Sand Rat, you can see I just love warthogs,and my mind is already working on a different 'weird' level on this

The situation is what it is,so one possible way forward is maybe to study it from the start.....
Any young game-ranger/environmental studies or university student from across the world out there reading this thread?
I can just see a legio of different valuable and exciting research projects in this one!
[e.g. comparison between their adaptability on 2 continents, influence on the environment, hunting trends, damage [+ control], breeding changes[lower mortality rate] , survival-ability [no predators like Africa], local predator behavior + changes, problem animal, environmental influence on breeding rate ,growth [size] rate,tusk size etc of different types of food sources etc etc,
In Africa its not always the biggest meat warthog that has the biggest tusks--sometimes the harsher and drier the environment [soil] the skinnier the warthog and bigger the tusks [it needs to work harder with them to get to the food under the hard ground as compared to the bigger, fatter warthogs in agricultural areas that operate in more 'softer' ground and usually then have smaller tusks with the big body--a study on its own..]
Eish,to be young again! I would grasp at such a golden study/research opportunity/project to travel the world and be out in the field doing 'research' all the time,while also doing some valuable and necessary impact studies......
Any takers..,,lol

Young guys, don't only see the possible problems that do exist here,but also see the hidden golden opportunities , as this will be a first and you will provide groundbreaking information and data...
Take care my friends....