1. What would be the first 5 game species you would stock on the farm?
Kudu, Bushbuck, Impala, Warthog and Eland.
2. Purely rifle, bow only or both? Photographic?
Bow only
3. nice big fancy lodge or rustic safari style tents?
Good kitchen area, the rest would be tents.
4. Steep mountains and deep valleys or long flat open plains?
Steep mountains and deep valleys.
5. Walk and stalk only or a few blinds?
Mostly walk and stalk, some treestands and a few blinds for kids and people that can't walk much.
6. Anything else you would put on YOUR game farm that you would liked to see somewhere else?
Not that I can think of now.
7. Would introduce predators? If so, which species?
NO. The only one I might consider, would be Caracal, but I guess they would manage to get inside the fence anyway.
8. Your wife allowed you to buy this property on one condition? ..............?
That she could hunt it too