AH enthusiast
If you want truly monster impala you need to look into shilante in the limpopo province of south africa. I've hunted south africa several times and shot impala as follows..... 22", 23", 23 1/2", 24", and 25 1/4". The 25 1/4" came off of shilantes farm. They only allow you to shoot one species per year so choose carefully. After I shot my 25" impala a 26" impala walked across the road. I saw many impala over the 23 1/2" mark. In addition that place has/had giant kudu. I shot a 55" kudu off of that ranch and passed on that was 60" because his other horn was broke off. We saw and passed several kudu in the range of 53 to 57" and were trying to find a specific 63" kudu that had been photoed recently in the area. Shilantes is a bit pricey but the quality you take off there is awesome. I'm assuming the quality is still the same but am not sure since its been 2 years since I've hunted there. I also cannot find their website but im also not sure of their spelling so good luck.