USA: Spring Turkey in VA 2024


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Jun 11, 2017
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Alexandria, VA USA
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12 APR 2024 – It’s Friday morning, just after 3am and I’m wide-awake lying-in bed…thinking of what I may have forgotten to pack. Might as well get up and pass some time scrolling AH. It’s going to be several hours before IGS arrives to pick me up. We are heading to a friend’s house about 2 hours away for opening day of spring turkey season.

Of course, the prep started long before this morning. Back at the beginning of February we went out to the farm to clear some trails for our friends and do some scouting. Two days of cutting trees and brush made them very happy. It also gave us time to think about where we want to set up our blinds. In truth, I’ve never seen so much turkey sign in my life. There are two hardwood tree areas that have the forest floor tossed from turkey looking for grubs. I would be surprised if there weren’t at least 50 birds roaming the countryside. That trip was highlighted by harvesting three geese at the very end of the 2023-2024 season from his pond.

After that trip, IGS went back to his place in NY for a while and we starting planning in earnest for our spring turkey trip. Checking and cleaning our gear. Laying stuff out. Spraying permethrin on everything. Laying stuff out again for re-evaluation. Am I overpacking? Probably, but with us driving out to the farm there not a real penalty for doing so.

Coffee is made as I sit at the kitchen table to sip it, surf AH and wait for IGS. My mind starts to drift and think about the many turkey hunts I’ve been on. It must be at least five or six hunts if not more over the course of 10+ years. Ahhh…all the birds I’ve seen. Not shot, just seen them. That’s right, I’ve never shot a turkey…EVER! And it’s frustrating. I’ve had a few opportunities, but for one reason or another things didn’t work out.

Kind of ironic that I’ve done all this turkey load & choke testing over the years and never even fired a shot at a live bird. Not that we haven’t been successful, but the shooting has been done by IGS. I believe he’s taken 2 or 3 birds off this farm over the past couple of years. Hopefully I’ll be able to break my turkey curse with a monster Tom this spring. A hunter’s heart should overflow with optimism. Mine is about half full of that…the other half is coffee. I’ll be better when we get to the farm, for now I need to wake up and chill out. The voice in my head is telling me to relax and I’m trying to listen.

I assure you, there is more to come. I’m not above posting my failures, but I hope that’s not the case this season.
12 APR 2024 – It’s Friday morning, just after 3am and I’m wide-awake lying-in bed…thinking of what I may have forgotten to pack. Might as well get up and pass some time scrolling AH. It’s going to be several hours before IGS arrives to pick me up. We are heading to a friend’s house about 2 hours away for opening day of spring turkey season.

Of course, the prep started long before this morning. Back at the beginning of February we went out to the farm to clear some trails for our friends and do some scouting. Two days of cutting trees and brush made them very happy. It also gave us time to think about where we want to set up our blinds. In truth, I’ve never seen so much turkey sign in my life. There are two hardwood tree areas that have the forest floor tossed from turkey looking for grubs. I would be surprised if there weren’t at least 50 birds roaming the countryside. That trip was highlighted by harvesting three geese at the very end of the 2023-2024 season from his pond.

After that trip, IGS went back to his place in NY for a while and we starting planning in earnest for our spring turkey trip. Checking and cleaning our gear. Laying stuff out. Spraying permethrin on everything. Laying stuff out again for re-evaluation. Am I overpacking? Probably, but with us driving out to the farm there not a real penalty for doing so.

Coffee is made as I sit at the kitchen table to sip it, surf AH and wait for IGS. My mind starts to drift and think about the many turkey hunts I’ve been on. It must be at least five or six hunts if not more over the course of 10+ years. Ahhh…all the birds I’ve seen. Not shot, just seen them. That’s right, I’ve never shot a turkey…EVER! And it’s frustrating. I’ve had a few opportunities, but for one reason or another things didn’t work out.

