I have a buddy who is an avid duck hunter and he tells me everytime how impressive is the TSS on birds. For sure, it allows longer shot and it provides a tighter pattern, carrying more energy and momentum for an effective results, much further than the classic lead.
I have no experience with a wounded leopard because I was lucky enough to kill this animal instantely.
But I have spoken with several people about this subject and I saw several videos of course. Usually, when a leopard charge, it seems it's a very close shot, almost point blank very often. Most of the time, distances are less than 10 meters and at this distance, the pattern won't be very wide with a classic buckshot and with a TSS, it might be even tigther.
A good TSS load can crushed the head of the cat more easily than any other classic buckshots, including copper plated one, but because of the close shot, why not using directly a slug ?
If I have to use a shotgun in such situation, I would rather use a good Benelli and loaded with 600 gr, or even 666 gr, Brenneke slugs in 3" shell than any buckshots avalaible on the market.
Die SuperMagnum verbindet die Vorzüge eines klassischen Flintenlaufgeschosses mit modernen Materialien. Dank besonders schwerem und extra legiertem Bleikopf erreichen die SuperMagnum Patronen maximale Durchschlagskraft.
They will be very effective for sure !
In both videos, shotguns are used but I don't know what kind of ammunition they loaded ?
In the first one, it seems the cat is stopped by Tanya Blake with her 416 Rigby and the man with the Weatherby Mark V shot just after her. One PH uses a Browning Over-under and a tracker carries a semi-automatic Remington.
In the second video, the man used a Remington 870 but once again, no precision about the ammunitions used. But once again, at such short distance, I don't think a buckshot is better than a slug.
The man attacked was very lucky, I almost thought he was also wounded by the shot.