatter shooting and one more of a true bush gun. Though I have to admit, none of calibers I like are particularly flat shooting (except maybe the 300WM), so I live in the more rainbow ballistic world to begin with. Another option I considered was 7mm for most times and 300WM for the longer shots. Then again, I could have just one 7mm and use say 2500-2600 162gr bullets for most hunting and 139 flying say at 2800-2900 for the longer shots. Or do the same with 30-06. Or if truly 1 most practical gun, then perhaps the 300WM is hard not to pick. But 1) I'm not really a big magnum guy (though somehow I always own one or more) and 2) I really do like almost all of the choices you guys put up. Just for example something like 7+9.3/375/404, or 30-06+375/404 or 8+404, etc. all classics I would say.

Hey, am I confused or what? I will probably end up maybe dwindling stuff down to just fewer calibers rather than just 2. But ultimate goal would be 3-6 rifles total. One or two .22, one or two target rifles (6.5x55 and .308), one or two hunting rifles (plus I may keep one military mauser as plinking, open sights only). And it is the hunting rifles I have most trouble with.

Thanks for letting me vent... :D :D
Well if it's 3 then, upon your thinking, my choice would be 8x57, 9.3x62 and the 404J.
Well if it's 3 then, upon your thinking, my choice would be 8x57, 9.3x62 and the 404J.
... But ultimate goal would be 3-6 rifles total. One or two .22, one or two target rifles (6.5x55 and .308), one or two hunting rifles (plus I may keep one military mauser as plinking, open sights only). And it is the hunting rifles I have most trouble with.
Nah, nah...you misunderstood me...see bolded text above. But your caliber choice is fine (I guess the old military Mauser would cover the 8mm but just not for hunting (not accurate enough and open sights only on top of that). I have old eyes now. :D
Like many of you, I have too many guns and too many calibers. Let's just say I'm a true gun nut who likes to hunt rather than hunter who likes guns (though that is also true). As such I have many rifles and calibers that can fulfill my hunting needs. I would like to weed out some to minimize the agony of having to think which one to take out on the next hunt. The fewer choices I have the easier it will be for me (will it really?).

I should warn you, that even if you are willing to provide suggestions, I may or may not take them to heart and I may still end up owning way too many rifle-caliber combinations. It is an obsession after all.

As I age, I now feel or have rediscovered passion for the smaller, lighter kicking calibers (mainly because they do not make lighter, handier rifles unwieldy). So, if I want to (not need to but want to) use 7x57 as my main hunting caliber, which of the other following ones would you complement it with to account for critters you might feel the 7 is not enough for? I would ideally just have (LOL as I'm typing this :D ) 2 hunting calibers. I'm in Canada, do not plan on hunting bears, but they are on my mind when in the woods. I hunt mostly whitetail, elk and moose in the bush, and whitetail, mule deer and elk in the prairies. I also do not plan on hunting elephants or any of the dangerous game, except maybe buffalo. Really just maybe, most likely not. If I manage to hunt in Africa again, it will be plains game. I will also add comments/reasons next each so you can hopefully see how these came about to be in my possession.

I have:
8x57 - cool old caliber, does everything the 7 can but can hit harder. Always liked it, always had one, even when I was hunting with 30-06.
8x60 - this one I do not need but have a cool rifle in, so maybe it could be used more than just sit pretty in the safe, waiting for me to reload some ammo. Plus if 8x57 is good, 8x60 must be better. :D
8mm-06 - don't have one, never shot one but have few 8x57 barrels that beg to be re-chambered. Could this be the one to replace 8x57, 8x60 and 30-06? Plus if 8x60 is better than 8x57, 8-06 is better still. Right? ;)
30-06 - another old classic that seems to work on most things, always seem to have one. Easy to find ammo for still.
.338 WM - barrel and dies only from the past, but actions it can be screwed into. May not build the rifle after all as lighter, less recoil is what I'm going for but used to hunt with one and that cartridge kills extremely well.
.300 WM - got this for longer shots on Elk last year and used it. Did I "need" it? Not so sure. I think a 30-06 would have worked just as well. One of the cooler magnum, IMHO.
9.3x62 - love this thing, even with short barrel not much muzzle flash, quiet and downright pleasant to shoot, used it in Africa too. Was meant to replace my passion for 375 H&H.
.375 H&H - what does that tell you? I guess 375 cannot be replaced. Or can it? Is it really much better at killing than 9.3x62?...I never shot anything with the 375 but find the 9.3 penetrates like a laser. And if I had to live with larger than 30-06/9.3x62 recoil, I'd rather have the .375H&H than the .338WM I think.
.404 Jeffry - again just barrel at this point...thinking of building one and it seems at least as cool as .375 H&H but for the hunting I do?

