ak mike--i dont know if that photo with the lions is photo shopped or not...
these though are not [lol]
a friend recently asked me to do a delicate and trustworthy job for him on his game ranch..
no matter how he tried,the warthogs seem to have an answer eventually to all types of fencing..
they are eating all his prize and expensive black impala's daily supplement pills/food,resulting in them loosing condition during the harsh winter months
the request was that i cull these warthogs from among-st these [above my pay-grade] black impala with responsible and precision shooting, using a suppressed 300 win mag with a high magnifying scope.
to say that i was a bit nervous' to take on this job is a total misunderstanding of the situation.
though it were not that difficult shots, its the constant keeping track of the scattered herd [the 20 animals are not all together in their huge bush-veld camp]
many a warthog have been left alone due to some possible impala walking into the fire lane in the background
eventually some success were achieved
but alas,this 'relieve' of taking off only some warthog will only be temporarily--warthogs also flourish on these power meals and at this stage will surely multiple and be back in huge numbers.
Although I've not contribute much to the culling of the BIG warthog population at that particular spot,the trust to let me 'loose' with a rifle amongst 20 rare black impala [at about R 200 000 apiece ??] was priceless!
This trust between fellow hunters can not be measured in normal terms!