What do people think about “non-trophy” hunts

Being freshly off my first africa hunt I don't see much offered in cull/management hunts. Although when you look you do find them just not as much goes into the advertising. I believe that has to do with a few things. One being I believe is that new folks going are hung up on the fact that it will be a one and done trip, therefore they want their trophies. Second is I know for me atleast that I want to bring back as much as I can. I also have very few animals on my wall at this time so that could possibly change as time goes by. As far hunting non trophy animals I would be happy hunting a jack rabbit if the opportunity arises.
Perfectly fine. You can do non-trophy (and similarly priced own-use for tribes-can't keep a thing) DG hunts for steep discounts. Once did 2 bull buff for $12K and bull elephant/buffalo/hippo for $17.5K. I consider those a deal. Oh, and it did seem very much like Elephant, buffalo and hippo hunting! Only the medi-college funds noticed the difference...All were HUGE, mature animals (i.e. big bossed buff w/ 38" horns at the end of their lives or a huge bull elephant with smaller tusks, a badly beaten up old hippo, etc.) The deals are out there! I don't think i'd be interested in non-trophy Kudu, though I've been asked to take a great many "non-trophy" antelope over the decades as camp or villager meat (at no cost.) The above hunts were in Zim and Namibia.
About non trophy hunts I only heard about on this forum.
They are not often advertised.
So that is the main point.

Hunt booking agents, and outfitters in my opinion will be first offering trophy hunts, because they are more expensive. Then only secondly, maybe, non trophy hunts will be offered.

On game farms, culling hunts from time to time are offered, but it is maybe one offer, compared to 10 trophy hunt PG packages.

In wild game areas, there are non-trophy elephants, and non trophy buffalo. What about the rest?
I am certain somebody hunts non-trophy animals even in wild areas, but they are rarely advertised.
Non trophy kudu, and non trophy eland, package in Zimbabwe? Has anybody heard about that ever?

Advertising, or not, I wouldn't mind going hunting for non trophy animals. Especially in wilderness areas, with exportable "trophy", on reduced prices and especially for prime species.
For such hunt, the question needs to be clarified if the antlers, and sculls can be exported or not, which probably will depend from case to case?
I don’t think you will find non-trophy exportable plains game hunts in wild areas. Often the quota for buffalo is higher than kudu. So if an outfitter has 10 buffalo and 5 kudu. They will get used up on buffalo hunts as an add on. If he sells a kudu hunt directly no reason to sell cheap as a non-trophy. Private land obviously can set their own quotas for better management such as 5 trophy kudu and 5 non-trophy, but typically government set quotas are low on plains game in wild areas. Namibia does offer own-use quotas and are used for non-trophies but it is not exportable. Better option in a wild area isn’t to ask for a non-trophy but to ask to be the final hunter of the season and use up the last remaining quota at a discount, but the quota on some species may already be used up.
Namibia does have minimum trophy standards. I’m not sure if that affects export, but your hunting permit only allows 2 of each species.
Namibia also has tribal "own-use" hunts and occasional problem animal control-type hunts available. Different rules apply in different areas (private vs. government vs. tribal concessions). Own use is the entire animal for the tribe's own use (you keep nothing but the memories, photos and 1 good meal.)
I wouldn’t specifically book a complete non-trophy hunt, but I’d be very interested in booking a “non-trophy” less than 35” buffalo hunt combined with trophy plains game. @Cleathorn the non-trophies your outfitter was having difficulty selling were non-trophy buffalo and elephants? or other game?
It'$ a very fitting topic during this horrible period of Bidenomics, or lack thereof. I for one have already lost the eq of 30 $afari$.
Namibia also has tribal "own-use" hunts and occasional problem animal control-type hunts available. Different rules apply in different areas (private vs. government vs. tribal concessions). Own use is the entire animal for the tribe's own use (you keep nothing but the memories, photos and 1 good meal.)
I assumed he was speaking to private land outfitters with my first reply. Own-use plains game opportunities are a fun add on to your regular hunt but only in community areas. My own-use hippo hunt was the same experience as a trophy hunt. I never got a meal from my own-use animals though, aside from hippo, we always delivered them whole to the community office.
I am planning my first buffalo hunt. A non-trophy hunt to get out and have that experience is a consideration for sure. Once I have had an experience I understand better what I would like from the next one.
I saw Nkwe safaris had a great deal on cull hunts as well as trophy hunts. They were seven day hunts. Why not a cull hunt followed up by a trophy hunt Or just two cull hunts. Very reasonable either way!
This reminds me of driving through Texas and seeing all the signs saying "Hog Hunters Needed" and then they want to charge you $300+ a day to hunt their property.
Yeah, that sounds like what the sign should say is "Customers needed for my hunting side business"
I recently had a chance to spend some time in a great camp in Zimbabwe. Around the camp fire, the property manger and I got into a very good discussion about “non-trophy” hunts. He and the PHs that hunt the property have had some trouble booking “non-trophy” hunts. In there case, “non-trophy” mostly means low scoring, but still old and mature animals.

Many people seem to view African hunting as “way to expensive.” I disagree, but that’s not the point. Many great PHs and camps offer some great “non-trophy” hunts at great rates.

