Trophy hunting has taken a beating...

One of the things we do up in our area, is we sponsor 3 soccer teams, you won't believe the difference this makes to the community, it's a time they all get together and instead of spending the day drinking, they all go watch the soccer. It has done the family life so much good.
This is where we need someone like an Ivan Carter to step up and go main stream. Supposedly this was why he left Tracks, to do a more main stream show. He announced that at DSC last year. Haven't heard anything about it since though.

And the way he handled the lion thing on FB didn't raise my confidence....
That's great. But it still goes back to who's watching? Only hunters. We need a media blitz of pro hunting information. Information that will give the average folks something to think about. Treehuggers will never ever see it in our favor. I want to reach the people who are on the fence. Conservation and pro hunting education is the message we need to send. Folks have no idea where are dollars go. Show them what poachers do. Show them were our dollars go. An international effort is needed to stem the flow of ivory. I don't understand why they don't legalize the ivory trade. Africa would greatly benefit from the money. Farmers would benefit and the ivory poachers would be out of business. Instead the authorities destroy the ivory? That make sense?
Whatever the way we chose to try and combat this, its needs to be individualised and inclusive. There is no good just trying to educate people about just the benefits of hunting in Africa for example, as to many that has no effect or influence on them. Ideally articles, posts, films, etc are made to represent all forms of hunting across the globe, such as the UK, UK, Australia, etc.

A series of TV shows, each 10-15mins long, representing hunters, the local community, the benefits, the reasons why but also the reasons how. If each show was presenting a different country it would be a good start to combat the issue.

A good idea as mentioned above, would be to get figures of influence in society to back the video and even appear in it.
There are several high profile Hollywood folks that hunt. If they have the balls to step up they could help. Donald Trumps sons hunt. They could certainly help sportsman. They have the resources and connections
Donald would be the right gent, especially with his no care attitude to pressure.
I've been meaning to get to this thread since seeing the first post by Simon earlier today. And now it's past 11pm and I'm bushed but a few thoughts before I go to bed.

1. Hiring a PR firm I think is a good idea, but understand their efforts are aimed at getting your message out. They may tweak the message a bit, but we have to provide that message.

2. What should that message be? I think we need to just hammer away time and time again the positive aspects that hunting has on both wildlife and the people that live with and around that wildlife. This is particularly of concern in Africa. The picture above of the people riding out to harvest the meat from an elephant is the type of picture that needs to be out there. Trophy hunting by foreign hunters DOES NOT mean the meat is wasted!

3. Point out that while national parks like Kruger have their place and certainly support people with jobs, it's impractical to make whole countries into national parks. So what about the wildlife outside these parks?

4. A huge emphasis needs to be placed on anti-poaching efforts by the various outfitters. I know Charlton-McCallum Safaris in Zim have their own anti-poaching program in the Dande area. Please look up their website and the DAPU program.

5. Unity : This has been a summer of disunity like I've not seen before in the hunting community. Time to put the bitching and moaning aside, stop getting pissed at each other over petty things, agree to disagree on those issues you can't find common ground on and start acting like adults. We all can agree that the emotional arguments put forth by the anti's are just that, emotional and have no logic. But then we turn around and act like children fighting on the playground with each other. Sorry for the rant, we don't see much of that on AH and without question much less than on other websites. But nonetheless it happens at times. When you wear that AfricaHunting cap, be above that fray and lead by example. And as respectfully as I can, this extends to outfitters too. For example, specifically among the Zim and S. African outfitters. There can be no doubt that there have been RSA outfitters involved in issues that have occurred in Zimbabwe. To the point now that if anything happens in Zim that makes news, there are those that presume a S. African must be involved. And then.......a lion named Cecil came along, and there was no S. African involved. Now some may be inclined to stick their fingers in the Zim's eyes, and while I can understand that reaction all things considered, I say once again to be above that. It does not good to pick at each other and it only plays into the anti's hands.

