I've only hunted Buffalo once but here is my take for you to consider, especially since one reply was quite "expensive". Africa is going out of business. Beautiful pristine areas are shrinking, hunting is being banned in some areas and remote camp hunts are going up, not down in price.
In 30 years RSA will welcome you and there will be buffalo to hunt. Don't worry about the 5-7 day $10,000 hunts. They are relatively safe and lasting.
But a true wild buffalo hunt in the caprivi or on the Zambezi, that is a fleeting thing. The "expensive" part is you are buying an experience and you are buying the extreme logistics of getting you and your camp to that untouched place. If you have the means, buy the hunt, not the buffalo. You can kill buffalo in perpetuity but you will not hunt wilderness buffalo forever with the bellow of a hippo, the roar of a lion, stars brighter than you've ever seen and majestic nature for much longer.
Eventually the beautiful places go photo safari, then they go broke, then they can't fund anti poaching and then they become game deserts.
If you can, do the "expensive" trip as it's something our grandchildren may not be able to buy at any price. Your stories and pictures may be all that remains in 30 years of these treasures.
I'd also add that "expensive" hunts usually Net our PHs not a penny more than an inexpensive hunt. Those higher costs are logistical, staff, fuel and fees passed on to the customer. Do not feel that more expensive hunts are creating a windfall, they are usually priced with the same profit margins as the $10,000 hunt, often they are at less profit margin.