I don't have a good answer to the question, but will relate personal experience. In the late '90's I guided archery elk hunters for an outfitter friend of mine. We were typically up at 4 a.m. and usually to bed by 10 p.m. The rest of the day (about 18 hrs.) was guiding, horseback riding, cleaning and hauling out elk. My weekly pay (6 day hunt)j was $500 gross, before taxes taken out. Net was about $360 if I recall. I remember one hunter (a lawyer) who tagged a nice 300 pt. bull. He had forgotten film for his camera (yeah, it was that long ago!), so I gave him a spare roll I kept in my pack. At the end of the hunt, not only did he not leave a tip, but didn't even pay me for the roll of film! Didn't take me long to recognize I was making about $3 per hour for the long days and never went back. So, I guess the point is that even $100 per day tip is not a lot given what the guide/PH has to put up with.