I think we are getting off track here, and
@BRICKBURN can certainly delete this post if he thinks it’s taking us even further from the thread, but some things need to be said in reply to some of the recent comments.
How about we lay off the religious references? As a Catholic myself, I am well aware of the issues the Church has had with certain priests. But tarring all priests with the same brush is the same as suggesting that all men are (potential) rapists, or somehow responsible for Mr. Weinstein. Not true, not helpful and certainly not necessary to the discussion.
As for “welcoming terrorists back with open arms” a few comments need to be made. Let me start by saying that I have voted Tory blue my entire life (for our American friends, that’s the exact opposite of your “blue”). That out of the way, here goes:
1. The people we are talking about are Canadian citizens. They have a right to come to Canada, just the same as you and me. Be very careful about taking away that right without any trial, on the basis of your opinion of public opinion. Do you want immigration officers - or still less politicians - deciding which Canadian citizens can come home? The next person to be denied the rights of citizenship may well be you.
2. It is a crime in Canada to give assistance to terrorist organizations. ISIS is such an organization. If these people have assisted ISIS in any way, then they can and should be charged upon return to Canada, and we will let a judge and jury decide if they are guilty of anything. To suggest anything else is to go down the same road which ISIS and their ilk have gone down. We have to preserve what makes us - in my opinion - what and who we are, and that is the rule of law, the presumption of innocence, and the right to a fair and impartial trial. Take those things away and we are no better than the terrorists. And - just as an aside - you will be spitting on what many, many, Canadians have died to protect.
Back to Mrs. Harper.