Verifying Hunting Outfitters and Professional Hunters Credentials


Pigslayer can put this whole thread to bed and book his trip with one of the many reputable outfitters and sponsors of
The biggest damn hunting "movement" in the world and can virtually be guaranteed a great trip.
Can I get a hell yeah!

Hell yeah!
Wow he was big on putting down PHASA as well due to his personal hunt ethic.... INTERESTING......

My best always
Shakari PHASA is not all about Lion there are many great things and other important factors to look at as well, PHASA represents the industry not 4 or 5 individuals...

Hence if we are to bring about change it is to come from us and from = from within....

It is not some big pie in the sky making decisions that we have no control over.
We make the decisions... As members. Not being a member has far greater disadvantages.
As mentioned with DSC on board SCI is to follow.

My best always
Fully agree!
Wow he was big on putting down PHASA as well due to his personal hunt ethic.... INTERESTING......

My best always

I don't know if that comment is directed at me or not but if it is, you're quite wrong if you think I'm putting PHASA down because that isn't my intention........ what I was doing doing was pointing out that I think they made a big mistake in voting to change the proposed voluntary wilding period from 6 months to 7 days.......... if you disagree with that then I'm more than happy to discuss the subject.

Nor was I putting them down when I pointed out they don't speak for the industry. It's a simple fact that any organisation of it's type can only speak for it's members. I'm sure you'll agree there are many very good PHs in RSA who are not members and if they're not members, how can PHASA speak for them? Simple logic tells us that isn't possible and therefore that same simple logic tells us PHASA cannot speak for the entire industry.

As I said, I was a member for something like 20 years and although I generally supported and do still generally support PHASA, I did not and do not agree with everything they say & do and I'm not at all ashamed to admit I've had some humdinger rows with them over the years...... and maybe that's part of any healthy relationship? :)

To me, PHASA is coming to a crossroads with the issues I mentioned earlier and I fail to see how they can support and represent the best interests of their members whilst also taking on the job of regulating and governing them and I think they need to choose which of the two paths they take because they won't be able to do both jobs because one will sometimes conflict with the other.
SHAKARI, I am very direct in my approach, it was directed at Andrew Mclaren as he had done so in his post.

I won't hint. But to clear it up it was not directed at you, I believe that the only opinion you share with the mentioned individual are your feelings/opinions with regards to PHASA, and some of their policies, and for those reasons electing not be members of said body.

Just would like to agree with you on one subject rows are good going along and agreeing without question is for sheep.... Differences if opinion and especially policies is IMO how change is brought about, separating ones self from as association is no solution to the problem it in essence puts one out if the position to change the mentioned problems...

By doing this (once again not directed at you but to many non members) an individual runs the risk of being critical from the outside but not being pro active, I for one tend to ignore such criticism.
It is the same as not voting due to a non death penalty policy by a opposition party, and I turn complaining about govt. :) :)

I hope that clears it up. :)

My best always
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OK Jaco... thanks.

Actually, Andrew I are good friends and we agree on a lot of things.

He wrote a very good piece for us about how to spot the differences between a wild lion hunt and a canned one being presented as a wild one that is well worth reading.
Maybe see if you could help out pig slayer... ?

Believe I have read it.

My best always
Don't want to highjack this thread...this commentary is about bad / good PH's and Outfitters.

How many crooks do you know about that is members of PHASA? I know a few! But yet we are trying to identifiy all the crooks that isn't members...don't get me wrong, get rid of them!! PHASA has some good ideas and steering in the right direction, but will it or can it be manage? They need backup from the Goverment...this is Africa...this will be the problem...

Now lets stick to the topic please!!!
There's good and bad people both inside and outside of the organisation just like there is any other organisation and a good example of a flaky bugger who was a member for years is the guy (I won't name him) who was involved in dodgy dealings with SCI for many years and latterly charged with rhino poaching activities.

PHASA is generally a badge of respectability but shouldn't be viewed as a cast iron guarantee of it........ which is why I suggested doing extensive research in/from a number of different sources.

As for PHASA needing backup from Govt. I'd argue that's the last thing they need because they should be able to be in a position to fight Govt in the interests of their members...... which goes back to my point about a conflict of interests if they assume the role of licencing etc. - An example of that is the current, ridiculous province by province licencing thing. - If you're good enough to be a PH in one province, why the hell not good enough to be a PH a few miles down the road?
PHASA is generally a badge of respectability but shouldn't be viewed as a cast iron guarantee of it........ which is why I suggested doing extensive research in/from a number of different sources.

...An example of that is the current, ridiculous province by province licencing thing. - If you're good enough to be a PH in one province, why the hell not good enough to be a PH a few miles down the road?

oh yeh!!
PHASA is generally a badge of respectability but shouldn't be viewed as a cast iron guarantee of it........ which is why I suggested doing extensive research in/from a number of different sources.

An example of that is the current, ridiculous province by province licencing thing. - If you're good enough to be a PH in one province, why the hell not good enough to be a PH a few miles down the road?

This is a reality wold over, Alberta guides must have a separate licence in BC, the Yukon, NWT etc. Each province needs, and has the right to, the ability to regulate, police, and tax its own territory.
This is a reality wold over, Alberta guides must have a separate licence in BC, the Yukon, NWT etc. Each province needs, and has the right to, the ability to regulate, police, and tax its own territory.

Not in Africa it's not. I'm not aware of any other African country that operates like that.
True SHAKARI, old system crap, I feel that it should be a national license, end of story.

My best always
They should have gone to a national licence at least 20 years ago & the only reason it hasn't happened is the Provincial Game Dept staff are all reluctant to lose funding, power & possibly jobs.

Provincial licencing makes life unnecessarily difficult for clients, PHs & outfitters for absolutely no good reason & the only benefit is to the aforementioned Provincial Game Dept staff who for the most part couldn't organise a one car funeral procession nowadays.
Not in Africa it's not. I'm not aware of any other African country that operates like that.

Darned British influence...
OK Jaco... thanks.

Actually, Andrew I are good friends and we agree on a lot of things.

He wrote a very good piece for us about how to spot the differences between a wild lion hunt and a canned one being presented as a wild one that is well worth reading.

Be great to see it!
Not only did us Brits civilise 'em, we also gave 'em the Land Rover! LOL!!!!!!!!
As the joke goes,when the Brits left the shores after the Anglo Boer war they waved and said this is not the last shit you will see from us.They kept their promise and send the Land

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