Trophy export permit issues

Well my Trophies from last year have finally made it to Chicago. The last two weeks they were stuck in New York. Guess why. The shipping manifest created by MSC steam line indicated that only one crate was in the shipping container .....wrong it was two. The packers invoice clearly said two crates not one but some idiot put down one. Sooooo the crates could not proceed to Chicago until the shipping line cleared up their mess. D&L CHB is now clearing with US wildlife folks and hopefully I will get them next week. Hopefully! Everyone keep your fingers crossed for me! I will post some pictures once they all arrive.
looking foreward to seeing your trophies Charlie...
One little missed detail and :A Blowup:
Hmmm.....with all the problems of getting things shipped properly, making sure all the "i"s are dotted and the "t"s are crossed, that each piece of paper work is filled triplicate.....for dozens and dozens of agencies......
......and with the high cost of dip/pack, shipping (from points A to B to C to D, then back to, maybe E? where is that crate again?), and taxidermy.......not to mention the length of time it takes for all this madness to commence....

......and let's not forget that now NO AIRLINE wants to ship hunting trophies for fear of the antihunters getting their panties in a a shipping container is needed to go by ocean; and it takes 11 weeks to get here (if it isn't sunk by Paul Watson and his band of, excuse me....."activists").......

I am seriously thinking of just taking photos of my game next time around and paying the VAT on the trophy fee (unless it is something freakishly weird or GI-NORMOUS!).....If I really want another head on the wall, I can buy them on line for much, much cheaper than it would cost me to go and shoot the damn thing and have it mounted, whether in the states or in Africa.:(

That is, assuming I can get my firearms out of the country after the Obama administration has F'd up the whole form "4457" import/export thing..................(n):mad::rolleyes:

I hope your trophies arrive soon.......I look forward to seeing them.
Be glad you are having someone else clear your stuff for you, LOL!:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::D FWS is no longer any fun to play with!:rolleyes:

Well wouldn't you know it the trophies arrived at my house and I. Out of town. And one crate was damaged.....note the crushed corner to the one all the way in front of the truck on the left side. That crate is the one with the lioness in it. After much inspection by the wife and photos taken it looks like she is ok.

My wife was able to stick her cell phone through the hole in the crate and take a few pictures. Looks like the lioness is ok but I will not know until I up crate her Sunday afternoon!
Glad your trophies arrived Charlie. Hope the lioness is undamaged.
Thanks Johnny it looks like she is OK but we will see!
Your leaving soon right?
Johnny I leave in two weeks
Fabulous...I ll look forward to your report. I leave in exactly 22 days.. Just posted some new trail pictures..
The newest kitty in the neighborhood makes entry into the house!
She is longer than the sofa!
Good for you. it is a stressful time. Forrest
Wonderful lioness Charlie! Glad she arrived and all intacted. Looking forward to the elephant report in 2 weeks.

Very nice Charlie, glad she made it undamaged. Sure your proud.
Glad they came through ok. A couple years ago the taxidermist I used in Wyoming (by referral too!) put my elk in card board box. Then was surprised when the ears were broken and I had to get a guy here in Florida to fix it. He even tried to make me deal with UPS vs. him owning up to it. Eventually he compensated me for the repair.

Also, my expediter out of New Zealand tried to use the Delta ban as to why crates were shipping late out of New Zealand - more red tape with the airlines he said. Not sure if that is true or his excuse for not getting mine shipped timely. Once I became a pain in the butt, all of a sudden he had flights and dates for me. It is now awaiting release by USFWS in Chicago.

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CamoManJ wrote on dchum's profile.
Hello there. I’ve been wanting to introduce myself personally & chat with you about hunting Nilgai. Give me a call sometime…


Jason Coryell
VonJager wrote on Mauser3000's profile.
+1 Great to deal with. I purchased custom rifle. No issues.
ghay wrote on Buckums's profile.
I saw you were looking for some Swift A-Frames for your 9.3. I just bought a bulk supply of them in the 285g. version. If Toby's are gone, I could let 100 go for $200 shipped you are interested.
Ferhipo wrote on Bowhuntr64's profile.
I am really fan of you