I like consistent two-stage triggers for hunting in the 2-3lb range. I like set trigger usually but now for hunting I tend to lean towards simple non-set triggers. I also prefer simple 2 position safety. On or off. If it is to be 3 position, make it the original Mauser wing-style safety.
I never thought I'd get overly excited when hunting. I mean I get very excited, as I like hunting but not overly so. Yet it happens even when you have been hunting for years and never had the shakes. New gun, hunting off-sticks, PH urging you to shoot, the safety on the gun reverse from what you used to use for years (bloody CZ changing safety to cater to some other fools

) and trying set trigger....and yes I practiced with all this beforehand and yes I did hunt with the gun before taking it to Africa, but obviously not enough and as you can see too many things that were different from something I used to do a lot and next thing you know animal appears, PH says go, I set trigger, unset the safety, aim, fire, click. Ph urges to shoot again. I set trigger again, click. PH WTF? PH hurry up! I rack the bolt thinking I forgot to initially, live round is on the ground, new one in chamber, I don't set trigger, fire. Nothing. PH upset now. And now I get nervous. But at least by not setting the trigger I realize safety is on the fricking middle safe position. PH shakes his head, I unset safety, shoot, animal drops, PH unsure, I'm unsure, another shot not possible as oryx is behind a bush now. Animal gets up after two minutes, animal moves much farther and in a thicket, I shoot, bullet hits a branch and you can literally see it dust off 5 m to the side of and behind the animal, I get the shakes as this now a "cluster*(&%", animal moves beyond 400 m. Buddy hands me a 7mm RM and I shoot at an ass trying to anchor a hurt animal before it crests the hill and disappears, luckily the 7mm delivers, he is hit but still crests the hill and now we have to follow up. One shot in the heart from 20m, a good hike later ends the ordeal but what a horrible experience.
A horrible experience, luckily not with a dangerous animal up close. It was also good for me to experience this as it showed me few things. One even if you hunt for a long time but do not hunt a lot, shit can happen that is new to you, two, I was right to be nervous about hunting with a new gun (no choice, I sold all my old ones and did not hunt for years and then picked up the hobby again), two, the "usual" back=safe, forward=fire safety I still do not like because I used to use "pull back cocking hammer" safety on the ZKK, three, three positions on a safety instead of just two, and four, the set trigger added to the confusion when things did not work out. Again none of it real issue, all of these I still use and am not nervous about using but back then in a heat of the moment, they magnified my unpreparedness/unfamiliarity.
I still prefer, old-school two-position safety. It's either on or off. I prefer single non-set trigger, it either fires or not. I prefer a two-stage trigger.
I do like dual set triggers or even the CZ's single set triggers but one really has to be in the right set of mind to do everything properly.