@rookhawk i have been talking to marc newton at rigbys by email and gave him the link to this thread. here are two emails he sent me with permission to post on here . he also sent some photos but i have had to send them to wayne to put on for me as the sat internet is too slow, so they should be put on soon. take a good look at both, but especially the second one as its addressed to you, and its more than i would have offered you i must say after what i consider some pretty pompous and arrogant posts on this thread, but they are putting their money where their mouth is so up to you and a bloody good offer i think!
first email
Perhaps you would like to put up these photos?
They are of a London Best .416 Rigby made for a customer just recently. Just like John Rigby at the turn of the century, we offer an entry level magazine rifle on a Mauser action. The Big Game was developed to continue this tradition and it has proven very popular. We've built and delivered more than 450 in the past 3 years, an incredible number when you think only 189 were made between 1912 and 1940. RRP starts at circa £5,800
Our London Best rifles are completely put together by hand in London and are BEST quality. We offer any calibre and an unlimited number of custom options. To date we have built and delivered circa 85 guns in the past 3 years. RRP starts at circa £17,000.
I was trained by Paul Roberts who was the last owner of the company in the UK. Mark Renmant our factory manager was at Rigby's in the 80's and 90's. He learnt from Dave Perkins who also worked at the firm. You can trace the mentor/apprentice 'line' right back to the beginning from Mark. Plenty of pedigree there. It's great to have him running our team of young, enthusiastic gunmakers and passing on his inherited Rigby knowledge. We also have a near complete set of ledgers detailing all guns and rifles made by the company. Various items in our collection also include the Gordon Bennett cup presented to John Rigby the 3rd, historic guns made by the company, medals, Jim Corbett's .275, historic documents relating to business and product development in the company etc etc. We even have Melissa Rigby, the great granddaughter of John Rigby working for us on our Rising Bite double guns. Not sure how we could be anymore Rigby when I think about it actually.
Will follow up with some more photos.
Best regards
second email for you
In addition to my earlier email I can report we currently have more than 40 Rigby double guns in order and have a waiting list of four years. For London Best bolt rifles the order book is also near full and the waiting list is 18-24 months.
Please can you extend to Rookhawk a personal invitation from me to the shop in London. We will even pay to fly him to London so he can really see for himself what Rigby is all about.
Marc Newton
Managing Director
JOHN RIGBY & Co. (Gunmakers) LTD
+44 (0)7432 664 030
+44 (0)207 720 0757
RFD 02/7384 Met Police
this is another when i was talking to him about roan to see if he could help, but shows the attitude marc and the people at rigbys have
Let me know if we can do anything else. People are very welcome to visit at anytime
Marc Newton
Managing Director
so your call rookhawk.