What Areas Have You Hunted in Mozambique?


AH ambassador
Oct 1, 2007
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What areas have you hunted in Mozambique? What species did you take? How many days? If you have hunted in more than one area how did they compare? For those of you unfamiliar with Mozambique you can use these hunting maps as reference.

Mozambique Hunting Areas

Mozambique Major Cities
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I have been to Mozambique once so far, in the Marromeu area. It was a beautiful experience and I had a great time. The hunt was tough, because we were hunting in the swamps for buffalo. I took a nice buffalo (can be seen in my gallery by clicking here) and at the end of the day was very satisfied. I am going back to this year or next year for hippo and croc on the Zambezi, as well as maybe elephant, lion and leopard as well as some plains game. I can only recommend this beautiful country to all that want real wild hunts like the hunts done by livingstone and all them. This place is still real wild nature.
Oliver, nice buffalo. Did you see you a lot of buffalo in the Marromeu area, and specifically big bulls? Are you returning to the same area and who did you hunt with?
@safari hunter. Te herd of buffalo that i hunted mine from was about 200-250 individuals. On the same concession we saw 2 more herds of about the same size, maybe a bit bigger. I hunted with simon Leach www.eaglesafaris.co.za

I think for Lion i may go to the north to the niassa area, because there are not alot of lion in and around the swamps.
I have not been to Mozambique for many years because of a long lasting war and political uprising and after all that died down, and the elephant ivory ban went into effect, I never went back and didn't do any booking there.. I am not sure I am welcomed there because of some of my old friends! :) :) but that may be long dead and gone now...I did hunt the southern area for buffalo and it was a little too swampy and bug infested for me..

Today I can book you an elephant hunt with Johan Calitz there however unless that has changed also in the last year or two...
I have hunted in Coutada 11 near Marromeu...really great hunt. The PH's and staff were great. I hunted later in the year and it was really hot. I was told that the hunting was a little slow but you could have fooled me...lots of game seemed like everywhere. The buff was hunted in the swamps and was a little tough...not really because of the terrain or anything just the incredible heat and humidity. If you want to hunt nyala in it's natural range and no fences, that is the place to do it. I was incredibly impressed and, not that I'm and expert on Africa, couldn't ask for much better. Very reminicent of what you read about hunting in the East Africa of old...just marvelous.
I have hunted Mozambique twice. Both times with Zambezi Delta Safari's run by Mark and Glen Haldane. The delta area contains a herd of approximately 8000 cape buffalo according to this years game count. Herds continue to increase annually. Buffalo can be found in the swamp areas as well as in the forests. The swamp hunts are hard but are conducted out of argos across the papyrus beds leaving hikes of less than a mile. Walking is extremely difficult depending on what time of year you go and how wet the swamps are. Think mud. If you want to see it they have a cd called Hunting the Zambezi Delta from Video Africa productions. They manage Coutada 11 and Coutada 12 at this time. Approximately 1 million acres in all of virgin territory. My first buff was 42 1/2 inches. Other game consists of great Sable and Nyala. (40 in and 30.5 in) Leopard, warthog, bushpig, baboon, reedbuck, suni, oribi, red and blue duiker, eland are also available. Elephant is available but cannot be imported into the US due to US Fish and Wildlife restrictions. Camps consist of tents, stucco buildings and wooden huts. En suite baths with toilets and hot and cold showers. Tetse flies can be bad and the temps are hot in the late season when most of the buffalo hunts in the forest occur. Great hunts and will be returning in 2010. My wife is also a hunter and accompanies me on all our hunts.
Coutada 10, Zigolinho, Marromeu. Buffalo, Lion, Bushpig. Not really that many Antelopes.
Clouds of mosquitoes, papyrus swamps, savannah wildfires, deep in the swamps thousands of Buffalo and hundreds of Elephant.




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Dear fellow hunters. I was invited in 2008 to a new hunting area in Mozambique. Up north, in Tete district and right by the "lake" Cahora Bassa. ( You can find some nice pictures on you tube, just search on "Nhenda".)

Probably one of the best hunting places available. Buffs, elephants, crocs, hippos, cats, roans....
During lunch and by sunset, fantastic fishing of tigerfish etc.

Another important issue, the value of money, you can still today find 14 days hunt incl croc, hippo etc for less usd 10.000, even non trophy elephant less usd 8000 !

I recommend Mozambique, with no hesitation.
"TIA" This Is Africa, and at its best !
I have had the pleasure to hunt Block B ( Kambako African Safaris - Mozambique, Africa ) of the Niassa reserve on three occasions.
On the above map the top right block backing Tanzania is Block A (East African safaris) . BlockB is the one below it with Block C (Luwire Safaris) the long block below that.

Have taken;
three Buffalo
one Lion
one Warthog
one Hyena
two Zebra
one Kudu
two Eland
two Bushpig
from this area.

View from camp up the Lugenda river.
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Absolutely stunning photo!

I hunted the south shore of Cahorra Bassa in 2004.
Took elephant, buffalo, croc, zebra, impala, bushpig, and bushbuck. Could have taken hippo. All in 10 days.

In 2009 I hunted for 19 days in the NE by Quirimbas NP, in Cabo DelGado. Although we tracked elephant daily, we never got a shot. Also tracked buffalo several times, but they always managed to get into the thick jess just before we got to them. The game was exceedingly spooky because of severe poaching. I was hunting on a Fazenda de Bravo-- a new concept of a 49 year lease of portions of tribal lands to individuals for private use--including hunting. It is also an area with several villages that frequently have lion problems. In the 19 days, I did not take a shot at game. Saw some of the biggest sable and kudu I have ever seen, but they were at distance and leaving in a hurry. I would not recommend that area to others--there is not yet an efficient way of removing the poaching problem--the poachers have more guns and lights than the PH.
19 days without a shot. This is terrible, but the result of almost 30 years of poaching. Several hunting concessions are now employing their own game scouts, approved by Mozambique state, and paid by concession owner. Within a few years of anti poching all animals are coming back. At Nhenda camp on the north side of Cahora Bassa, they started this year with 6 game scouts and only after 6 months Of anti poaching work, you can see positive results. I'n Mozambique there are still paradise with all kinds of games, I really hope you'll come back and next time make sure you'll get guarantee on animals that you want to see and hunt.

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Longfeather1 wrote on Cmwkwarrwn's profile.
Hello Clark
Thanks for the interest in my rifle. If you want to discuss it further you can email me direct at [redacted] or call my cell number [redacted].
Look forward to talking with you.
Jack Kramer
quacker attacker wrote on JMV375's profile.
Hello, My wife and I hunted with Marius 2 years ago. He fit us into his schedule after a different outfitter "bailed" on us. He was always very good with communications and although we didn't end up meeting him personally, he called us multiple times during our hunt to make sure things were going well. We were very happy with him.
TERMINATOR wrote on Cuthberto's profile.
Reach out to the guys at Epic Outdoors.

They will steer you right for landowner tags and outfitters that have them.

I have held a membership with them for years and they are an invaluable resource.

Way better that asking random people on the internet...WAY better

Raskolnikov743 wrote on skydiver386's profile.

Did you ever find your 30-06 CZ550? I own a fairly solid conditioned one, if you wanted to talk.
