Trophy Shippers offline?

I sent Trophy Shippers an email 7 days ago without a response. That’s good enough for me to realize they won’t be getting my business. That is terrible for someone in the service industry that is trying to make the process easy for clients or potential clients.
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Is there a specific contact for Coppersmith? I used TS last time but it sounds like a change would be smart.
The website for their trophy shipping is I just submitted my name, email, message and they got back to me next day and directed me to correct office.
For another importer you can try SSI

I used them on my first safari and am using them for my trophies from last June. They answer the phone and return emails along with answering any and all questions. I worked with Rosella and Tamera the first time but now Wyatt has taken over the office duties. They also have a number of offices around the country and are USDA certified.
People come and go but certainly individuals can make a big difference, even within successful, longstanding businesses. My one experience was with Tom at TS. It went well; I was satisfied.

I have a second hunt next June. (HOORAY!) Are there any members here from Alaska that have used Coppersmith, or someone other than TS, to get stuff to Alaska? Thank you in advance.
An update on my situation.
Let's just say that Friday was a busy day with emails and phone calls. I won't bore you with the details, suffice it to say no one seems to know what the hold up was on the paperwork or why it happened. FWS is the likely culprit for dragging their feet?
Bottom line, late Friday afternoon I received an email from Trophy Shippers informing me that I would not be charged for the storage fees and I can pick up my crate on Monday.
And to clarify;
Pieter, with Badger Cargo, contacted me by phone Friday morning and assured me it would be resolved and that the paperwork was in order. Pieter was extremely courteous and assisted in resolving this issue.
Trophy Shipping called me several times as well, but the final call was to reassure me that they had been working behind the scenes all week long in order to get the shipment cleared and that they had not ignored it or it's progress through the system. I was just not privy to those emails.
Then the final email from Trophy Shippers with the good news.
I am satisfied with the results, albeit I could have done without all of the drama.
Lesson learned? I've learned that some brokerage firms have their own bonded storage facility where they will take the shipment and allow two weeks for the paperwork to be cleared, then you, the customer, have two days to pick it up without being charged storage fees. In my case, the crate never left the airlines cargo building, thus the storage fees.
I will research this more as those firms may only have storage facilities in certain cities such as New York or Chicago, but not DFW or Houston?
This is now a topic on my agenda at the DSC that I will be asking and learning more about.
Thank you to Badger Cargo and Trophy Shippers for resolving this matter.
For another importer you can try SSI

I used them on my first safari and am using them for my trophies from last June. They answer the phone and return emails along with answering any and all questions. I worked with Rosella and Tamera the first time but now Wyatt has taken over the office duties. They also have a number of offices around the country and are USDA certified.
After reading all the stuff about Trophy Shippers earlier this year this is exactly who I used per @gizmo recommendation. I’ve got a crate coming from Namibia that Wyatt was trying to get out before the holiday shutdown and another coming from RSA. Wyatt has been on the ball with emails and often following up.

