I had the exact same thing last January. I kept myself in the basement to stay away from the kids and wife. I had absolutely zero symptoms except a fever and shivers that I could not shake for 5 full days. It was brutal. My back was so sore after it was all done just from being in a contracted state for so long with all of the shivering. I am sure what I had would have killed every grandma in the county. But guess what? this one has been around for years and no one is talking about it. You know why?? Cause it is a natural part of life. The Flu exists and we will all face it at one point or another in our lives. Hopefully when we are young and healthy. And you know what, 90% of us who die of "old age" typically is the flu that does us in. Society now thinks they can rewrite the rules of nature and make everyone live forever. And are trying to create a flu shot that can save the world of the flu. Nature will always make a new one that we haven' thought of yet. Just like we can't make walls to stop tidal waves, we can't make buildings that are earthquake proof, we can't make houses that are tornado proof. We can do our best to be safe and that is all we can do. But eventually nature outsmarts us. Oh ya.... I forgot to mention..... there is another deadly disease we have all just learned to accept and live with. Cancer.This year I had flu A and when I told the doctor that it was about the worst thing I could remember having they said, "it should've been because it was actually H1N1 but no-one was referring to it as that but instead flu A".
BUT THE ONE THING THAT BLOWS MY MIND!!! This entire pandemic you got fauci and all his minions. Talking about wearing masks, gloves, sanitizer, 6ft etc etc etc. But at the end of the day this is a virus that your immune system will fight. So yes without antibodies you will likely contract it if in contact. But your symptoms can be from severe to almost nothing based on a few factors. Yes preexisting conditions make it worse, but your own personal immunity is a massive factor in your experience with Covid. Not a single freaking time did I hear Fauci or any global health official say eat fruits and vegetables, take vitamins, plenty of vitamin C, limit alcohol or smoking, exercise etc. GET HEALTHY. Because that alone could easily be the difference between life or death if you contract any FLU virus. My grocery store has all the fruits and vegetables and vitamins you can possibly need..... but no fucking toilet paper or masks.....
Sorry rant over.