I met an Afrikaans farmer in Namibia a couple of years ago. He was running a substantial cattle operation and very keen on hunting, with a bit of an eland obsession. He told me that he finds it very amusing to see people turning up with all sorts of rifles to hunt mainly Eland on his farm.
He told me that he had only every used a 308 for all plains game. He couldn't understand the fuss about everything else.
I had once the plessure hunting with an africaans farmer, who used exclusivly the 243Win on HIS farmland and HIS game in HIS time with HIS trackers! Needless to say that he was an incredible good shooter, going from the car (driver seat) just for neck and head!
Not my way nor advice, has the taste of butchers style!
You, dear threadowner, will pay a hell of money to hunt only in on foot area, limited time and opportunities
to make this trip a successfull project!
I was living 15 years down there and my advise is, take the 375 h&h,
get some premium middle weight bullets, practice practice practice and get used to aime over sticks for long shots! So equiped hit big holes in everything You are shooting at!
Big holes means good blood, good tracks, quick finds, more time for hunting the rest!
The 338-06 is nice to have but with 30-06 and 375 You go around the world and hunt everything, which was Your plan by purchasing from the beginning, wasn‘t it?