Last years hunt that shipped in Jan with TS went OK. I was satisfied but I will say there were a bunch of times where I had to contact Tom several times over a week or two period before I’d get a call back. Pieter at Badger was however great to deal with. Constant emails and updates. We had some delays last year in shipping due to Covid and he made sure I knew what was going on and at one point advised us to hold off shipping because rates had jumped.
An update on my situation.
Let's just say that Friday was a busy day with emails and phone calls. I won't bore you with the details, suffice it to say no one seems to know what the hold up was on the paperwork or why it happened. FWS is the likely culprit for dragging their feet?
Bottom line, late Friday afternoon I received an email from Trophy Shippers informing me that I would not be charged for the storage fees and I can pick up my crate on Monday.
And to clarify;
Pieter, with Badger Cargo, contacted me by phone Friday morning and assured me it would be resolved and that the paperwork was in order. Pieter was extremely courteous and assisted in resolving this issue.
Trophy Shipping called me several times as well, but the final call was to reassure me that they had been working behind the scenes all week long in order to get the shipment cleared and that they had not ignored it or it's progress through the system. I was just not privy to those emails.
Then the final email from Trophy Shippers with the good news.
I am satisfied with the results, albeit I could have done without all of the drama.
Lesson learned? I've learned that some brokerage firms have their own bonded storage facility where they will take the shipment and allow two weeks for the paperwork to be cleared, then you, the customer, have two days to pick it up without being charged storage fees. In my case, the crate never left the airlines cargo building, thus the storage fees.
I will research this more as those firms may only have storage facilities in certain cities such as New York or Chicago, but not DFW or Houston?
This is now a topic on my agenda at the DSC that I will be asking and learning more about.
Thank you to Badger Cargo and Trophy Shippers for resolving this matter.
I would think coppersmiths has a trophy warehouse in DFW since it’s only airport they are willing to export trophies from. I don’t think brokers for hunting trophies should be offering clearance services at airports they don’t have a warehouse. Seems DFW gets mentioned a lot with reference to trophy shippers and large storage fees.
I would think coppersmiths has a trophy warehouse in DFW since it’s only airport they are willing to export trophies from. I don’t think brokers for hunting trophies should be offering clearance services at airports they don’t have a warehouse. Seems DFW gets mentioned a lot with reference to trophy shippers and large storage fees.
Thanks for the information. Like I said, this is something I will be researching more. Live and learn
My experience with Trophy Shippers runs much along the lines of most of the aforementioned stories, slow clearance and LOTS of storage fees, along with the not my fault excuses. I had trophies shipped by Badger Cargo and as far as I can tell that part went well. They arrived in San Francisco on Aug 2 and were not cleared until Aug 22. Storage fees were $4,125 by that time. Excuse was the paper work was lost, USFW didn't get to it, USDA didn't get to it blah, blah blah. Not sure how the paperwork was an issue as they were carbon copied on every email from Splitting Image Taxidermy and Badger Cargo that appeared to me to include all the needed documents. I called Trophy Shippers every few days to get updates, while never receiving a call from them. They said there were working with the airlines/storage facility and would see if they could get a refund of some of the storage fees back. Once again no calls from them and every time I called I got the "we working on it" excuse until I finally gave up. At this time I guess it is an expensive lesson, and yes, I will stop by their booth at DSC and voice my opinion on it.
My experience with Trophy Shippers runs much along the lines of most of the aforementioned stories, slow clearance and LOTS of storage fees, along with the not my fault excuses. I had trophies shipped by Badger Cargo and as far as I can tell that part went well. They arrived in San Francisco on Aug 2 and were not cleared until Aug 22. Storage fees were $4,125 by that time. Excuse was the paper work was lost, USFW didn't get to it, USDA didn't get to it blah, blah blah. Not sure how the paperwork was an issue as they were carbon copied on every email from Splitting Image Taxidermy and Badger Cargo that appeared to me to include all the needed documents. I called Trophy Shippers every few days to get updates, while never receiving a call from them. They said there were working with the airlines/storage facility and would see if they could get a refund of some of the storage fees back. Once again no calls from them and every time I called I got the "we working on it" excuse until I finally gave up. At this time I guess it is an expensive lesson, and yes, I will stop by their booth at DSC and voice my opinion on it.

Did you get the trophies or just wash your hands of it all?
I’ve used Coppersmith and if I need a broker again, it would be coppersmith. However, screwup’s can happen no matter the company. If you get the waybill number you can track your shipment online and know where it’s at. I tracked mine, and called Coppersmith in Chicago and left a message for the broker that my crate arrived. Storage was a couple of days before it was cleared. I’ve cleared crates before, but not animal parts, it’s not difficult, but it was not the most streamlined process either.

I think at one time SSI was a sponsor here on AH. Not sure what happened to them, I heard a couple of things (illness and a problem with USFWS) but I do see another gentlemen is doing the work.
Did you get the trophies or just wash your hands of it all?
I paid the fees and am enjoying having my trophies on the wall but if/when there is another trip things will be done differently. Not really sure what I will do next time, but it won't involve trophy shippers no matter what
I went to DFW this morning to pick up my two crates and the drama continued. First words out of the lady's mouth when she pulled up my information on her computer. "You owe $2800 in storage fees." I called John and Trophy Shippers. He got her number and called her directly. Ten minutes later, she told me everything was in order, sign here, and go give this paper to the fork lift driver. I had to wait around 45 minutes in a small room waiting on the fork lift driver. He finally came through the secure door, asked for my paperwork, then left to get my crates. He came back ten minutes later with one box. I told him there were two. He said not according to the paperwork. We went back up front and talked to the lady again. He goes back out and gets on the forklift and is gone again for another ten minutes. He returns with my second crate. He wanted me to sign for them both before I could leave, but there was only one box on the paperwork. Back to the front office we go. Another ten minutes, the lady prints out another copy of the same form I signed for the 1st box, this time he marked out BOX 1 and wrote in BOX 2. I signed it and was finally free to leave with my two boxes. All in all, I was there two hours from arrival to departure.
But hey, it's over. My trophies are finally here.
I opened one box and pulled my warthog tusks plague out, the rest I just left in the box for the night since it's all 'dip & pack.'

