WANTED: New member and looking for an affordable Buffalo hunt in Zimbabwe or Mozambique


New member
Jan 15, 2015
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Dear all
I hope this post finds you well.
I am new to this forum and would appreciated any help or suggestions.
We are currently doing some research for a buffalo hunt later this year.
Would you please be able to provide me with a quote or outfitters for a buffalo hunt for 3 hunters in Zimbabwe or Mozambique. We are all from South Africa.
We are looking for a proper buffalo hunt experience. We would also want to hunt old bulls (preferably Dagga bulls or bulls with thick bosses).
I am looking forward receiving you reply.
We are considering August but would consider alternate dates should there be.
Kind regards,
Welcome to AH Michiel! All the best in your Buffalo quest.
Thanks AH, holding thumbs for something worthwhile.
Welcome to the forum. You may get a good offer right away. If not then wait and see if a cancellation hunt happens to be offered. That might work for you. Best of luck. Bruce
Welcome to AH. Sure you will find what you are looking for, just wait for all the boys to get back from exhibiting in the US!
Welcome to the Forum , you may contact me ph@mbuyusafaris.com regarding buff in Mozambique / kruger area. Good luck with your planning.
Welcome to the forum . Try Martin Pieters in Zimbabwe he has a huge concession in the Zambezi valley you will get a fantastic experience there
Hi Michiel

Welcome to AH enjoy.

For Mozambique look at Jaco-strauss ... Send Jaco a PM asking what he could do for you.
I have some great outfitters both areas, buff are a bit better priced in mom right now. Send me an email and I'll be happy to get you some prices.
Welcome to AH, Michiel !
Hi, my suggestion is Warren Thorne of Thorne Safaris in Zimbabwe if you want to stalk them in the bush.
Contact Jaco Strauss
He should be able to assist with Buffalo's in Mozambique.
Hi there
Welcome to the forum. PM sent
Welcome, I joined last year and I can tell you everyone here are great and always willing to help. Good luck!
Welcome to AH my friend PM sent.
welcome this is an awesome place to be...

Shot Shot

Good luck in finding the hunt of a lifetime!
Yep contact Jaco right here on this forum!
+1 for Jaco in Mozambique. He's got a new area that looks awesome! Wilderness tent camp in a huge area with a bunch of Buff and other stuff. My idea of a true African safari! I can't wait to read a hunt report :D

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T/C wrote on Dewald's profile.
Hi Dewald,
I am looking for a copy of Wright's "Shooting the British Double Rifle" (3E).
Please PM me (T/C) if you still have one.
Thank you very much in advance!!!
I am game for a meat and eat. My attempt at humor.
rigby 416 wrote on rifletuner's profile.
Come from cz like that.
John A Flaws wrote on Horbs's profile.
500 schuler magazine.jpg
500 schuler bore.jpg
500 and 425 rifles.jpg
500 and 425 magaizne.jpg