Kind of ironic that I’ve done all this turkey load & choke testing over the years and never even fired a shot at a live bird. Not that we haven’t been successful, but the shooting has been done by IGS. I believe he’s taken 2 or 3 birds off this farm over the past couple of years. Hopefully I’ll be able to break my turkey curse with a monster Tom this spring. A hunter’s heart should overflow with optimism. Mine is about half full of that…the other half is coffee. I’ll be better when we get to the farm, for now I need to wake up and chill out. The voice in my head is telling me to relax and I’m trying to listen.

I assure you, there is more to come. I’m not above posting my failures, but I hope that’s not the case this season.
BeeMaa, if effort, work, & preparation lead to success—— You are well on your way and deservedly so. I wish a few of my Turkey Hunting friends put in the “effort” that you do, I seem to do all of the planning and pre work (except for my Son & Daughter InLaw - they Both put-in-the-work). My friends, when they join me, are there for the camaraderie…and a good time they are. My Son joining me always makes my hunt better - he plans, works, and enjoys it all. You’re success will come eventually and it’s when your planning & preparation meets “opportunity” and you will enjoy it all-the-more because of the work you put in. Over the past 4 years I’ve been fortunate and taken a gobbler each Spring and twice in the Fall “except” for last year - I was skunked both Spring & Fall —-even though I heard more gobbles then any other season? In some ways I felt that I did some of my best hunting and really was persistent - just couldn’t get a bird to show himself…but just being out there and “hearing gobbles” is fun and enough to keep me going back, in fact if I got one every opening day it wouldn’t be as special….too easy-too often = too ordinary.
Good luck (weather looks great for Saturday) and look forward to your follow up reports.
Thanks @HankBuck. I've been close, but never closed the deal.

I think it was 2017 when I had one at 40 yards and I was trying to line up the sights on my friends 10 bore single shot with that blue head popping in and out of the pine trees. He saw something before I could pull the trigger...gone. Similar scenarios have played out several times over the years, all with the same result.

This year feels different. I feel more prepared than years before. At the same time, I've never felt unprepared for a turkey hunt. We will see how it goes and work it the best we can.

My cup is closer to 3/4 full of optimism now. ;)
Thanks @HankBuck. I've been close, but never closed the deal.

I think it was 2017 when I had one at 40 yards and I was trying to line up the sights on my friends 10 bore single shot with that blue head popping in and out of the pine trees. He saw something before I could pull the trigger...gone. Similar scenarios have played out several times over the years, all with the same result.

This year feels different. I feel more prepared than years before. At the same time, I've never felt unprepared for a turkey hunt. We will see how it goes and work it the best we can.

My cup is closer to 3/4 full of optimism now. ;)
BeeMaa - You and “unprepared“ will never be found in the same paragraph !!
I should have taken a picture of all my gear when it was laid out. I’m an idiot.

For those of you who don’t know, I’ll touch on the major stuff. I’m using a Benelli SBE3, Federal Heavyweight 3.5” TSS 7 shot turkey loads and Carlson’s TSS rated turkey choke. No optics on the shotgun, but I’ll have my Leica Rangemaster 3500 in my go-bag for spotting incoming birds. Several mouth calls (I’m quite good at that now) combined with four hen decoys to try to get them close. I can’t remember what kind of blinds we are using, but they are “see through” hub blinds and I believe we are taking at least 4 to set up in various locations. I’m not a big camo guy, so most of my clothing is dark green or earth tone Carhartt but I have some KUIU stuff as well. Pretty standard stuff.

We arrived at the farm just before noon and took a ride on the side by side to set everything up. The trails we cleared are looking good and we are still seeing good turkey sign. Three blinds have been put out and we are holding back a fourth one for now that may get set up tomorrow afternoon depending on what we see opening day. Right now, the wind has picked up, but we are hoping it calms down by tomorrow morning. Forecast is for cool and clear skies with a bit of wind. Anticipation of opening day has me pumped up. My hunters’ heart is overflowing with optimism at the moment.
I should have taken a picture of all my gear when it was laid out. I’m an idiot.