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I went through it and every international hunter returning with trophies has gone through this. This part of the trip needs to be planned for as carefully as any other. Years ago, like most, I started to follow a couple of pieces of advice from so called experienced Africa hunters but quickly figured out I had better just do it my way. :)

Before my first Africa trip, I called Coppersmith and contrary to what everyone says, they were less than helpful and seemed disorganized and oddly too evasive for me. So I started over and decided to plan in reverse. I called a taxidermist who knew the ropes for international trophy import along with the fed and state inspection requirements. The taxidermist was located in a major US port of entry city. The taxidermist recommended a shipping import broker who had experience dealing with trophies coming in from Africa. The city was a large enough hub so most potential airline/carriers could connect directly to this destination. Then for each trip I would coordinate the Africa origination shipper, usually recommended by the PH/Outfitter, with the customs broker at the destination US port of entry. The Africa origination shipper would contact my US customs destination broker when shipped. My customs broker would pick up my trophy shipment upon arrival and transport it to my taxidermist. My taxidermist would then notify the proper wildlife authorities for crate opening and inspection. I have never had a single problem with trophy shipping or import. Compared to so many of the horror stories I hear about, IMO, I have saved money and a ton of headaches by doing it this way.

Oh and I have some experience with international shipping certain bulk, non-customs sensitive items via boat. While it might save some money for the water leg, it will likely cost a lot more overall, take much, much longer! and likely introduce a bunch of headaches.
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Have you reached out directly to Badger Cargo yourself for their explanation? or only through trophy shippers? I’ve used Badger Cargo at least twice and previously while they worked for a different company. They were always very good to deal with and very knowledgeable.
Hello! My name is Jenny, Im the Compliance director here at @TROPHY SHIPPERS. Quick explanation-Mr. Smith's shipment had 1 master, 2 house bill and 2 suppliers. All goods flew in together, which was one entry...however FWS had several questions on the multiple suppliers and wanted 2 EDEC's, but one entry which caused the delay. So, there wasn't a paperwork issue, more of questions by two government agencies and how each wanted the entry handled. Entry arrived 12/1, was submitted 12/1 but rejected on 12/7. We finally got it resolved on 12/16 and luckily for Mr. Smith-due to these issues-he wasn't hit with storage! These shipments require 3 government agency releases and one question can cause delays with the others. Many times the technical details get overlooked
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Trophy Solutions is very good . Don’t confuse with trophy shipping
Okay, I'm not too proud to say that I was wrong and I over reacted in my previous post regarding my shipment and how it was being handled by Trophy Shipping. What can I say, toss a dead crow on my plate and I'll eat it. I hate to be one of those "keyboard warriors" that sits behind their computer screen and tosses hand grenades but then fails to fall on said hand grenade when they are proven wrong. I tossed a hand grenade in frustration and I owe Trophy Shipping a public apology.
While at the DSC in Dallas, I had the opportunity to visit with Allan Zarach and John Schwartzbauer from Trophy Shippers. In fact, I was able to spend quite a bit of time with both of them and my daughter and I shared a table with Allan at the AH dinner on Friday night, where we continued the conversation and began to build a relationship that I expect to last a lifetime.
While at the dinner, I also apologized to Jerome for any hardships my negative comments may have caused him or his relationship with Trophy Shippers.
But let me back up and start from my first morning, Thursday, at the DSC. As I had mentioned in my previous post, I was going to talk with Coppersmith and see how they would handle my next hunt. Mind you, that hunt will be a two part hunt, with trophies being shipped from South Africa and then another shipment of trophies from Zambia. Very similar to the last shipment, with one box from Botswana and one from South Africa. As their booth is very close to the entrance as you enter the hall, they were the first stop of the day.
The men at the Coppersmith both were nice enough and took the time to explain their process to me. Two things that I took away from that conversation. The fact that the costs would be more than double that of Trophy Shippers, and I know that for many of you, cost is not an issue, while for me, it is always an issue. The second thing I took from our conversation was the fact that it is all business with them and I felt no 'connection' with them on a personnel level. I did not feel that there was anything other that a business transaction taking place, period. For many of you, that is okay as well, but again, for me, being from Texas and the way I was raised, that personnel connection is like a handshake and a bond.
Which waitress do you tip more? The one that just takes your order and puts it on the table with zero personality, or the one that stops and takes a minute to ask how you are doing and makes you feel like an 'old friend' with their conversation and passes on to you their positive spirit and attitude?
And this wasn't my first time talking to Coppersmith. I met with them at my first DSC about 7 or 8 years ago and then I attended one of their sessions on Saturday that they put on at the DSC. I remember in that session with the questions that they were asked from those in attendance, the answers were all business like, just 'matter of fact' and I was turned off then by that experience.
Now, I'm not knocking Coppersmith or tossing a grenade at them. I'm just saying that a personnel connection is important to me and with Tom Kelly, I had that one on one relationship to the point that he and I would communicate throughout the year about anything and everything, most not even related to hunting or shipping. We had formed a bond and I trusted him with my business because of it. When Tom left suddenly, it caught me off guard and for a moment during that transition was when I needed him for my shipment and obviously there was a 'hiccup' in how I expected things to be done, based on my past experiences with Tom. With no Tom, I no longer had a personnel connection to Trophy Shippers and without engaging my pea brain before thinking it through, I tossed a hand grenade on the forum. For that I am sorry.
After leaving Coppersmith's booth, I was not feeling the warm and fuzees and I was open to a third option for my broker, but I wanted to give Allan a chance and hear his side of the story in person as he had sent me an email once my shipment was cleared and taken care of stating he'd like to talk to me in person at the DSC. I did not expect to see John there as I was under the impression he would not be able to attend, but thankfully he was there at the booth as well.
This would be my first time to talk to Allan. I had only communicated via email with him up to this point. John I had talked with several times on the phone and on one those calls he took the brunt of my frustrations. Again, give me a crow to eat.
To the point, and I wanted everyone to know how this all played out as I owe it to Allan, John, Jerome, and the AH community to know the truth in a public forum.
After sitting down with Allan and John, they were able to go into full detail as to what went wrong with my shipment. And let me add, at no point did they point fingers at any one person or entity, they just admitted that it was a complicated transaction and that it could have been handled better and they assured me that it would not happen again in the future.
Once we cleared the air on the previous shipment, I asked them how they would handle my upcoming trip, should I decide to give them my business. They both laid out a clear cut plan of action and were very thorough in the details of how it would be handled.
Not only was I satisfied with all that they had to say, I was also impressed at how important it was for them to re-establish that bond that I had had with Tom before his departure. Allan and John were very sincere in their desire to make this not only a business transaction, but one of a personnel business relationship. That last part being a key component for me.
This is no different than the PH that you decide to book a hunt with. You want a PH that you can bond with and build a personnel, family type relationship with. For me, that relationship has been mended and restored with Trophy Shippers.
I shook hands with Allan and John and told them that they would have my business going forward and that we would be in contact leading up to my trip in August to make sure that we are all on the same page with the timeline and travel arrangements.
With that, I feel like I am in good hands and my two shipments will be handled accordingly when the time comes.
Allan, John, Jerome, and the AH community, please forgive my rash decision that was made in poor judgement. I know better, I was wrong, and I'm here to admit it.