6. Emphasize that yes doctors (both human and animal) / dentists hunt but frequently they combine their hunting trips with time spent amongst the people in the bush donating their services.

7. I appreciate SCI and what they do. But perhaps change the "First for Hunters" slogan to "First for Conservation" I know the perception and perhaps reality amongst some folks is that SCI is an old boys club that spends more time handing this and that award to their more well to do members. Reality or perception, it's up to SCI to control this. Again if you are thinking I'm bashing SCI, I'm not, but that is at least the perception that many have who are hunters. So what does the average anti/non hunter think?

8. SCI / DSC / RMEF / DU / FNAWS and whoever else I can add to this list......can we not appoint leaders from these organizations to help deliver a unified message that promotes the positive aspects of hunting?

Okay that's enough ramblings for the night. Sorry for the rant and I'm sure this reply is not cohesive, just throwing out some ideas. Looking forward to this thread continuing on and being productive.
Phil, we're all looking for SCI for help and yet they are silent. DSC where are you? All pro hunting organizations need to help. I'm so exhausted and frustrated that we are taking a media pounding.
That's great. But it still goes back to who's watching? Only hunters. We need a media blitz of pro hunting information. Information that will give the average folks something to think about. Treehuggers will never ever see it in our favor. I want to reach the people who are on the fence. Conservation and pro hunting education is the message we need to send. Folks have no idea where are dollars go. Show them what poachers do. Show them were our dollars go. An international effort is needed to stem the flow of ivory. I don't understand why they don't legalize the ivory trade. Africa would greatly benefit from the money. Farmers would benefit and the ivory poachers would be out of business. Instead the authorities destroy the ivory? That make sense?

We're saying the same thing, more or less. That is why I said a main stream show, in order to reach the masses. @S.W. Smith said it well in another thread. Talked about showing how hunting can feed a village, instead of the starving child, etc. My point is that we need a leader to spearhead all of this and a rallying point for the entire culture, not just a TV show, and not just a PR campaign, but the whole thing.

Look at almost all successful advertising - it all mass a mascot/spokesperson. I don't care if it is beer, world hunger, or chick fil a. they all have something to rally around.
I for one believe we should stop calling it a sport. That always gets thrown at us by the anti's and I don't think its a sport myself. To me its a way of life. So instead of calling it sports hunting or hunting sports, how about the hunting way of life or similar?
We're saying the same thing, more or less. That is why I said a main stream show, in order to reach the masses. @S.W. Smith said it well in another thread. Talked about showing how hunting can feed a village, instead of the starving child, etc. My point is that we need a leader to spearhead all of this and a rallying point for the entire culture, not just a TV show, and not just a PR campaign, but the whole thing.

