

AH member
Dec 30, 2022
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When I planned my first trip to Africa (2004), it seemed that Tuffpak was the guncase that everyone was using. I’ve read lately though that you can’t load other items in the case now with the guns. Can anyone confirm this or is this an airline specific issue? I’m flying Emirates to JNB, and then Airlink to my destination. Also, is the 11lb rule for ammo the TOTAL for all ammo, or is this per caliber/gun? And does that also include the case the ammo is in? And lastly, does the ammo case need TSA locks, or do I use non-tsa like with the rifle case? I read somewhere that I’ll have to pull the ammo case out and check it separately for my Airlink flight. Thanks in advance! Is it May yet?
The nothing else in the Tufpack is a RSA rule, no one has said anything to me about having clothes in it in Joburg. 11 pounds ammo is for all ammo, TSA locks on the ammo. And yes yo May have to check it in separate to fly Airlink thou it hit and miss.
I think you are asking for a problem you don’t need with a tuffpack. Buy a pelican or a boyt case so you don’t have to worry about any issues at the airline counter. 11 lbs (5 kg) is international regulations for personal quantities of ammo. It’s total. Technically it’s only ammunition, but you’d be safer to treat it as 11 lbs total ammo, case, and locks so no explaining at airlink counter in Johannesburg. That should easily get you 60-80 rounds of ammo which is more than you need on a safari. Locks on ammo case doesn’t matter. TSA locks are probably best. I’ve always used standard locks and taped a key to outside while it’s inside my checked bag, then took the key back if required to check separately in Africa. Airlink will most likely make you check your ammo case separately. I’ve had one time they did not but I expect to every time. One travel tip, when Airlink has you pay for your rifle in Johannesburg pay for return trip as well and save the receipt. Paying in regional airports isn’t always as easy as at Johannesburg and also just saves you waiting in line again.
I think you are asking for a problem you don’t need with a tuffpack. Buy a pelican or a boyt case so you don’t have to worry about any issues at the airline counter. 11 lbs (5 kg) is international regulations for personal quantities of ammo. It’s total. Technically it’s only ammunition, but you’d be safer to treat it as 11 lbs total ammo, case, and locks so no explaining at airlink counter in Johannesburg. That should easily get you 60-80 rounds of ammo which is more than you need on a safari. Locks on ammo case doesn’t matter. TSA locks are probably best. I’ve always used standard locks and taped a key to outside while it’s inside my checked bag, then took the key back if required to check separately in Africa. Airlink will most likely make you check your ammo case separately. I’ve had one time they did not but I expect to every time. One travel tip, when Airlink has you pay for your rifle in Johannesburg pay for return trip as well and save the receipt. Paying in regional airports isn’t always as easy as at Johannesburg and also just saves you waiting in line again.
Good tip about paying for the gun handling fee round trip in Joberg. The airline couldn't get my credit card to work on my return through Port Elizabeth. My PH produced his card and suddenly the machine was magically working again. The counter agent was no doubt trying to get US cash for which I'm sure he also magically did not have any change = mandatory tip.

