Trump Tweets About Farm Murders

If Obama comes to give a speech in Africa, watch out, and pay attention to what he says.

The Leftists new tactic is escalating the alleged horrors of "White privilege". White Liberals, demonizing being white.

It's ironic, because there was never any silver spoons shoved in my mouth, and I'm sure that the white south African farmers have worked pretty damn hard to achieve what they have.

But hey.....according to Obama "You didn't build that"!
President Obama is and was a subtle purveyor of hate. He is a great orator, and a charismatic person. That's what makes him so effective. "You didn't build that" could also apply to Jeff Bezos of Amazon, and Steve Jobs of Apple. Perhaps they didn't build anything. It should all be given to the guys who laid the cable and cleaned the hallways. Maybe. The Chicago Tribune article entitled "Liberal America Has a Problem with Violence" is an eye opener. Data shows that the party of love and inclusion is really the party of hate. And it doesn't apply to only America. Drive a wedge, start a fire, open a wound, rip America apart. Just be sure to get what you want anyway possible. But to hear a US Senator say white lives don't matter is truly a shame......................FWB
Cape Town is where the major water shortage is, you can read about it everywhere. My PH from SA confirms that, but also says that Trump should keep his big bazoo shut, LOL, about the farm murders, land grabs and gun confiscation. He says its pretty much a no big deal thing and that Trumps tweets hurt their economy worse than the land grab news itself did. I tend to disagree with him, but I am not there, and really have no plans to return, been there done that.
It's a catch 22. You talk about the farm murders you scare the clients. Facebook has messed everything up. My friend in Nicaragua says the political unrest there has hurt is business. Even though it is far from where we went to fish
I’ve written off Zimbabwe, South Africa and now even Namibia with their mugabe wanna-be stealing land from whites to give to black losers...oh, the “original owners”. Pathetic...going where the natives want to kill you...what part of that isn’t like a Jew attending a Nuremberg rally in 1938 for the food and music?

I’m lucky, I got to see Africa in the “civilized” days of Rhodesia, Kenya, South Africa etc....little to worry about there, people fed, communists were dealt with (Selous Scouts & Grey’s Cavalry)...I’m really saddened to hear how Namibia is working to be the new 2019 trip is going elsewhere. I really feel sorry for the PH and friends in SA trying to leave but it appears the Russians care more about them than the USA does...they prefer their Africans black, Muslim and backward.

Politics’s just so obscene.
I think your overreacting at this present time. The situation is not dire at least not yet. If you plan to hunt SA I would do it sooner than later.

Overreacting? Rapes of white Afrikaner women, murdering families, communist leaders singing “kill the boers” I missing something? When does the situation rate a dire warning? Making mugabe and the MauMaus look reasonable.

Very sad SA became the country G. Butalezi warned DeKlerk about...and he didn’t care since the West was stabbing him in the back.
Yes I agree, what I meant was go hunting sooner than later. The situation is terrible I completely agree . The fact the west is ignoring this angers me very much. I wish everyone well.
Yes I agree, what I meant was go hunting sooner than later. The situation is terrible I completely agree . The fact the west is ignoring this angers me very much. I wish everyone well.

John, You are 100% correct. Overreacting. To put it into perspective, since you hunted with me, ZERO has changed.
Well I just got back from a hunt over there. Most dangerous occupation in the world right now is to be a white SA farmer. The remaining white farmers don't want to believe that the government will expropriate all the land without compensation but in my estimation, and based on what has happened all across Africa the last 30 years, it is a better than 80% chance they move forward with that.

The Whites that remain there are probably the last generation that will be able to make a living. If you look at who is working in airports, hotels, restaurants, government jobs, banks etc. whites now hold very few of the upper level jobs and even less of the low level jobs. Unemployment is 40% and growing as the economy collapses in on itself and the population grows at double digit rates. Business for self, Guiding and farming are the last bastions where the whites predominate. The Rand used to trade on par with the U.S. dollar, now you can get 13 Rand for a dollar. A 16 ounce T-bone with all the trimmings and two beer for under ten bucks. Pack of smokes $2.50.