Thank you for your message here and it was great to meet you at DSC this weekend. I enjoyed out dinner and sitting down at the booth and talking. I appreciate your understanding of all of this and look forward to building a long term relationship with you.

Yes, we have had issues during the transition and before. As I explained to Dee a different part of the company required my attention and there were procedures not being done in accordance to the way we do things. I will take full blame on this for not watching close enough. I am back to overseeing Trophy Shippers and am making sure all steps are being followed properly. Everything from communication to the way we handle documents, etc. I want to thank everyone for their patience and apologize to anyone that was frustrated by the service they received. I too will eat crow when appropriate. If you have any questions I would invite you to reach out to me or John. John can be reached at 651-452-8020 and I can be reached at 847-927-0101. I look forward to righting this ship and gaining everyone's trust back one hunt at a time.

For those we got to see in Dallas it was great seeing you!

For those that will be at Houston and SCI we look forward to seeing you there.

Thank you
Allan Zarach
I had the same experience with TS when planning my 2021 safari. I emailed them and never heard back.

I have used Coppersmith 4 times and they’ve done a good job.

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John Kirk wrote on Macduff's profile.
Great transaction on some 375 HH ammo super fast shipping great communication
akriet wrote on Tom Leoni's profile.
Hello Tom: I saw your post about having 11 Iphisi's for sale. I have been thinking about one. I am also located in Virginia. Do you have photos of the availables to share? My email is [redacted]

Thanks and regards,

Natural Bridge, Virginia