I have to disagree or add to this part. I’ve hunted on many properties the fence had no impact also, but I don’t like associating property size and free range experience. Two of the best fences properties I hunted were in Limpopo and rather small, it’s because they were both the owner’s playgrounds and not managed as an intensive game farm. One was maybe only 2000 acres and had some nyala, zebra, and impala as well as warthog, duiker, bushbuck. He used it as a camping ground on weekends and some meat impala. The other property was another really wealthy owner and had the best kudu I’ve ever seen and he was just letting them die of old age, we were only allowed one and we hunted 4 days, we were the only hunters that had or have been allowed to the property. That property was hilly but 8000 acres. My point with this is there is an operation that comes to mind that markets their 50,000+ private acres aggressively at very low prices without mentioning the huge number of hunters and PHs or the huge amount of game introductions each year. A huge property can be turned into an aggressive game farming operation as easily as a small property can or a small property can be just as good as a large property with with the correct management. A lot of questions need to be asked.