Look at almost all successful advertising - it all mass a mascot/spokesperson. I don't care if it is beer, world hunger, or chick fil a. they all have something to rally around.
I agree with just about everyone here. We all have one common goal....Get the good and truthful word out. Here is where PBS or even better National Geographic could help by doing a documentary on hunting, conservation, poaching and even to bring balance to the docu series the anti hunting point. Let the people decide after seeing a well balanced non biased documentary. Something like that would be seen by millions here and I think overseas. There would be a least a start. And I do realize that would take time to film and produce. I m just throwing out ideas but as we all know we need action NOW. Not silence as we are seeing from SCI DSC and everyone else in the industry.
One thing we can all do is post factual and polite posts on our own social media. I have done this and we never know for sure how well it works but I know some people really appreciate the facts. Such as the actual numbers of elephants, how many poached, and how many trophy hunted annually. These facts are impressive and it's our job to get them out there because no one else will do it.
SCI is supposed to be working on a feature length film on conservation. We need it now!
Everyone in here should be sharing The Elephant And The Pauper to their social media and documentaries like this.
@royal, in a few days I will be away, won't be online for awhile, I am sure you will be able to keep a good tally on the thread. We got some good ideas. Johnny know you will also be away sometime soon.
Some things to consider... random order and shotgun fashion and also just my opinion.
In order to successfully convey any message to a given group, there are some critical requirements to keep in mind.
Target demographic: In this kind of effort, it is ansolutely crucial that we define who our target audience is. Or more accurately, who it should be. Non-hunters is way too broad a category.
Financial/funding: Start the fund raising right now. This will not be cheap. Don't get me wrong, there is a tremendous amount that can be done at the grassroots level for a reasonable amount of money. However, what we are talking about here is a monumental challenge. Changing peoples perceptions and opinions is NEVER EASY OR CHEAP. Educating people is never easy or cheap. Think of it this way, we have a hard time agreeing amongst ourselves. Now we must educate, inform, engage, spark interest, deliver a message to a massively broad group across the globe. This is seriously going to take capital. Don't underestimate the challenge here. In addition to grass roots fund raising, some angels with deep pockets will change the game. Partnering with existing organizations will probably be crucial. Recruiting spokespeople with broad appeal would be immensely helpful.
Don't expect any help or cooperation from anybody, least of all mainstream media and hollywood. There will be a war to silence any truthful message. Our message just doesn't suit their agenda.
In no way trying to be negative, we just need to be realists about the challenges.
@royal, in a few days I will be away, won't be online for awhile, I am sure you will be able to keep a good tally on the thread. We got some good ideas. Johnny know you will also be away sometime soon.
Yes Simon , I leave September 5th....
@royal, in a few days I will be away, won't be online for awhile, I am sure you will be able to keep a good tally on the thread. We got some good ideas. Johnny know you will also be away sometime soon.

Since you have volunteered to be our leader and spokesperson keeping up with the ideas for you is the least I can do!

Man, I'm moving up in the world!!! Before this the only thing you said I was qualified for was washing dishes!!!! :A Banana:
Some things to consider... random order and shotgun fashion and also just my opinion.
In order to successfully convey any message to a given group, there are some critical requirements to keep in mind.
Target demographic: In this kind of effort, it is ansolutely crucial that we define who our target audience is. Or more accurately, who it should be. Non-hunters is way too broad a category.
Financial/funding: Start the fund raising right now. This will not be cheap. Don't get me wrong, there is a tremendous amount that can be done at the grassroots level for a reasonable amount of money. However, what we are talking about here is a monumental challenge. Changing peoples perceptions and opinions is NEVER EASY OR CHEAP. Educating people is never easy or cheap. Think of it this way, we have a hard time agreeing amongst ourselves. Now we must educate, inform, engage, spark interest, deliver a message to a massively broad group across the globe. This is seriously going to take capital. Don't underestimate the challenge here. In addition to grass roots fund raising, some angels with deep pockets will change the game. Partnering with existing organizations will probably be crucial. Recruiting spokespeople with broad appeal would be immensely helpful.
Don't expect any help or cooperation from anybody, least of all mainstream media and hollywood. There will be a war to silence any truthful message. Our message just doesn't suit their agenda.
In no way trying to be negative, we just need to be realists about the challenges.
You could try to get actors like Gerald McRainey who's a big TV hunter and actor, past Presidents who hunt as well as high profile Senators to do 15 second infomercials . I m not saying this will be easy or cheap, but if the anti's can do it we certainly can. We have enough resources from everyone involved in the hunting industry as well as potential private donations, fund raisers etc. If we do nothing IMO that will be much worse. Maybe I am an alarmist I don't know but I just don't like to back down from a fight when the wrong message and lies are being spread.
Man Friday, August 7, 2015: Cecil the Lion

IT WILL go down in history as the first global act of mass mob justice, of cyber-bullying on an unprecedented scale. “It” is, of course, the mass hysteria around the hunting to death of Cecil the lion by American dentist, Dr Walter Palmer.

