What a great site!

Welcome to the best forum! Enjoy!
Thanks for the warm welcome! It's been a couple of years since our safari, but I want to go back to Africa soon. We had the most incredible trip, and now the kids are old enough to go.

Welcome to AH! Space coast......are you near Cocoa Beach?

Thanks Phil.... Grew up in Sebring, and now residing in Melbourne.

Welcome to AH......."mother of dragons" ;)

Very good KMG... You picked up on my screen name... My kids gave me that name...
ha ha ha ha lm glad you explained that
I was thinking maybe , someone in your family made the khaleesi virus the government uses to control rabbit numbers here in taxstralia
Welcome to AH.

All the best from Romania!
Welcome! Hope you post some pictures of your first Safari... And been meaning to ask, do your kids breath fire;)
Welcome and enjoy the ride..
Welcome, hope you can return to Africa soon!
Welcome to the best forum in the world!
Welcome to the best forum in the world!

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