I don't have an A-5 but I do have a Remington model 11 and I love it. One of the first guns I ever went waterfowling with.
My current waterfowl shotgun is a Berreta A391 Extrema2. It is ultra-reliable, low recoil, and most importantly waterproof.
I don't really like pumps, but I do have a Winchester 1200 that works extremely well.
I only have one Benellli hunting shotgun (other is tactical for HD) and it is a 20 gauge Montefeltro. It is extremely light and handles great. I have used one exclusively for high volume dove shooting because of its ease of movement, fast fire, and reasonably low recoil.
When it comes to upland hunting, I prefer a sxs. Most if my shotguns are sxs 12 gauges. If I was going to recommend a sxs at a reasonable price, I would definitely recommend finding a Savage Fox model B. I picked mine up for $350. It is by far the best of the inexpensive American made sxs shotguns.
I don't have much experience with the Weatherby shotguns, but I have heard good things about them. I did hold one in a gun store and it felt a little loose and flimsy to me. It could still be a good option at a good price.
In the end, though, I think that all wingshooting can be broken into three guns for under $1500:
Waterfowl- Beretta A391 Extrema2
High volume dove- Benelli Montefeltro
Upland- Savage Fox model B