So, I thought it was a good question to ask the AH community.

Is there really a lack of interest in these hunts, or are folks concerned that it might be substandard trip, or is it that once you commit to Africa you are targeting specific game and are committed to the cost? Or is it a marketing issue. I am genuinely curious.

Admittedly my “sitting room” is pretty full of taxidermy so the next trophy mount is not something I really do anyway, but I have really enjoyed the non-trophy hunts I’ve been able to do. I have also found them to be great for kids and new hunters to get a lot of very good hunting experience at very affordable rates.


I would be very interested in a non-trophy hunt, but most I have see aren't much of a discount at all.
I will probably start doing more non trophy/ management / cull hunts with no intention of bringing home any trophies. I have a few more trips where I want to bring back trophies. I like hunting Africa and will never stop going.

Even if the outfitter is charging 10 to 20% less, that is still a good deal to me since the dip/pack, shipping and taxidermy seems to almost double the cost. With those gone it makes the hunt planning a little easier.
I assumed he was speaking to private land outfitters with my first reply. Own-use plains game opportunities are a fun add on to your regular hunt but only in community areas. My own-use hippo hunt was the same experience as a trophy hunt. I never got a meal from my own-use animals though, aside from hippo, we always delivered them whole to the community office.
I'm not certain why you say only as the government and tribal-owned concessions likely outstrip the area of game farms... They are actually quite a big deal in the hunting world and more wild and free-ranging... If you wish to put your money down they will be quite happy to let you have at it with the trophy animals as well. They are fine folks you only have to ask for the finest cut of meat on any animals harvested.
I’ve looked at an considered a non trophy elephant/buffalo hunt many times. Not being wealthy, this is likely the only way I’ll be able to afford an elephant hunt. My questions would be, can the non trophy tusks be exported, same with the buff skull/horns. I’ve seen some awesome carved buffalo horns.
All my hunts locally where I live are non-trophy hunts.

I hunt for the meat, the experience, the company, the sport (in the british english sense of the word) and for the pleasure of getting out of the city and into the countryside for a day or two.

For me a nice pair of antlers etc. for the wall, is a happy and welcome coincidence, it is not the aim of the hunt.
I’ve looked at an considered a non trophy elephant/buffalo hunt many times. Not being wealthy, this is likely the only way I’ll be able to afford an elephant hunt. My questions would be, can the non trophy tusks be exported, same with the buff skull/horns. I’ve seen some awesome carved buffalo horns.
I have seen some great deals on tuskless elephants. I would recommend that as they are going to be exciting. The tuskless ellies are really aggressive. Also, maybe just export the skull and do a euro mount, which is cheaper as well. What I wonder is if it is possible to put replica tusks on an elephant skull (tuskless or otherwise).
I recently had a chance to spend some time in a great camp in Zimbabwe. Around the camp fire, the property manger and I got into a very good discussion about “non-trophy” hunts. He and the PHs that hunt the property have had some trouble booking “non-trophy” hunts. In there case, “non-trophy” mostly means low scoring, but still old and mature animals.

Many people seem to view African hunting as “way to expensive.” I disagree, but that’s not the point. Many great PHs and camps offer some great “non-trophy” hunts at great rates.

So, I thought it was a good question to ask the AH community.

Is there really a lack of interest in these hunts, or are folks concerned that it might be substandard trip, or is it that once you commit to Africa you are targeting specific game and are committed to the cost? Or is it a marketing issue. I am genuinely curious.

Admittedly my “sitting room” is pretty full of taxidermy so the next trophy mount is not something I really do anyway, but I have really enjoyed the non-trophy hunts I’ve been able to do. I have also found them to be great for kids and new hunters to get a lot of very good hunting experience at very affordable rates.

we offer a number of non trophy and cull hunts and they are well received generally its a lot more fun and no stress about the trophies, either for outfitter or client
this can be a combo of very old-not hi scoring animals-bad genetics u want removed-females to control numbers etc
For every outfitter, owner, first ever selling earnings was, is and always will be. In limited time (hunting season) indifferent, trophy or non trophy or even cull hunt . Depend from request. Only if outfitter was having difficulty selling traditional trophy hunt ,client can find charging 10 to 20% less. And adding non trophy ,weird ,unusual etc... Just very easily.

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Longfeather1 wrote on Cmwkwarrwn's profile.
Hello Clark
Thanks for the interest in my rifle. If you want to discuss it further you can email me direct at [redacted] or call my cell number [redacted].
Look forward to talking with you.
Jack Kramer
quacker attacker wrote on JMV375's profile.
Hello, My wife and I hunted with Marius 2 years ago. He fit us into his schedule after a different outfitter "bailed" on us. He was always very good with communications and although we didn't end up meeting him personally, he called us multiple times during our hunt to make sure things were going well. We were very happy with him.
TERMINATOR wrote on Cuthberto's profile.
Reach out to the guys at Epic Outdoors.

They will steer you right for landowner tags and outfitters that have them.

I have held a membership with them for years and they are an invaluable resource.

Way better that asking random people on the internet...WAY better

Raskolnikov743 wrote on skydiver386's profile.

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