Scott CWO
AH legend
You’re probably right about the fixation on dates. As in real estate, “Location, location, location!” I guess they forgot that.My wife used to work in executive management with Omni downtown.. she can/will attest that KBH management is very difficult to deal with.. city bureaucrats that don’t understand private enterprise or care to learn.. they were a big PIA for the Omni.. and Omni has a long standing, vested interest in maintaining a quality partnership with them and vice-versa… but it often appeared that only Omni was doing anything to bolster the relationship..
I think a fixation on dates was one of the main factors that led to DSC choosing Atlanta… they wanted to continue to kick off show season..
If TTHA has those kick off dates secured, and if DSC wants to return to KBHCC, they’d likely have to decide they want to be the last show of the season if they’re going to have success… otherwise they’re going to be coming in on the heels of another hunting show in the same location.. you’re not going to get the same attendees to travel to Dallas twice back to back..
As I think about it, closing out the year could be a smart move, and might be attractive to exhibitors…
They start in Dallas at TTHA… pack their booths and head to SCI… then the next show, etc etc.. and then finish the circuit back in Dallas where their storage facility is.. so that at the end of DSC they are positioned properly for next year without having to dead head to a storage location like they had to do in years past..
The only DSC Show I attended as an exhibitor or hunter was back in the early 2000’s (don’t remember the exact year) but it was before the obsession with being first. When the dates changed to be the earliest, I could no longer go. We conduct January elk hunts and I didn’t want to miss out being one of the guides. It’s a shame because as an exhibitor, I had a great show at DSC. In talking with other exhibitors, they liked how they were treated by DSC. Booths were cheaper than SCI and not so many rules about donations. It’s sad to see what happened in Atlanta.