For those of you who don’t know, I’ll touch on the major stuff. I’m using a Benelli SBE3, Federal Heavyweight 3.5” TSS 7 shot turkey loads and Carlson’s TSS rated turkey choke. No optics on the shotgun, but I’ll have my Leica Rangemaster 3500 in my go-bag for spotting incoming birds. Several mouth calls (I’m quite good at that now) combined with four hen decoys to try to get them close. I can’t remember what kind of blinds we are using, but they are “see through” hub blinds and I believe we are taking at least 4 to set up in various locations. I’m not a big camo guy, so most of my clothing is dark green or earth tone Carhartt but I have some KUIU stuff as well. Pretty standard stuff.

We arrived at the farm just before noon and took a ride on the side by side to set everything up. The trails we cleared are looking good and we are still seeing good turkey sign. Three blinds have been put out and we are holding back a fourth one for now that may get set up tomorrow afternoon depending on what we see opening day. Right now, the wind has picked up, but we are hoping it calms down by tomorrow morning. Forecast is for cool and clear skies with a bit of wind. Anticipation of opening day has me pumped up. My hunters’ heart is overflowing with optimism at the moment.
BeeMaa you have great enthusiasm combined with “smart effort” — enjoy opening morning
You’re running behind!
13 APR 2024 - Morning comes early. The wind had the roof playing music to keep me up most of the night. I rise about 10 minutes before my alarm goes off and get dressed. Water is heating up and soon there will be coffee. IGS comes in to fill his cup. We sit in silence, enjoying the peace before a hunt.

Our gear packed, we head out into the darkness. The weather is cool with a strong steady wind. We arrive at my blind first and part ways. I set the decoys out and stage my gear for action…followed promptly by falling asleep in the o-so-comfy hunting chair I bought for this year.

It’s still pre-dawn when I wake up and ready the turkey call. I’ve heard nothing but wind, leaves and the creaking of the trees. I put a call out…nothing. Another one…still nothing. It’s time to wait.

Around 7:15 I hear what sounds like a gunshot, but it’s not from the direction of IGS. It came from the complete opposite direction and sounded like it was possibly from the neighbor’s farm. Too hard to tell with where I’m located and the wind whipping.

I place calls in half-hour intervals to see if I’m getting a response. I’ve heard several songbirds, crow and a flock of geese that roosted on the pond last night. Man, I’m sleepy.

I’m awaken at 8:30 to a loud gunshot. Sounded like IGS. Then there’s another one almost immediately after the first one. I ponder the scenario in my head. Was it a miss and a hit or did he do a double? Either way, he must be seeing more action than me.

I sip some coffee that is now starting to go cold and wrap up in my woobie…maybe for another nap. Hunting from a blind is not my favorite strategy. It’s effective, but requires me to exercise a level of patience that I’m not accustomed to needing. So far my only companions have been the wind, rustling the leaves…making me think there’s a turkey out there and a catbird that must enjoy the color of my blind because he won’t stop singing to it.

The shadows are getting shorter as noon approaches signaling the end of opening day. I think I hear some gobbles coming from the field about 200 yards away but I can’t be sure if it’s true or just me REALLY wanting to hear gobbles. It’s been a pretty good day, not too hot or cold, I stayed dry and was able to enjoy some peace & quiet while slowly waking up with the woods. I’m anxious to get back to the house and see if IGS was successful but I’ll wait it out a bit longer.
Just before noon I pack up my stuff and slowly walk back to the house. When I get in range of wi-fi, my phone blows up with text messages. Turns out the shots were not IGS at all and that they most likely came from an adjacent farm. Damn it, skunked on opening day.

IGS had a gobble within 100 yards and another one a long way off in the opposite direction, both at 6:18. The closer one made his way to IGS as he kept hen calling. He said that his head popped up for about 10 seconds, but he couldn’t see the body and didn’t shoot. He was expecting the turkey to go one way and it went the other, never to return. He regrets not shooting but that’s how things go sometimes. He was expecting me to show up with two dead Toms and good story because he heard the same shots. Ah well, tomorrow is another day.