The farmers remind me of so many peoples before them that have their whole net worth and centuries of family history tied up in a place. Even when they are being slaughtered they are very reluctant to leave and go somewhere safe. They convince themselves that if they can just hold on it will get better. It isn't going to in my opinion.

If you are old enough, have no kids or family and don't care if you leave no estate, you can probably stay there for another few years. Outside of that, if it were me, I would be selling out for the best price I could get and I would move to Australia, New Zealand, Canada or the States. Australia is actively soliciting farmers to come there, might as well jump on the opportunity.

As far as safeguarding deposits, it may be time for an escrow service or I pay X dollars thirty days prior to trip, balance when I get there. Pretty sure I wouldn't be sending deposit money of any significant amount for a hunt two or three years out. No matter how honourable an outfitter is, if they get punted from the land they are not going to be able to refund your money.

I am glad I went, had a great time, but I fear it will not be much longer that hunting in SA will be feasible. Even now, it is only marginally safe. SA is one place I would never travel without armed escort.
Well I just got back from a hunt over there. Most dangerous occupation in the world right now is to be a white SA farmer. The remaining white farmers don't want to believe that the government will expropriate all the land without compensation but in my estimation, and based on what has happened all across Africa the last 30 years, it is a better than 80% chance they move forward with that.

The Whites that remain there are probably the last generation that will be able to make a living. If you look at who is working in airports, hotels, restaurants, government jobs, banks etc. whites now hold very few of the upper level jobs and even less of the low level jobs. Unemployment is 40% and growing as the economy collapses in on itself and the population grows at double digit rates. Business for self, Guiding and farming are the last bastions where the whites predominate. The Rand used to trade on par with the U.S. dollar, now you can get 13 Rand for a dollar. A 16 ounce T-bone with all the trimmings and two beer for under ten bucks. Pack of smokes $2.50.

The farmers remind me of so many peoples before them that have their whole net worth and centuries of family history tied up in a place. Even when they are being slaughtered they are very reluctant to leave and go somewhere safe. They convince themselves that if they can just hold on it will get better. It isn't going to in my opinion.

If you are old enough, have no kids or family and don't care if you leave no estate, you can probably stay there for another few years. Outside of that, if it were me, I would be selling out for the best price I could get and I would move to Australia, New Zealand, Canada or the States. Australia is actively soliciting farmers to come there, might as well jump on the opportunity.

As far as safeguarding deposits, it may be time for an escrow service or I pay X dollars thirty days prior to trip, balance when I get there. Pretty sure I wouldn't be sending deposit money of any significant amount for a hunt two or three years out. No matter how honourable an outfitter is, if they get punted from the land they are not going to be able to refund your money.

I am glad I went, had a great time, but I fear it will not be much longer that hunting in SA will be feasible. Even now, it is only marginally safe. SA is one place I would never travel without armed escort.

With all due respect sir, this is the most ridiculous thing I have read today.
About the future, who knows ?

I still plan to go to SA next year, still keen on hunting my "sea horse" ;)
Well I just got back from a hunt over there. Most dangerous occupation in the world right now is to be a white SA farmer. The remaining white farmers don't want to believe that the government will expropriate all the land without compensation but in my estimation, and based on what has happened all across Africa the last 30 years, it is a better than 80% chance they move forward with that.

The Whites that remain there are probably the last generation that will be able to make a living. If you look at who is working in airports, hotels, restaurants, government jobs, banks etc. whites now hold very few of the upper level jobs and even less of the low level jobs. Unemployment is 40% and growing as the economy collapses in on itself and the population grows at double digit rates. Business for self, Guiding and farming are the last bastions where the whites predominate. The Rand used to trade on par with the U.S. dollar, now you can get 13 Rand for a dollar. A 16 ounce T-bone with all the trimmings and two beer for under ten bucks. Pack of smokes $2.50.

The farmers remind me of so many peoples before them that have their whole net worth and centuries of family history tied up in a place. Even when they are being slaughtered they are very reluctant to leave and go somewhere safe. They convince themselves that if they can just hold on it will get better. It isn't going to in my opinion.