It really has been a truly bizarre three weeks since the lion’s death was first reported: I won’t make the obvious comparisons between there being no similar mass outpouring of grief over the hundreds of thousands dead in Syria, Iraq, Libya. Or mention the lack of global outrage at the ongoing abuse of human rights by the Mugabe regime in Zimabwe. Or, or, or….

And I also have to add the ritual disclaimer here that although I used to hunt as a teenager, I now intensely dislike hunting, but I do support sustainable, ethical hunting as a valuable conservation tool. Sadly, it does seem as though Dr Palmer was perhaps as much a victim as the late Cecil – the victim of what on the surface would appear to be an illegal hunt conducted in dubious circumstances.

Objectively Cecil has achieved far more in death than he ever achieved in life (and it is important to point out that at the age of 13, he was very close to the end of his natural life, 14 at the outside in the wild, and perhaps 20 in captivity).

His death has brought into sharp profile the declining numbers of lions in the wild in Africa; it has shone a bright light on the hunting industry and the divide between ethical and unethical players; it has (once all the emotion, hubris and rhetoric is ignored) got a good debate going on whether or not conservation and hunting are compatible; and as of Wednesday this week, had raised nearly R11-million in donations for Oxford University’s Wildlife Conservation Research Unit. The unit, which had Cecil as one of its objects of study, says it will now be able to expand its research on Kalahari lions beyond the small study area in Hwange.

It’s the debate about hunting versus conservation that has intrigued me for years. Animal rights activists refuse to entertain any notion that the two are compatible, with extremists saying they would rather see species going extinct than allowing hunting. Frankly, they are the real enemies of wildlife conservation.

The numbers tell the story. Let’s look at the relatively short history of wildlife conservation in South Africa as an object lesson. By the end of the 19th Century, South Africa’s large wildlife had been all but hunted out. By 1905, Major James Stevenson Hamilton, first warden of the Sabi Game Reserve, the forerunner of the Kruger National Park, estimated that there were just 10 elephants in the reserve. By 1925, when Kruger was officially proclaimed, there were estimated to be 100. By 1967, when the first helicopter census was conducted, there were 6 586. Today there are over 13 000, and park authorities have started closing down man-made water points in an attempt to control their numbers.

SANParks, the authority in charge of Kruger, has under its control 3.7 million hectares of land. Private owners control 14.7m hectares dedicated to wildlife conservation, 17.9 percent of the total agricultural land in South Africa. Wildlife numbers on private land have gone from an estimated 575 000 in 1966, to over 19 million in 2013. Most of that privately owned land is conserved for hunting.

Foreign trophy hunters on average bring in R1 billion a year. But more importantly, domestic “biltong hunters” contribute up to R6 billion a year to the economy, according to a 2011 study by three academics at North West University. As the old conservation saying goes, “if it pays, it stays”.

Perhaps the cyber-bullies who have forced Dr Walter Palmer into hiding and closed down his dental practice should do some research before whipping up mass hysteria. But that wouldn’t suit the animal rights, preservationist agenda, would it?
I really like the trajectory of this. One thought I will offer up though that I haven't seen brought up or may have missed. We can promote the positive effects of hunting until we are blue in the face but lets face it we all hunt because we love to hunt. We know it and they know it.

We love everything about it, the outdoors, the connection to nature, the physical and mental challeng, the stalking, the highs, the lows, the successes and failures. The list goes on but you get my drift.

This is what the anti's do not understand and will always throw back in our face when their "facts" have run dry. Until we can get them to understand that we are not mentally and morally defective they will never really accept the act of hunting. We may be able to get them to tolerate it more but until they can understand what we get out of a hunt all the "we fed a village" messages in the world will most likely just get an eyeroll and be dismissed with some snyde comment regarding rich guy hunting propoganda.

Anywho long story still long is their a way we can effectively and without making ouselves look worse let the anti's understand what really motivates us and why we love it so much. We have been doing it for hundreds of thousands of years, there must be some psychology in their and it can't have been bad if it got us this far.