We get a good-sized lunch and reset our gear for tomorrow morning. The blind we set up in the field yesterday had been blown over by the constant wind, being held in place by only one stake. More stakes are cut, and it’s resecured properly. After that we head down to the pond and do a little fishing and contemplate our day.

We both believe that the high winds contributed to the lack of success. It was hard to hear anything and of course our calls don’t travel as far either. We are still confident in our plan and will return to the same places tomorrow morning.
Just before noon I pack up my stuff and slowly walk back to the house. When I get in range of wi-fi, my phone blows up with text messages. Turns out the shots were not IGS at all and that they most likely came from an adjacent farm. Damn it, skunked on opening day.

IGS had a gobble within 100 yards and another one a long way off in the opposite direction, both at 6:18. The closer one made his way to IGS as he kept hen calling. He said that his head popped up for about 10 seconds, but he couldn’t see the body and didn’t shoot. He was expecting the turkey to go one way and it went the other, never to return. He regrets not shooting but that’s how things go sometimes. He was expecting me to show up with two dead Toms and good story because he heard the same shots. Ah well, tomorrow is another day.

We get a good-sized lunch and reset our gear for tomorrow morning. The blind we set up in the field yesterday had been blown over by the constant wind, being held in place by only one stake. More stakes are cut, and it’s resecured properly. After that we head down to the pond and do a little fishing and contemplate our day.

We both believe that the high winds contributed to the lack of success. It was hard to hear anything and of course our calls don’t travel as far either. We are still confident in our plan and will return to the same places tomorrow morning.
Don’t feel too bad, at least you didn’t get impatient and attempt a 60 yd shot through the trees like one dumbass I know (yours truly).

My one and only day of turkey hunting, and I sliced. At least I found some morels as a consolation prize.

Better luck tomorrow, I think your fortunes will improve.
Don’t feel too bad, at least you didn’t get impatient and attempt a 60 yd shot through the trees like one dumbass I know (yours truly).

My one and only day of turkey hunting, and I sliced. At least I found some morels as a consolation prize.

Better luck tomorrow, I think your fortunes will improve.

Well, @BourbonTrail, you and @BeeMaa seemed to have seen and heard turkeys this morning. I can only say i might have heard turkeys or some very good turkey callers. Had one idiot calling as he walked near the wood line circling the open field i was looking over.

My morning started out foggy. The daily and over night rains the last 3-4 days saturated the ground for quite walking.....for me, the deer, the coyote, the you see a sort a theme here?.....Yeah.... I walked/stalked within 15-20 yards of a deer....(after the fog lifted)....heard gobblers(????)(maybe other hunters)....had a coyote come to within 10- 15 yards of me looking for a turkey...I was using my call....didn't see the damn yote before he saw me.....Damn It!!! Knew I should have strapped on my 44. But, the public land area is restricted to shotgun with shot only, archery, and muzzleloaders. (Note: to self address TWRA of there stupidity....long story, I suggested no cartridge rifles. (Blah, Blah, Blah,..)

Jumped at least 3 more deer. Heard several shots: turkey or coyote??. Damn cows bellowing! Called it a morning at 10:30am. Salvage the day...Hit the gun show.....WTF?.... No Gun Show....But the sign said this weekend...Damn indoor yard sale,...WTF/WTH!! BS!!....SCREW IT!!....SOB!!

I'm on a very tight and very overdue schedule...FI!!

Complete what I can, offer forgiveness for what I can't, prepare for tomorrow, finish up on Monday.

"WORKS FOR ME." Hunter TV cop show.

So yeah, @BourbonTrail impatient no way totally outside coyote way shotgun range...FtT's....Damn coyote....

Tomorrow morning is a whole new day. I can only sha vue.....
14 APR 2024 - Slept much better last with no gusty winds to flap the metal roof. IGS makes coffee for himself but I’m not feeling like it. I grab some lemonade and a snack bar before we head out.