I use ordinary locks on my gun and ammo case. I put extra stuff in the ammo case to fill it up so shell boxes aren't flopping around and coming open. So far no one has asked me to open the ammo box. Security can look through it with xray. Police in Joberg have not checked my ammo but don't be surprised if they do. Make sure your ammo matches your guns. I would say ammo weight will include the box. I don't think they will allow you to dump ammo out on the scale. Some ticket agents are very nervous about letting a gun case be opened in public view (their documentation must be inserted inside case). Last trip I had problems getting my carryon through security with bipod inside. Scopes were fine as they were on "the list" but no one could decide if bipods were or were not banned "gun parts." DO NOT remove gun bolts and put them in carryon! I have always left mine in the rifles and chambers closed. No problems. Nothing in my gun case but rifles and factory foam ... and hidden AirTag. Don't leave home without one of those to track your guns!!
One of the advantages of a TuffPak is your Rifle is in it's soft case inside the TuffPak With a Boyt or Pelican are you packing your soft case in your duffel ??
One of the advantages of a TuffPak is your Rifle is in it's soft case inside the TuffPak With a Boyt or Pelican are you packing your soft case in your duffel ??
I never take soft cases to Africa. My outfitter has plenty of them. Check with yours to see if you need to bring them.
My soft case packs into my checked luggage. If I’m just taking one rifle, it’s on the rifle inside my gun case. Depends on your hard case, I suppose.
I have taken a TuffPak to Africa 7 times without issue. The last three trips being in 2022,2023 and earlier this year. All 7 trips have been through Joburg. I’ve gotten to where I typically take 2 rifles and just put a pillow between the rifles in soft cases. Rifles have always been safe and sound and never an issue coming or going. 6 of these trips have had a connection to another final destination either in Zimbawe or Namibia. I’ll be headed back this coming August and will have my rifles in the same TuffPak that has served me so well for the last 20 years.
I'm not sure about the statement that "everyone was/is using a TuffPak. I remember lots of chatter about the system from... "it will fool people into thinking it has golf clubs" to "combining checked bag items like boots, clothes, gun slips and regular baggage items with guns will save on checked baggage"... and so on... The golf bag trick will not fool anyone around an airport, even though I think the official TuffPak salesmen were promoting that nonsense. I really haven't noticed "everyone" using them around airports/flights having lots of hunters. I do see a few of course but certainly not accounting for most. What I have noticed is they are occasionally a pain in the arse for airline personnal, baggage inspectors and TSA when having to inspect guns packed in with various clothing/misc. items. Really a pisser when your flight is late on arrival, you are running late on making a connection and your are waiting behind an agent struggling to inspect a gun in a TuffPak crammed with crap around a gun followed by trying to repack it! Been there done that having to wait behind that nonsense. Also, don't forget the obvious issue of what to do with your ammo if regs don't allow ammo in same bag/case as gun?? Seems to me that negates one of the oft-stated advantages of combining clothes with your gun in something like a TuffPak. Plus, the last thing I want to do when traveling with a gun is to make it harder for the inspectors or TSA to do their job. IMO, that is just asking for trouble.

I have air traveled with firearms since 1976. I have always taken down my bolt guns to fit into a shorter, handier case. I started out with a much cheaper, short shotgun type take down case then I stepped up to the much stronger Pelican 1700 shortly after it became commonly available. Handy and tough as nails. Can carry in one hand like a suitcase or pull on wheels. I have not looked back. I haven't found any reason to change my method and IMO it would be hard to improve upon this Pelican design.

Pic of older Pelican 1700 model with two lock holes ( I just use small, cheap pad locks with extra keys).

Pretty much one size and pattern foam cutouts fits all for bolt rifles.
Inspector opens case... easily inspects contents... closes lid and re-locks... done! :)

pelican 1700- 2.png

Pelican 1700- 2  4.JPG
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I used a rolling Tuffpak with good results on my first safaris years ago. However, I don't use mine much anymore as I have found a better system of using Pelican cases for rifles and a small bright yellow Pelican car for ammo. Then I have a Red Oxx duffle type bag for clothing and when flying into Africa, I put the ammo box inside of that. I've always been asked to check the ammo box separately for Airlink flights inside of Africa. I also use a Red Oxx backpack or small bag for the carry on. I take my binos in my carry on. I quit using the big Tuffpak after there was a helicopter flight inside of Africa and the case was too big to fit in the helo! I had to lash it down to the skids and the pilot didn't like that! If you haven't looked at Red Oxx bags, you need to check them out.
I can’t remember which source I used in 2004 to research, but whatever it was, Tuffpak was all the rage. I bought one but sold it after my trip fell through. When I started researching for my 2022 attempt, I was surprised that no one was mentioning them and I wasn’t seeing them in pictures, etc. I have a Pelican double case that I’ll use on this trip. If nothing else, it will probably keep me from overpacking! I appreciate everyone’s comments.
I used a rolling Tuffpak with good results on my first safaris years ago. However, I don't use mine much anymore as I have found a better system of using Pelican cases for rifles and a small bright yellow Pelican car for ammo. Then I have a Red Oxx duffle type bag for clothing and when flying into Africa, I put the ammo box inside of that. I've always been asked to check the ammo box separately for Airlink flights inside of Africa. I also use a Red Oxx backpack or small bag for the carry on. I take my binos in my carry on. I quit using the big Tuffpak after there was a helicopter flight inside of Africa and the case was too big to fit in the helo! I had to lash it down to the skids and the pilot didn't like that! If you haven't looked at Red Oxx bags, you need to check them out.
I’ve looked at the Red Ox bags, they look great. However, I was under the impression that soft sided duffle bags weren’t allowed on some airlines now, so I went with a Pelican air case. I’ll use an AER backpack for my carryon, along with a briefcase type shoulder bag. I’ve poured over the airline baggage requirements and hopefully can get my allotted 30 lbs of essentials in the two carryons. Thanks for your comment!
Good tip about paying for the gun handling fee round trip in Joberg. The airline couldn't get my credit card to work on my return through Port Elizabeth. My PH produced his card and suddenly the machine was magically working again. The counter agent was no doubt trying to get US cash for which I'm sure he also magically did not have any change = mandatory tip.

