Some closing comments and observations on this hunt.
Alaska is a tough place to live and a tougher place to hunt. Alaskan outfitters have a tough job, with difficult logistics, high costs and ever changing weather. Factor in a few years of COVID related issues and you can see that nothing comes easy in Alaska.
When I decided to contact Brent Keith of Castle Rock Outfitters, he worked with me on how this hunt came about in 2022. You see, I had a moose tag application in for Wyoming, but knew I only had about 20-25% chance of drawing. However, I needed to wait for the Wyoming draw in early May before committing to an Alaska hunt. Brent allowed me to put a deposit down for 2022, subject to the draw results in Wyoming. If I did draw, then my Alaska hunt would be 2024 (2023 is booked). The first week of May, Wyoming informed me I was again unsuccessful, so Alaska here I come.
I found several Youtube videos on Castle Rock hunts and this is one of the better ones:
Reviewing the outfitter's performance, it's hard to be too critical when you successfully harvest a nice trophy animal. However, there's always room for improvement so I will leave some constructive feedback.
What was really good?
The actual hunting and hunting area was fantastic. Very remote and very exclusive. Didn't see or hear any other hunters. The horses were excellent too. Brent is an excellent hunting guide, as was Bruce, the assistant guide. Pete, the wrangler, was outstanding with the horses and a big help with many other chores.
What was not so good?
Pre and post hunt communication. During the delays immediately before the hunt, communication was poor and very frustrating. Transportation issues between Fairbanks and Healy. Food in camp, both quality and quantity was so-so. I've been home for 3 weeks now and have not heard a word on getting my moose cape and antlers to the expediter and shipped to my taxidermist.