Custom Shop Remington 700 in .416 Rem Mag. I bought it for $900 with a Leupold 2.5 - 8 Vari-X III at a gun show about 15 years ago. Thought I found the deal of century, this thing looked brand new! It turns out the guy was dumping it off for a reason. Several of them actually.
First thing I discovered was the mag floor plate wouldn't open. No way, no how, the dang thing wasn't coming open. My bad, in my haste to buy the gun I didn't even drop the floor plate. A dremel tool to the stock fixed the problem.
Next issue, gun wouldn't shoot worth a damn. Upon further inspection of the bore I found a groove across all the lands about an inch and a half down from the muzzle. I guess the reamer had caught a chip or something and left a nice radial groove that shaved copper off each bullet as it passed. Hard to see in a clean bore, but it sure showed up after firing. Great...

What to do? Don't really want to shorten the barrel by a couple inches

The gun sat in my safe for 10 years kind of forgotten about. Then I got a wild hair and decided I should build a 7mm STW. So I got a nice cut rifled barrel from Rock Creek and started my STW project. The threads and face of that action were so out of whack I couldn't believe it. I have never seen an action with that much runout in the threads. Wasn't sure I was even going to be able to true them up. And this is a Custom Shop gun???

In the end I wound up with a pretty nice rifle that shoots and functions well. I've taken bear, mule deer and moose with it and I like the rifle pretty well now, but it certainly diminished my desire to buy another Remington 700. It really bums me out to see the overall quality of rifles being produced by most manufacturers today. Sigh...

Remington is not alone in letting sub standard crap out the door that should never see the light of day