I use ordinary locks on my gun and ammo case. I put extra stuff in the ammo case to fill it up so shell boxes aren't flopping around and coming open. So far no one has asked me to open the ammo box. Security can look through it with xray. Police in Joberg have not checked my ammo but don't be surprised if they do. Make sure your ammo matches your guns. I would say ammo weight will include the box. I don't think they will allow you to dump ammo out on the scale. Some ticket agents are very nervous about letting a gun case be opened in public view (their documentation must be inserted inside case). Last trip I had problems getting my carryon through security with bipod inside. Scopes were fine as they were on "the list" but no one could decide if bipods were or were not banned "gun parts." DO NOT remove gun bolts and put them in carryon! I have always left mine in the rifles and chambers closed. No problems. Nothing in my gun case but rifles and factory foam ... and hidden AirTag. Don't leave home without one of those to track your guns!!
I was thinking about stuffing a knife into the gun case, is that a problem? I have air tags for every bag. Thanks for your comment!
I think you are asking for a problem you don’t need with a tuffpack. Buy a pelican or a boyt case so you don’t have to worry about any issues at the airline counter. 11 lbs (5 kg) is international regulations for personal quantities of ammo. It’s total. Technically it’s only ammunition, but you’d be safer to treat it as 11 lbs total ammo, case, and locks so no explaining at airlink counter in Johannesburg. That should easily get you 60-80 rounds of ammo which is more than you need on a safari. Locks on ammo case doesn’t matter. TSA locks are probably best. I’ve always used standard locks and taped a key to outside while it’s inside my checked bag, then took the key back if required to check separately in Africa. Airlink will most likely make you check your ammo case separately. I’ve had one time they did not but I expect to every time. One travel tip, when Airlink has you pay for your rifle in Johannesburg pay for return trip as well and save the receipt. Paying in regional airports isn’t always as easy as at Johannesburg and also just saves you waiting in line again.
I’ll take your advice once again! Thanks for the tip on paying in advance.
I was thinking about stuffing a knife into the gun case, is that a problem? I have air tags for every bag. Thanks for your comment!
I'm not sure. I've never put anything but guns in my gun case. If you do put a knife in your case, don't hide it. The case will go through xray, sometimes immediately after inspection. Someone might get overly cautious if seeing a hidden weapon inside the gun case and decide to dismantle it.