If you are old enough, have no kids or family and don't care if you leave no estate, you can probably stay there for another few years. Outside of that, if it were me, I would be selling out for the best price I could get and I would move to Australia, New Zealand, Canada or the States. Australia is actively soliciting farmers to come there, might as well jump on the opportunity.

As far as safeguarding deposits, it may be time for an escrow service or I pay X dollars thirty days prior to trip, balance when I get there. Pretty sure I wouldn't be sending deposit money of any significant amount for a hunt two or three years out. No matter how honourable an outfitter is, if they get punted from the land they are not going to be able to refund your money.

I am glad I went, had a great time, but I fear it will not be much longer that hunting in SA will be feasible. Even now, it is only marginally safe. SA is one place I would never travel without armed escort.

I wish I could afford you some respect but your your opinion and facts are so far off the mark it is absolutely laughable.
I wish I could afford you some respect but your your opinion and facts are so far off the mark it is absolutely laughable.

I get given the business you are in that you would not like what I posted. It does not however make me wrong, unless you are saying that all of these are making up their information too!

South Africa had over 20,000 murders last year alone in a population of 56 million people, Canada had 611 with 35 million, the U.S. has a little over 17,000 murders with 330 million people, or 6 times the SA population. Despite all the highly publicised mass shootings, the U.S. isn't even remotely in the ball park. If the murder rate in the U.S. was as high there would be over 120,000 deaths a year. Over 60 farmers a year are killed. The homicide rate of death among U.S. police officers runs about 40 a year and there are WAY more police officers than there are farmers in SA..(17,500 police departments with over 800,000 policeman vs about 25,000 commercial farms.)

Bury your head like an Ostrich, deny the facts, call it false news and over reaction but the facts paint a very clear picture. I hope the government comes to its senses and does not nationalize the land without compensation but that still doesn't change the fact that South Africa is a tremendously unsafe place to be.
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I get given the business you are in that you would not like what I posted. It does not however make me wrong, unless you are saying that all of these are making up their information too!

South Africa had over 20,000 murders last year alone in a population of 56 million people, Canada had 611 with 35 million, the U.S. has a little over 17,000 murders with 330 million people, or 6 times the SA population. Despite all the highly publicised mass shootings, the U.S. isn't even remotely in the ball park. If the murder rate in the U.S. was as high there would be over 120,000 deaths a year.Over 60 farmers a year are killed. The homicide rate of death among U.S. police officers runs about 40 a year.

Bury your head like an Ostrich, deny the facts, call it false news and over reaction but the facts paint a very clear picture. I hope the government comes to its senses and does not nationalize the land without compensation but that still doesn't change the fact the South Africa is a tremendously unsafe place to be.

I’m not burying my head in the sand. Quite the contrary, I’m living my life successfully and peacefully like my forefathers did 200 years before me. These things that may terrify you are not new to us. That a white man can live and thrive in Africa may seem unthinkable to you, the challenges you see are but a shadow of the challenges we’ve had to endure before, two civil wars, apartheid, the unrest in the late 80’s. Politicians and sensationalized media have forever and a day tried to divide and conquer South Africans UNSUCCESSFULLY.

The low level jobs you don’t see whites doing, guess what...we never did them. The upper level jobs you can’t possibly see from your hunt in the bush, proportionately the whites overwhelmingly dominate. Self employment is the ultimate goal. Unemployment is 25 percent, the rand is roughly 14 to the USD and all things equal will depreciate every year by the difference between the inflation rates between the two countries being compared. Our economy is going through a bad patch but the depreciation in our currency isn’t attributable only to this and quite frankly more complex for you and I to completely understand. I don’t pretend to understand it and I don’t think you should either.

You couldn’t possibly have travelled everywhere in SA without an armed escort. I walk around every day I’m not hunting unarmed as dies my wife and children. Guess what we’re still here as are our hundreds of friends who don’t have armed escorts. 38 clients this year, hundreds the years before, not a single one hurt, robbed etc. But hey, you mustn’t know better because you didn’t experience it when you were here but read about it. You must be right. Perhaps you could name the one hunter in the last ten years that was murdered while hunting in South Africa to prove your point. Maybe name more than one,

Yes, I have no illusions of the crime statistics. It is bad. But it is heavily skewed towards population groups and certain areas in our country. We have the worlds most industrious mining city attracting thousands of migrant workers within 300 km from 4 African countries.