Don't get me wrong here I am not saying we shouldn't be promoting the positive effects of hunting quite the opposite. I just think we need to address everything and not leave them with any strings to pull at.

Just some thoughts
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I really like the trajectory of this. One thought I will offer up though that I haven't seen brought up or may have missed. We can promote the positive effects of hunting until we are blue in the face but lets face it we all hunt because we love to hunt. We know it and they know it.

We love everything about it, the outdoors, the connection to nature, the physical and mental challeng, the stalking, the highs, the lows, the successes and failures. The list goes on but you get my drift.

This is what the anti's do not understand and will always throw back in our face when their "facts" have run dry. Until we can get them to understand that we are not mentally defective they will never really accept the act of hunting. We may be able to get them to tolerate it more but until they can understand what we get out of a hunt all the "we fed a village" messages in the world will most likely just get an eyeroll and be dismissed with some snyde comment regarding rich guy hunting propoganda.

Anywho long story still long is their a way we can effectively and without making ouselves look worse let the anti's understand what really motivates us and why we love it so much. We have been doing it for hundreds of thousands of years, there must be some psychology in their and it can't have been bad if it got us this far.

Just some thoughts

I don't disagree with you Johnny, but I also don't know how to change the minds of the loons who think I'm some sort of spawn of Satan. About a year ago or so I had one threaten me on FB. Some moderate non-hunters came to my defense, not so much from defending hunting as much as pointing out he was a lunatic. The idiot went on to admit he came from a cattle ranching family and he was fine with killing a cow for meat but not African trophy hunting. The hypocrisy was evident to all those in the conversation. So what do you do with this type to change their minds? I'm all for it if you can, but so far I've found arguing with these types is like arguing with a brick wall.

What I am at least somewhat certain of due to recent FB conversations is if you allow idiots like this to expose their own hypocrisy, maintain your cool and keep it civil goes a long way to convincing the non-hunting in between crowd that the loons are just that and if you make good arguments you win them over.
the stars just dont need to be hollywood types. Sports stars have alot of power on the youth growing up. There is plenty of baseball,football,mma people who enjoy hunting and outdoors type hobbies.

It will not be easy to get them to jump on board but the anti reach out to those type for help. We just all think it would be a waste of time or to hard so why try. WE maybe turned done by must it will all come down to finding the few that are sick of the same bs and one sided story that gets put out. They are out there just will take some work to find them.
Case studies and study groups.

Social media is easily manipulated and full of lies, but if we have the facts and proof in our corner then we control what happens to our industry.

Sorry I joined this thread a bit late and didn't read all the posts, so apologize if someone else mentioned this.
I don't disagree with you Johnny, but I also don't know how to change the minds of the loons who think I'm some sort of spawn of Satan. About a year ago or so I had one threaten me on FB. Some moderate non-hunters came to my defense, not so much from defending hunting as much as pointing out he was a lunatic. The idiot went on to admit he came from a cattle ranching family and he was fine with killing a cow for meat but not African trophy hunting. The hypocrisy was evident to all those in the conversation. So what do you do with this type to change their minds? I'm all for it if you can, but so far I've found arguing with these types is like arguing with a brick wall.

What I am at least somewhat certain of due to recent FB conversations is if you allow idiots like this to expose their own hypocrisy, maintain your cool and keep it civil goes a long way to convincing the non-hunting in between crowd that the loons are just that and if you make good arguments you win them over.

I hear ya brother. I have racked my brain to try and figure that out. I'm sure an expert in media will have better ideas than me but what about taking an open minded non-hunter hunting. Get them to describe everything from the point of view of someone who has not hunted before.

I don't mean an anti-hunter but and unbiased charismatic professional person maybe even one of some kind of repute or fame and get them on the hunt of a lifetime. A hunt that embodies everything it means to be a hunter and make a documentary about it showing everything, include the facts and figures, the economic and social benefits, and interview the guy along the way and get his/her perspective along the way.


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