I never leave the country without the insurance and have always used Travel Insured. It covers you for the COVID and medical expenses, but the main reason I get it is just in case I should die while I'm over there for any reason, they get your body back to the states. If you don't have that covered and you should die, for any reason, your family will have to deal with the process and the expenses.
I only get insured for the money that I can't get back, this saves me money on the insurance. For example, let's say I pay $1500 for round-trip airfare and the hunt package is going to cost $5000 for 7 days of hunting. Technically, with most PH's, you don't pay for the hunt until you are done hunting, so the only money I may not get back is for the airfare. I take out a 9 day policy, to cover travel days, and set the price at $1500 for the insurance. If I have to cancel and don't go, then I'm not out the $5000 for the hunt as I never made it over, and if I did make it over, then it's not like I'd need a refund on that portion as I probably did hunt and owe them the $5000.
Insurance, to include medical, lost luggage, property damage, getting my body back, Covid quarantine, etc., will probably run me about $120. It's a no brainer.
Google all of these 'internet influencers' who die while trying to get that perfect selfie on the side of a cliff and see how many of their parents have started up these "go fund me" pages so they can pay to have their kids body sent back home. Insurance would solve that. I bet you Ashley Judd had insurance when she broke her leg in central Africa and almost died. They had to fly her out of the jungle and then to the states. You never know, that next step you take while stalking your kudu in the veld could be the one where you trip and break an ankle or leg and need emergency care.
$120, yeah.....I'll pay that.