As soon as we start walking, I turn on my red beam handheld (wicked bright) flashlight to show the way. I shine it across the field towards the tree line that’s 200+ yards away. There are several sets of eyes on the border of the tree line that are staring back at us. We count at least 5 deer as they run around and eventually vanish before we make it halfway across.

We split at the usual spot, and I get set up. It’s well before sunrise and I’m thinking about taking a little nap. Just as I get comfy, I hear a gobble…or at least I think I do. I check my watch, 6:05 and there’s another gobble from a different direction. What a difference a day makes. The calm wind has allowed the forest to come to life.
I’m calling with at least two different birds, one in front and the other behind me. Hard to tell but I’m guessing they are 100 yards off and are still in the trees. I call and they gobble back for about 15 minutes until they drop down from the trees. Then they go radio silent…

7:10 Single shot from the area where IGS is, but yesterday taught me that it could just as easily come from the adjacent farm. Seeing as we have no means of communication, it will have to wait. I’ll have to amuse myself with the squirrels that seem to surround the blind.

8:00 and I’m hearing gobbles from behind me. We go back and forth but he must have lost interest. Same thing happens at 9am, hear them for a bit then nothing. It’s approaching 10am now and every now and then I hear a gobble in the distance, but that’s about it. By 10 the wind picks back up and that’s the end of the turkey calling. I can’t hear them, and they can’t hear me. I begrudgingly sit and wait until just before noon before pulling the plug.

I meet up with IGS and he had some action and saw another bird, but it spooked on something and went off. We are 0-2 but feel good about where we are with the blinds. We have one more day to seal the deal before I need to be back to work on Tuesday. Hoping it goes well.
I could go over the whole thing, but suffice to say that it didn't turn out the way I had hoped. Maybe I'll summarize the day or the trip in a later post. For now enjoy a few pictures I snapped along the way.


I think your success rate would drastically increase if you weren't confined to a blind. I know several people hunt turkey that way, but I have always had much more success running and gunning. Find a bird that wants to play the game, get in his bubble, and kill him. If he is answering you but not coming, figure out where he is headed and get in front of him.

Also, I am not sure abotu running 4 hen decoys. A lot of times, especially early season, if a gobbler only sees the hen decoys he will hang up and gobble and gobble but never come in. However, if you throw a jake decoy in the mix it changes the whole scenario.

Please do not take this as me trying to tell you how to turkey hunt, but throwing some advice out there to ya on things to possibly try. I used to travel all over every spring chasing these great birds, but then got bit by the Africa bug so a lot of my spare money goes to that instead of chasing turkeys all around the US.
I think your success rate would drastically increase if you weren't confined to a blind. I know several people hunt turkey that way, but I have always had much more success running and gunning. Find a bird that wants to play the game, get in his bubble, and kill him. If he is answering you but not coming, figure out where he is headed and get in front of him.

Also, I am not sure abotu running 4 hen decoys. A lot of times, especially early season, if a gobbler only sees the hen decoys he will hang up and gobble and gobble but never come in. However, if you throw a jake decoy in the mix it changes the whole scenario.

Please do not take this as me trying to tell you how to turkey hunt, but throwing some advice out there to ya on things to possibly try. I used to travel all over every spring chasing these great birds, but then got bit by the Africa bug so a lot of my spare money goes to that instead of chasing turkeys all around the US.
No offense taken. I've done running & gunning, failed miserably at that too. LOL. The plan for this one was to set up where they were going...into the area they eat from. It didn't work out. When I'm not so busy I'll type up how today went and how I nearly went running & gunning.

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FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?
Trogon wrote on Mac Baren's profile.
@Mac Baren, I live central to city of Cincinnati. I have work travel early this week but could hopefully meet later this week (with no schedule changes). What area of town are you working/staying in?
Kind regards
Read more at the link about our 40000 acre free range kudu area we will also be posting a deal on the deals page soon!
Our predator control is going very well
Looking for brass or reloads for 475noz2 Jefferies ammo. Any suggestions greatly appreciated. Charles