I am in the process of ordering myself a new double rifle, most likely it will be a Krieghoff Classic/Big five. But since we have quite strict gun legislation here in Sweden (maximum 4-6 guns) it would be nice if it could fill several roles, like beeing usable for mosse/elk hunting and bear aswell as boar hunting here in Sweden while still be feasible to use for both plains game and Buffalo, Elephant, Hippo and big cats in africa in the future. For smaller game at home I have other guns, and since that is my main hunting diet those other guns are taking up 5 of the 6 spaces in my gun cabinet in accordance with Swedish law in this matter.
And since I would prefer a rimmed caliber I am presently looking at two options, one beeing the .375 Flanged Magnum and the other being the .500/.416 Nitro Express, the question is if the .375 Flanged Magnum is enough for the above or if I should look at the bigger caliber instead? There would probably be much more of the other game then those in the Big Five.
One upside with the .375 Flanged is that it can be ordered in the regular Krieghoff Classic which means a slender, lighter gun than the Classic Big Five, making it more suitable for hunting that involves a lot of walking. On the other hand the big upside of the .500/.416 is of course that it gives more effect when it comes to the bigger animals.
With regards to gun makes, I think that I will go with the Krieghoff since I feel I get more bells and whistles for my money with this make ie engraving and wood quality then with Heym which was my other contender

Also looked at SIACE and some second hand guns of spanish or italian make but in all honesty I am quite fond of buying a completly new gun to my own specifications and also some of these brands seem to have a so-so reputation.
So if anyone feels like they have some input in this matter it would be greatly appreciated