AH veteran
Looks nice any info?
What color are your eyes!Absolutely, created an account on here with the intention of selling this particular rifle, and a few others from my collection. Saw this post and chimed in.
Based out of Dallas. 38 years old. Started hunting at 11. I've done safaris in Zambia and Tanzania. My go-to rifles are my 300 Jarrett, 338 Jarrett, and my 416 Rigby. All built by SG&Y. My total collection includes over 150 weapons, the majority of which are bolt action rifles and Sharps black powders.
Over the last decade I've been less and less interested in hunting. Originally, I planned to hang onto my whole collection. But, I just don't see the point in hoarding everything, especially rifles like my Heym. Might as well go to someone that would use it.
For the rifle itself, it was my father's before he died in 1999 (plane crash). It also had a set of 20 gauge barrels, but those were lost in one of our moves unfortunately. The rifle was built in '96, I believe. It was purchased new for $35k. The 470 NE barrels have a total about 100 rounds through them, and the 375 barrels have maybe 50. The rifle hasn't been fired since 2019, on the 20th anniversary of his death. Before that, I shot it once a year. It's always been cleaned and oiled before being put away. I'm meticulous with my rifles. The 470 NE barrels have taken ~15 cape buffalo, two hippo, two charging lions, a wounded leopard, and, well, a dik-dik.
What else would you like to know?
I posted a want add for an 88 in 500. long ago & check with Chris from time. Members have been receptive "they are out there"Oklahoma man heym double rifles are as hard to find as hen’s teeth