Never haggled after the trigger was pulled because I feel it’s extremely disrespectful to both the outfitter and the animal I believe a deal is a deal and like
@rookhawk said I’ve hunted more than once with an outfitter where there was no contract just an agreement. In RSA, I’ve passed on an animal after hearing a price and been offered a reduced price before. I’ve also shot several cull animals thinking the trophy fee was X based on their cull list and upon settling the final bill was told “you saved us ammo/ and time plus helped get workers meat to feed the farm workers, we’re not going to charge you for those culls”. In that case I’ve added money to everyone’s tips.
I’ve had 2 instances where the price at the end was higher
1) A bushbuck was $200 more than the printed price list. The price list was from a year or two before and because of Covid the outfitter didn’t make new ones. It was the only animal impacted (I took 9 others beyond the initial hunt) and it wasn’t on his farm or a neighbors. He also told me before showing me the bill and I think he also knocked a few dollars off an animal my dad shot to try and help out. Given Covid and him telling me up front (but after I shot) I didn’t argue.
2) With another RSA Outfitter “things changed” several times and not just pricing. Below are the pricing “changes”
a) Quota suddenly closed on bull blue wildebeest and I could only shoot a cow for my package animal on the farm they’d sent me to hunt that day for a wildebeest. Asked if I could pay the difference to upgrade to a golden and was told no. Asked if I could cull a couple cows or other animals to add to the pricing of a bull and told no. At this point Wildebeest was the only animal left from the package and after hearing that (since i was told we were going to this place for the blue) I told my PH I was done hunting. During lunch I passed on what was easily a 32”+ waterbuck (PH knew I was open to a giant waterbuck) right after the PH called the outfitter and suddenly we could hunt a couple of really old bulls on that farm.
b) The price for 2 of the 5 animals (5 days on 1 farm multiple hours away each way) increased by $100-150 ea on the final bill. We weren’t in his hunting area, we were several hours away on a “friends” place looking for something with certain habitat requirements. He explained his quota was closed where he normally hunted (printed price) and he’d had to call in a favor to get me the ability to hunt this species (despite knowing it was #1 target for almost 2 years) and used the line prices were subject to change for instances like this where he had to pay a higher trophy fee to the land owner
c) taxidermy/prep prices increased/differed from what was printed. My prices on 2 of the animals were higher but also different than my hunting companions by $50 here or there (they were charged printed prices)
All told my final bill was about $500ish higher than what it should’ve been based on the printed price lists and I decided it was penny wise and pound foolish to try arguing so I just paid it.
All told, I believe a deal is a deal and through my travels and follow-on safaris gained some experience and am now a little more critical in who I hunt with after those 2 experiences.