Ammo availability (including factory options) should be perhaps considered for all-around hunting cartridges, so I do consider this as factor, but it would not stop me from owning one that is less available. The 8x60 may be a bit of a stretch but so would be 8mm-06 which one of my 8mms may become.

Thank you for indulging me and please keep your answers genuine even if you may feel my questions/reasons are ridiculous.
Only 9 calibers?
You should be expanding, not contracting that collection.

Might I suggest:
.22lr needs no explanation
5.56 mm. Dirt cheap varmit round.
22-250 for those long shot varmit
.243 light deer and varmit round
.308 because semi auto AR-10 goodness
.303 British because history man
7.5 Swiss K-31 rifles are amazing
Nah, nah...you misunderstood me...see bolded text above. But your caliber choice is fine (I guess the old military Mauser would cover the 8mm but just not for hunting (not accurate enough and open sights only on top of that). I have old eyes now. :D

Hey, am I confused or what? I will probably end up maybe dwindling stuff down to just fewer calibers rather than just 2. But ultimate goal would be 3-6 rifles total. One or two .22, one or two target rifles (6.5x55 and .308), one or two hunting rifles (plus I may keep one military mauser as plinking, open sights only). And it is the hunting rifles I have most trouble with.

Thanks for letting me vent... :D :D

Milan, I refer you to the highlighted sections in your post in my defence.
No disrespect man - but you're splitting hairs like my ex used to!! Jeez!!
:A Bang Head:

You know, you could buy just a Blaser R8 or a Sauer 404. That way you would have only one rifle and as many barrels as you desire. Just Sayin
You know, you could buy just a Blaser R8 or a Sauer 404. That way you would have only one rifle and as many barrels as you desire. Just Sayin
Or a Mauser M03 with a small selection of barrels.
Because we all know a Mauser action is the best........
Milan, I refer you to the highlighted sections in your post in my defence.
No disrespect man - but you're splitting hairs like my ex used to!! Jeez!!
:A Bang Head:


No problem. But please do not compare me to any woman. :D

You know, you could buy just a Blaser R8 or a Sauer 404. That way you would have only one rifle and as many barrels as you desire. Just Sayin

Ha. I know a lot of people praise them. Not my cup of tea, though. I'd sooner go for a Mauser M03.

Strictly Mauser 98 style guy. I even get light rash having to concede the trigger and firing pin assemblies on a ZKK or CZ as not really improvements over original Mauser design. I will bend to accept Winchester or Kimber for hunting and anything else like Tikka, Weatherby, Remington for target shooting. I do understand why those and other push-feed or other style actions are liked by others even for hunting, as there is really nothing wrong with them. But the only "improvement" over a 98 I'd take would be all stainless, or better yet, titanium version for inclement weather hunting.

Or a Mauser M03 with a small selection of barrels.
Because we all know a Mauser action is the best........

I agree but as per above, probably not gonna happen for me. Too old school to be cool. Or maybe old school is cool. :D :D

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idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID
African Scenic Safaris is a Sustainable Tour Operator based in Moshi, Tanzania. Established in 2009 as a family business, the company is owned and operated entirely by locals who share the same passion for showing people the amazing country of Tanzania and providing a fantastic personalized service.
FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?