hi all
from other side of the bench
we rent out a lot of weapons through the hunting season
varying from .22 through to 375
we reload most calibres ammo, factory ammo just too expensive for quality ammo, considering we go through around 500-800 rounds of ammo per year, at least
these points apply wether he is checking hos own weapon or one of mine:
as a ph the first thing i want to see from my client is how he handles a weapon, works the bolt, safety, puts rounds in the mag etc
then i want to see how he shoots, not how well, but his technique, is he squeezing or pulling the trigger, is he scared of the recoil , does he hold the gun nice and snug on the bench or is he getting ready to flinch
then i will make him take 2 or 3 shots off the sticks
then lastly i take note of how he carries the weapon, stores it, places it in racks in lodge or in vehicle etc
all these little things help me to give the client a better experience and help him to harvest the trophies he really wants.
eg: a guy the flinches or snatches the trigger....i will not put him on the sticks to shoot an impala at 250m. he more than likely will miss or wound it, this isnt fun for anybody and knocks his confidence.
many other little things i would and wouldnt do with certain clients based on their shooting technique and or capabilities