If there is one thing Africa will do to you is make you spend more money as you plan your return!
As already said by the guys above, if you find a RSM in that price range in good shape, buy it. I do believe that the RSM in 416 Rigby is about as perfect weight for caliber that you can find in a production(past production). I think my 375 RSM is a bit on the heavy side for a 375 but it is wonderful to shoot as is the 416.
If you can't get the RSM, try the CZ and the M70 and decide which fits you better and go with it.
Hmm Its a tough call. I own both the M70 in 375 and the Ruger in 416 Rigby and they both make me smile when i pull the trigger. I originally put a deposit on a CZ550 in 375H&H but didn't get that new gun feeling so went back and changed to the M70 haven regretted it once. The M70 is well built, balances and is not overly heavy it also shoots too with Sub 3/4 inch 3 shot groups at 100m. On the CZ if you want a gun to tinker and up grade/semi customise (I mean the work that AHR do is phenomenal) then CZ is for you.
The Ruger is awesome- it wears a semi custom Circassian walnut stock and shoulders nicely. Its probably a tad barrel heavy but not enough to warrant cutting and re-crowning. I think the weight is suited to the calibre but would be heavy for a 375.
I don't think you'd go wrong with either my advice is by the rifle that fits you the best.
Cody is right on the money, I own several RSM's in 375 H&H (only 1 so far), 416 Rigby (3), 458 Lott (2) and my favorite customized in 505 Gibbs... As well as most of the Express little brothers to the RSM. In my opinion, that gun must have been designed around the 416 Rigby caliber as it is as near perfect as a production rifle can get. To comfortably (a relative term

shoot the 505 Gibbs, I added a Murry leather cartridge holder to the stock and filled with 6 loaded rounds, it adds enough weight to the gun. A mercury tube or that Mule recoil reducer both in the stock and the smaller one in the fore end might be ideal, but can't get myself to cut into that beautiful wood.
To me the M 70 Winchester goes the other way... I have 375 H&H and a 416 Rem Mag. The 416 is a pleasure to carry, the 375 is a pleasure to shoot. As near as I can tell, the only real difference in the way they are manufactured is the 416 has a bigger hole cut through the same barrel blank, thus it is lighter and a bit light on the barrel end.
I've also got a CZ in 505 Gibbs but it is the top of the line model and is not only beautiful to look at, but it really shoots well, came standard with the mercury recoil reducer and that stock design and length of pull is so good for me that it is easy to shoot for the caliber. I've got smaller caliber CZ and Winchester and lots of Rugers. love them all for various reasons. And I have friends who have CZ's in 375 H&H who love them... Thing is with a new CZ, you have options to go cheap or bling it up. On the low end, it is very well within your budget, on the high end it blows well past... And ultimately you may want the AHR upgrade... You can get lucky with CZ and get one that feeds well... And you might get one that needs work. Then you can send it back to CZ or spring for the highly touted AHR upgrade. The CZ has the greatest magazine capacity.
A Winchester is pretty much a known thing they seem to come out consistent. And has the smallest mag capacity.
A good RSM is a thing of beauty and great function, and they don't make them anymore so limited quantity might make for a better investment... I love them all, but the RSM holds a special spot in my heart