I’m glad you got to speak to enough farmers as to determine such a strong opinion on their line of thinking. I’m a farmer, know hundreds of farmers and am part of an association (Agri SA) that is made up of thousands of farmers and through our negotiations with government are absolutely certain expropriation without compensation won’t occur. I honestly don’t care about your 80 percent.

People in this country are positive. White South Africans and all South Africans don’t just hang on, we thrive wherever we are. The South Africans you see in SA and form such strong opinions are there because they want to be there.

Your post is offensive and misleading . You can have an opinion, but I can also tell you to shove it.
I’m not burying my head in the sand. Quite the contrary, I’m living my life successfully and peacefully like my forefathers did 200 years before me. These things that may terrify you are not new to us. That a white man can live and thrive in Africa may seem unthinkable to you, the challenges you see are but a shadow of the challenges we’ve had to endure before, two civil wars, apartheid, the unrest in the late 80’s. Politicians and sensationalized media have forever and a day tried to divide and conquer South Africans UNSUCCESSFULLY.

The low level jobs you don’t see whites doing, guess what...we never did them. The upper level jobs you can’t possibly see from your hunt in the bush, proportionately the whites overwhelmingly dominate. Self employment is the ultimate goal. Unemployment is 25 percent, the rand is roughly 14 to the USD and all things equal will depreciate every year by the difference between the inflation rates between the two countries being compared. Our economy is going through a bad patch but the depreciation in our currency isn’t attributable only to this and quite frankly more complex for you and I to completely understand. I don’t pretend to understand it and I don’t think you should either.

You couldn’t possibly have travelled everywhere in SA without an armed escort. I walk around every day I’m not hunting unarmed as dies my wife and children. Guess what we’re still here as are our hundreds of friends who don’t have armed escorts. 38 clients this year, hundreds the years before, not a single one hurt, robbed etc. But hey, you mustn’t know better because you didn’t experience it when you were here but read about it. You must be right. Perhaps you could name the one hunter in the last ten years that was murdered while hunting in South Africa to prove your point. Maybe name more than one,

Yes, I have no illusions of the crime statistics. It is bad. But it is heavily skewed towards population groups and certain areas in our country. We have the worlds most industrious mining city attracting thousands of migrant workers within 300 km from 4 African countries.

I’m glad you got to speak to enough farmers as to determine such a strong opinion on their line of thinking. I’m a farmer, know hundreds of farmers and am part of an association (Agri SA) that is made up of thousands of farmers and through our negotiations with government are absolutely certain expropriation without compensation won’t occur. I honestly don’t care about your 80 percent.

People in this country are positive. White South Africans and all South Africans don’t just hang on, we thrive wherever we are. The South Africans you see in SA and form such strong opinions are there because they want to be there.

Your post is offensive and misleading . You can have an opinion, but I can also tell you to shove it.

Wow, you are really doing to sway some people with this response.
Wow, you are really doing to sway some people with this response.

100% accurate post by Victor. The posts by Dean2 is actually laughable.
Summing up the situation. There is zero difference in risk to my guests now, as compared to 5 years ago.

I am sure that is correct and I am also sure you take their safety seriously. But you can't expect people to ignore that stats, 20,000 murders for a country with a population less than California is very high, in fact one of the highest in the world. I have every intention of coming back, hopefully many more times, but the crime numbers are absolutely something that should be openly discussed on here.

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schwerpunkt88 wrote on Robmill70's profile.
Morning Rob, Any feeling for how the 300 H&H shoots? How's the barrel condition?
mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.
Currently doing a load development on a .404 Jeffrey... it's always surprising to load .423 caliber bullets into a .404 caliber rifle. But we love it when we get 400 Gr North Fork SS bullets to 2300 FPS, those should hammer down on buffalo. Next up are the Cutting Edge solids and then Raptors... load 200 rounds of ammo for the customer and on to the next gun!