I never take a knife to Africa. No one will let me use it on game so what's the point? Just something that can get lost or stolen. A lot of guys wear knives on safari just to be fashionable. I go to Africa to hunt, not for a style show.
I’ve looked at the Red Ox bags, they look great. However, I was under the impression that soft sided duffle bags weren’t allowed on some airlines now, so I went with a Pelican air case. I’ll use an AER backpack for my carryon, along with a briefcase type shoulder bag. I’ve poured over the airline baggage requirements and hopefully can get my allotted 30 lbs of essentials in the two carryons. Thanks for your comment!
Joberg airport does not allow checked bags with loose straps (e.g. hockey bags). If trying to check a bag with straps, they will send you back to the lobby where vendor will shrink wrap the bag ... for a fee of course. Some airlines have become picky about soft bags but usually only the oversize ones. They are just too difficult for baggage handlers to deal with. Because laundry is typically done every day while on safari, there really is no need to pack a lot of clothing. I wear one set of hunting duds on the plane, another change of clothes in carryon, and a third in checked bag. Also in checked bag is second pair of boots and winter coat. Underwear and socks are stuffed in ammo case to keep ammo boxes from rattling or coming apart.
I was thinking about stuffing a knife into the gun case, is that a problem? I have air tags for every bag. Thanks for your comment!
It’s not. I always put cleaning rod, shooting sticks, and a knife or two in my gun case every time.
I’ve read lately though that you can’t load other items in the case now with the guns. Can anyone confirm this or is this an airline specific issue?
I flew with Ethiopian airlines, but gun case was checked by police officers before boarding.
I had rifle, sling, tripod stick, cleaning kit, leatherman tool, ammo pouch and a knife in the gun case. No issue.

Scope I carried in hand luggage.

gun case.jpg
I put two rifles in single gun Pelican Vault case. Scopes are inside leather bags I made for each and stuffed in carryon pack. Cleaning kit and bore snake go in the ammo box. Cleaning kit does not have solvent. Not a good idea to put that on a plane (if it's even possible). My outfitter has plenty if needed. Just small rag strips, bore snake, and gun oil in the cleaning kit. I have found pulling a compressed rag with solvent through the bore cleans as thoroughly if not better than brushes. Drop the brass end of bore snake down through open chamber, place solvent soaked rag strip through the loop on other end, step on the brass end, lift the rifle upward, and repeat stepping on snake and lifting rifle as needed to pull the rag end through bore. Finish with clean rag strips. No worries about buggering the crown or bulky cleaning rods to fiddle with. Don't need to pack the bore snake handle either. It's all very compact and fits in a sandwich size ziplock. A clean Visene eye dispenser works great for gun oil. Very compact, seals up tight, and easy to apply oil where needed. Pull the nipple out to clean and fill with oil, then snap it back on. For traveling with solvent (road trips only) I use clean trial size mouth wash bottles. They are compact and solvent won't dissolve the cap seal. Do NOT put Hoppes #9 container in luggage after its been opened. The seal paper in the cap is useless! It will leak whenever the bottle is tipped over.
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When I planned my first trip to Africa (2004), it seemed that Tuffpak was the guncase that everyone was using. I’ve read lately though that you can’t load other items in the case now with the guns. Can anyone confirm this or is this an airline specific issue? I’m flying Emirates to JNB, and then Airlink to my destination. Also, is the 11lb rule for ammo the TOTAL for all ammo, or is this per caliber/gun? And does that also include the case the ammo is in? And lastly, does the ammo case need TSA locks, or do I use non-tsa like with the rifle case? I read somewhere that I’ll have to pull the ammo case out and check it separately for my Airlink flight. Thanks in advance! Is it May yet?
You will get bad info here on your question from the Tuffpak guys. It is a rule now that you may not put clothing in the gun case when traveling to South Africa. I have had clients not listen to me and had to repack everything at the Delta counter. Do some get by? Sure they do. Do you want to have to repack at the ticket counter or worse?
11lbs total ammo. IATA rule. Locks are your choice but TSA locks will save you from headaches.
There is a lot of discussions on these topics here on AH. I suggest everyone uses a TA to avoid some of these problems.
Happy safari planning!

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schwerpunkt88 wrote on Robmill70's profile.
Morning Rob, Any feeling for how the 300 H&H shoots? How's the barrel condition?
mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.
Currently doing a load development on a .404 Jeffrey... it's always surprising to load .423 caliber bullets into a .404 caliber rifle. But we love it when we get 400 Gr North Fork SS bullets to 2300 FPS, those should hammer down on buffalo. Next up are the Cutting Edge solids and then Raptors... load 200 rounds of ammo for the customer and on to the next gun!
To much to political shit, to little Africa :-)