Well boys, what's your temperature like now?

Saw first flock of cedar waxwings moving through this morning- sure sign of spring!

I do love spring even with its crazy weather. Mowed my lawn on Saturday, the next day it snowed. :ROFLMAO:
Snowing here today. Could get up to 3 inches. Unsettled weather the rest of the week. Winter is not over here in Wyoming, yet!
I like winter. It's a pity that it is so short
About 65 here so far today, supposed to getter warmer as the week goes on, around 80 by the weekend. Heat wave!!
About 65 here so far today, supposed to getter warmer as the week goes on, around 80 by the weekend. Heat wave!!
Wow 80! I guess you'll be grilling in your water filled trash can like the guy in the above photo? LOL A few days ago it was 94 here and felt like the Sahara desert with only 12 percent humidity.
Mid to upper 90s with humidity running 80-90%. Typical South Georgia summer weather. We should start getting a little bit of a cool down in late October.
That's brutal temps/humidity. Maybe North Georgia would be cooler? LOL
Sitting on porch smoking a cigar. Walk inside and wife says “you are so sweaty, have you been working in the yard?” Why yes, exactly what I’ve been doing. 95F, feels like 102…..
-2°C = 28.4°F

Recent frost here just killed the water pump. :(

That'll be a Wildebeest trophy fee worth of hunting $s to replace (n)
Middle of summer...
I am considering lobbying for a change to Farenheit. At least it sounds like warmer.
Not sure I can stand anymore global heating.View attachment 617428
92F and 20% here in northern NV. I've been bucking and splitting firewood and I'm soaked. Even my pants are wet to the knees.
The weather peoples say it's been getting up to mid 70s, the temp gauge on my back deck says between 80-90. Admittedly, the sun is shining on it, but if I'm out there it's shining on me too.
This is Alaska, dammit! I moved here 45 years ago to get away from crap like this! Largely did til the Democrats invented global warming. :(
Was 102 and 103 2 weeks ago but back to normal now '70s and '80s

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SRS 2024 wrote on kesha's profile.
Hi there
Please contact us on sharisaf@yahoo.com

We have buffalo available at very good prices.

Kind regards
SRS 2024 wrote on crossone's profile.
Hi there

Shangani River Safaris can offer you a Buffalo hunt.

Please email us on sharisaf@yahoo.com.
Thank you.
matt2H wrote on matt vejar's profile.
Hey there Matt - i would love to understand some more about your bringing trophies home from South Africa in your checked luggage. My PH is holding onto a bushbuck euro and flatskin for me - and i am due back in South Africa in just over a week. He does have the export permit provided by the taxidermist for me. When you have a moment - could we go through the EDC Form and App? Looking forward to hearing from you.
Smo1127 wrote on duckfish's profile.
Neen doing Zelle or Venmo with other members, let me know if good for you and Ill give you my info. Im semding other orders out tomorrow so if paid today ill ship tomorrow
cwpayton wrote on Trogon's profile.
Hey trogon thanks for the shipping trophys info, so this being my first time shipping ,did you hire a firm here in the states to handle the import or was that an African firm, I would be happy with a cost around 3000+.